#meta 2018-12-24

2018-12-24 UTC
jgmac1106 joined the channel
Not yet. Checking flights now.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ The optimist in me hopes 2019 is the year people leave the silos and join the #indieweb & #openweb. The realist in me ... well I hope he's wrong https://indieweb.org/why
[relapse] and [tantek] joined the channel
!tell [jgmac1106] I'm not seeing any grid effects on https://postcollection.glitch.me/ - do I need to do something special to see it?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Name] Collection Title
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Spent some time working on it. Hopefully I didn't mess up template too much moving to my page https://jgmac1106homepage.glitch.me/ptbinder.html
[Name] Collection Title
... Ohh I deleted link to stylesheet oops, one sec. The repo is proper
Fixed now don't like the aspect ratio of the top article on mobile. Learned a ton of CSS Grid lessons... Lost a few hours of my life messing up simple math or changing wrong grid areas... Fun days
Night all. Happy holidays to those celebrating
oh hey [jgmac1106] that looks much better!
edited /User:Robertvanbregt.nl (+18) "Add chat name to info box"
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A little more than 90 minutes left for today's IndieWeb Challenge - anyone been working on something to submit?
I added New Haven to the 2019 Repo as a last resort if nobody does anything more
created /Template:metbril (+119) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">{{sparkline| http://example.com/your-profile-image.jpg}} [[User:Robertvanbregt.nl|metbril]]</span>""
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[jgmac1106] I didn't see it at https://2019.indieweb.org/newhaven
IndieWebCamp Austin
edited /User:Robertvanbregt.nl (+46) "Added initial Itches section"
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maybe I'll post reasons to post positive things promptly as hopefully a reference to encourage folks who don't post often to post more often
I don't have commit rights, PR filed
I’ve posted a lot less, recently, and this past year. As I’ve used social media less, many motivations for posting faded, replaced with questioning motivations for posting and interacting with posts publicly. From a broader #indieweb community, ... http://tantek.com/t4y81
[jgmac1106], others, for your consideration for today's IndieWeb Challenge: http://tantek.com/2018/357/t3/five-reasons-post-positive-things-promptly
[Tantek Çelik] Five Reasons To Post Positive Things Promptly 1. Stronger reinforcement of positive behaviors. The sooner you post about having finished something positive, the stronger such a positive self-affirmation will reinforce that positive action or habit. ...
(posted / POSSEd just barely in time, 23:59 PST, if we deem it good enough for the challenge)
edited /post (+145) "/* Brainstorming */ Why Post Positive Things Promptly"
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[relapse] joined the channel
created /Artstation (+73) "prompted by petermolnar and dfn added by petermolnar"
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[tantek] joined the channel
edited /Artstation (+304) ""API" endpoints"
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edited /Artstation (+92) "petermolnar added "https://magazine.artstation.com/2018/12/happened-artstation-android-app/" to "See Also""
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[relapse], [pfefferle], [kevinmarks], swentel, jjuran and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
works for me
[relapse], jjuran_, [kevinmarks], [schmarty], bradenslen and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /2018-12-indieweb-challenge (+84) "expand HWC when it's the only thing on a day"
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Great job everyone! We literally have just one week left of the IndieWeb Challenge!!!
I have to find a surprise for everyone.
Something you don't know I am doing
benwerd joined the channel
https://playvicious.social/@jalcine/101297362115535308 Super last minute! If you're in SF on December 26 (this Wednesday); feel free to pull up to the #IndieWeb Homebrew Website Club (HWC) at Mozilla HQ! https://indieweb.org/events/2018-12-26-homebrew-website-club#San_Francisco
tomasparks and benwerd joined the channel
Heartened by the interest and engagement we've helped develop for IndieWeb @HWCLondon over the past 2 years. Reinforced by posts like this by Jonas.. https://blog.voss.co/2018/festive-indieweb-and-selfhosting (https://calumryan.com/note/2280)
[tantek] joined the channel
jacky has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (19 in all channels)
that deserves an actual indie event!
benwerd joined the channel
hmm looks like we need to setup registration for https://2019.indieweb.org/austin
IndieWebCamp Austin
edited /2019/Austin/Guest_Book (+482) "I plan on being there"
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For now, if you're going to IWC Austin, add yourself to https://indieweb.org/2019/Austin/Guest_Book !
Event: Homebrew Website Club SF! At: 2018-12-26 17:30 @MozSF RSVP: http://tantek.com/e/4yB1
[jgmac1106], benwerd, bradenslen and [tantek] joined the channel
jacky, can you post indie /RSVP to your site? RSVP to http://tantek.com/2018/360/e1/homebrew-website-club-sf ?
will do
Are we doing any events on Friday in Austin?
benwerd joined the channel
I think there's thoughts of doing an IWC Organizers meetup
GWG: Yes
benwerd joined the channel
I am in at 12:37PM that day
Then I suppose we should see if we can do it in the afternoon!
!tell Manton would it be possible to do a half-day IWC Organizers meetup the Friday afternoon before IWC Austin? cc: GWG, gRegorlove, schmarty, aaronpk, et al
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
I think I'm also available Monday morning
My return flight isn't till 1:27PM Monday afternoon
benwerd joined the channel
I was looking at a flight getting in ~5pm Friday, but I can look at earlier options.
[relapse] joined the channel
edited /h-feed (+133) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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Also planning to return Monday sometime, so that could work. I suspect Friday is better for most, though.
Why not a dinner meeting?
Although that is an issue for remotes
Yes day before is often better so we can handle any last-minute organizer related issues / changes we want to make (code of conduct etc.)
GWG, we're going to have to do afternoon anyway (instead of morning) so it will already be tough on Europe. Though Austin is 2 hrs closer to Europe than the Pacific so it shouldn't be as bad
Okay. I have no problem coming straight there
benwerd joined the channel
bradenslen, re: "interior page of the wiki come up in a search engine result." oh? have you tried searching for any of the terms / jargon on the wiki?
edited /2018-12-indieweb-challenge (+196) "also today, mf2 spec updated"
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benwerd joined the channel
edited /2018-12-indieweb-challenge (+111) "fixed mf2 parser issue 10 as well"
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And I think I'm done with IndieWeb Challenge contributions for today. Enjoy all!
[pfefferle], jjuran, [schmarty] and bradenslen joined the channel
[tantek] It's been awhile, but there have been some search engine searches where I expected to see wiki pages and didn't
And it got me noticing that with a few exceptions most wikis don't seem to rank well
the index page might rank but those interior pages often don't as a general rule
same may be true with web directories
I have not really researched it. the server logs would tell you for Indieweb wiki
benwerd joined the channel
interesting. we usually have pretty high rankings for terms for the wiki. e.g. federated web was in the top 3
definitely bring it up here if you search for a term that you expect to see indieweb wiki pages and you don't
more that we show up highly (often top non-ad result), site deaths, selfdogfooding, webmention, micropub, microsub etc.
re: "with a few exceptions most wikis don't seem to rank well" - MediaWiki wikis tend to rank reasonably high, Wikipedia, ours, microformats.org etc.
non-MediaWikis I pretty much never see in search results unless they are one of very few results
Wikipedia always ranks.