#meta 2018-12-23

2018-12-23 UTC
i uhhhh kinda want to build an indieweb site just for my car lol
↩️ I've been looking into @indiewebcamp https://indieweb.org/ for a while and am convinced everything is in place for indie alternatives. But decentralisation has been focused exclusively on blockchains, when what's really needed is a superb UX.
↩️ @PaulAntWilliams @indiewebcamp yeah I'm not sure it needs to have anything to do with blockchain.
In his @NiemanLab prognostications for #journalism in 2019, @eulken has a great list of #IndieWeb-esque UI elements that many journalists, newsrooms, and even average people would love to see built into their own websites. [more...] https://boffosocko.com/2018/12/21/the-year-you-actually-start-to-like-your-cms-eric-ulken-nieman-journalism-lab/
strugee joined the channel
While reading @NiemanLab prognostications for #journalism in 2019, I can see some applications of #IndieWeb and read posts to help push forward some of @mariekshan's ideas for improving comment sections. Here's my read post with commentary: https://boffosocko.com/2018/12/22/newsrooms-take-the-comments-sections-back-from-platforms-nieman-journalism-lab/
Thinking of hosting something like a homebrew meet in Kathmandu. Who would be interested to join? #selfHosted Don't know what it is? Check - https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club
strugee, [eddie] and [tantek] joined the channel
GWG like I said, you made it before midnight Pacific which I think is what others have done, so we should allow for that regardless of what timezone you personally are in.
However it is after midnight on the 22nd now, did someone ship something for 12/22?
edited /2018-12-indieweb-challenge (+90) "link to GWG's blog post about 3.5.2, still note repo tag for date purposes"
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jjuran and strugee joined the channel
edited /2018-12-indieweb-challenge (+139) "adding the css grid article collection tempaltes I made"
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↩️ Hi, it is possible to customize the notifications in relation to each website as follows http://mzl.la/20jwSoU #fxhelp #Firefox64SUMOWeek
Been busy tweaking the webthings with indieweb-related stuff, including developing a common about page (still a work in progress). What fun! https://joejenett.com/
[jgmac1106] and strugee joined the channel
swentel, strugee and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /Planning (+50) "/* Utrecht, Netherlands */ add interest"
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metbril joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /planet (+903) "/* Examples */ Newly announced Planet F-Droid, including links to source (fork for your own planet), and tech it is based on"
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swentel and metbril joined the channel
metbril and jjuran joined the channel
created /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/test3 (+40) "create redirect for testing purposes"
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eli_oat, benwerd and strugee joined the channel
edited /Webmention (+129) "/* Others */ Add Grav plugin"
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[schmarty] joined the channel
edited /Grav (+150) "/* Indieweb */ add Micropub section"
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ Yes webmentions works best when your theme handles microformats well. Getting a plugin to inject classes into HTMl without a theme or other plugin getting in the way has been elusive. Connecting to other #IndieWeb sites on WP requires use of… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/12/23/janboddez-yes-webmentions-works-best-when-your
[pfefferle] joined the channel
strugee, jjuran, eli_oat, benwerd, gRegorLove and Kaja joined the channel
gRegorLove: Any news about AUS?