#meta 2018-12-22

2018-12-22 UTC
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
created /User:Joejenett.com (+73) "Created page with "<a title="joejenett dot com" href="https://joejenett.com/">joe jenett</a>""
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↩️ That is one other thing I wanted to ask about, though. Some friends of mine have been advocating for https://indieweb.org/ which purportedly allows for more interconnection while maintaining personal control.
↩️ @growflet @lizthegrey I know little about the functionality of IndieWeb specifically, but is this a feasible concept?
benwerd joined the channel
↩️ The difference though is that Rails is a developer tool, while #IndieWeb apps are end-user apps. End users need things such as support, and can’t fork the code to itch their own itch, so the participants (developers and users) are far more unequal imho.
benwerd and [tantek] joined the channel
Do we have something for today's IndieWeb Challenge?
I am working on some bugfixes for the Simple Location deployment.
I can rush it. I still have half an hour local.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] indiewebvita: h-resume for the academic crowd
Version 3.5.2 of Simple Location released. Sorry I'm 67 minutes late for the deadline of the 21st. I'll add it tomorrow
sl007 joined the channel
↩️ FAXI OR GTFO Kiinnostais viritellä Çelik et al. promoama indieweb/own your data-tyyppinen webipresenssi, jossa tuuttaa omaan kanavaan kaikki fabotukset, twiitit, whatevöh ja agregoi vaan sitten ko. palveluihin haluamallaan tavalla.
[kevinmarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
GWG, you're not late. Not in Pacific time 😄
GWG has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (160 in all channels)
Transparent pngs are fun on twitter as they have a white background in posts but a black one when fullscreen, so can show different things
sl007 joined the channel
Click to reveal the #PensTrivia answer. Winners have been contacted. You can win w/ this deal: http://pens.pe/1Luavpu https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CA9fPefUsAAqhbO.png
swentel, [asuh] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ They are walling themselves off into silos and it's putting people off. Hopefully it'll push more people back into hosting websites with things like indieweb. The added advantage is people will read more to understand rather than rely on soundbites.
It doesn't look like much yet https://publicationtemplate.glitch.me/ but this will be the three layout choices as I design a publication as a collection of h-entries https://indieweb.org/collection #newwwyearchallenge Next step, decide if I want to embed a grid in each… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/12/22/it-doesnt-look-like-much-yet
sl007, benwerd, doubleloop and [tantek] joined the channel
GWG, when you do a release like Simple Location 3.5.2 and post the change log notes: https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-location/#developers can you post the changes for that version first as a Note on your own site (literally just copy / paste that list), and then POSSE it to the change log?
I wanted to link to a permalink to the 3.5.2 change notes but there wasn't one
so I'm linking to the repo tag instead
edited /2018-12-indieweb-challenge (+204) "Simple Location 3.5.2 was released before midnight PST - good enough for the calendar!"
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which brings us to - what do we have on deck for today's IndieWeb Challenge?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
jjuran joined the channel
I have a post ready to post
[asuh] joined the channel
go for it! what counts is that you shipped it yesterday 🙂
chrisaldrich joined the channel
[tantek]: I didn't.
Not local time
jjuran, [chrisaldrich], jmac and benwerd joined the channel