#meta 2019-02-26

2019-02-26 UTC
[manton], [gRegorLove] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
edited /Micropub-extensions (+15) "/* Implementations */"
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created /Error_establishing_a_database_connection (+292) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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edited /Error_establishing_a_database_connection (+156) "[tantek] added "https://twitter.com/anildash/status/1099820943621480448" to "See Also""
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edited /Twitter_poll (+46) "see also, linky"
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edited /question (+19) "silo example twitter poll"
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edited /database-antipattern (+50) "/* DB connection loss */ main"
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edited /Error_establishing_a_database_connection (+1253) "Find examples, often wordpress, phishing abuse of"
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[aaronpk] and [eddie] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] GWG [chrisaldrich] If any of you are around and want to talk about IWC Online, I’m available :thumbsup:
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I'm stuck for the next couple of hours sadly
[chrisaldrich]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 1 day, 8 hours ago: anyone else remoting...do we have a jitsi room set up not relying on the bandwidth in Austin?
[chrisaldrich]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 8 hours, 43 minutes ago: up for a planning tonight
Sounds good, no worries
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Gimme ten
!tell aaronpk,tantek Are either of you interested/available in doing an intro talk for IWC Online? If so, that would be great. If not, I figure we can use aaronpk’s social reader keynote video from Austin.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
eddie there is a good chance I will be taking the whole weekend "off" for my bday (that Monday)
[tantek]: [eddie] left you a message 1 minute ago: Are either of you interested/available in doing an intro talk for IWC Online? If so, that would be great. If not, I figure we can use aaronpk’s social reader keynote video from Austin.
appreciate the invitation!
That’s a great idea! It’s important to relax and enjoy birthdays 🙂
Thanks. 🙂 It was a bit rough to directly from IWC to CSSWG f2f
I bet! Sometimes I’m blown away with the traveling that you and aaronpk pull off! lol
I will have to check my calendar! I’m not actually sure where I am that weekend yet
aaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 3 minutes ago: Are either of you interested/available in doing an intro talk for IWC Online? If so, that would be great. If not, I figure we can use aaronpk’s social reader keynote video from Austin.
but if I am not available I would actually recommend having someone else give the talk live rather than playing the video from Austin
anyone is welcome to use my slides tho. I will post them
Sounds good, thanks!
I think its fun to bring in voices outside of community with parallel missions
ohh and I am free
eddie what is the address of the ether[ad we use to take notes of these meetings?
jgmac1106 I think it is helpful to bring in outside voices, but I think you also want IndieWeb events to BE IndieWeb events. I think it’s best to keep a strategic slot for outside voices while still keeping a consistent IndieWeb voice
hmmm I don’t remember the etherpad we used 🤔
makes sense that makes sense...yeah can't find the link
am searching wiki
I think we pasted the notes but didn’t link to the pad
Maybe search meta logs?
dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
there it is [jgmac1106]
darn you beat me
going to link on page now
edited /2019/Online (+65) "/* See Also */ adding link to etherpad"
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Yep the challenge with bringing people from outside communities is you then have to work really hard to make people have a cohesive experience otherwise they leave thinking what was that
They either aren't clear what the talk was about, or they aren't clear on what IndieWebCamp is
just feel bad with you having to give same keynote, gtes hard, but hey guess that is also your day job
eddie take a few minutes and jot down agenda items for tonight?
gRegorLove joined the channel
Oh that's nbd. This was the third time I've talked about readers in 8 months and it's different every time because we make progress. I give a talk on OAuth 2-3 times a week. We've got a ways before I get sick of it.
Sure will do [jgmac1106]!
[jgmac1106] Maybe we move the latest notes to the top and have the oldest at the bottom?
when is next-iwc
I think I’ll get confused if I have to scroll to the bottom for the most recent stuff 😄
IndieWebCamp Austin 2019 was on 2019-02-23 at Capital Factory https://indieweb.org/next-iwc
okay fixed
Uh oh! I thought sknebel fixed that
Thanks! [jgmac1106]
when is next-hwc
Homebrew Website Club Meetup was on 2019-02-20 at Virtual on CET https://indieweb.org/next-hwc
smart idea eddie on keeping people who rsvpd engaged with some follow up messages
tempted to make a cheesy iMovie trailer on the iPad since I already made a cheesy movie poster
when is next-hwc
Homebrew Website Club Meetup is on 2019-02-27 at ProvenDough https://indieweb.org/next-hwc
sorry supposed to be setting agenda and I am jumping gun on yoru good ideas
but that was pretty much my whole agenda
lol you’re fine
Okay [jgmac1106] I think that’s everything for me. I feel like there was one other thing hanging around my head that I can’t remember, but 🤷‍♂️
no that is it for me on the agenda as well
we have the "rooms" or strands on hack day. Make sense there or on the session day?
reading through previous notes and tasks
maybe we should add an idea box to sessions before suggesting the session
just a place to post something like " Iam interested in X"
I also propose calling Hack day Create day, as it’s more inclusive
Yeah I think that’s a good idea
Creating a session is more intimidating then “Hey I am interested in X”
sounds good to me as Create Day...and that is what we do live
Should that just be at the top of the session planning etherpad?
stick a bunch oif ideas on the board and then organize is sessions
lemme go look
I’ve got the links to the Etherpads here: https://indieweb.org/2019/Online#RSVP
Awesome, I like it! Great intro text
seven rsvps a month out, not bad at all
!tell gwg, chrisaldrich to rsvp even if you can only make it for a bit
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
two weeks out...we gotta move
Well, I think we’re two weeks out, but still good RSVPs I think.
I’m gonna ping everyone that expressed interest on the wiki
see if we can get some more RSVPs (both yes or no) for some clarity there
sweet and chrisaldrich been handiling twitter
Yeah, I’ve seen some great posts about it on Twitter from him and you. Which is great
is it the generic tito account?
nvm I see how the ticketing works
The tito account is the standard IW one
and we can do a vHWC on the 6th (east Coast time) as kind of pre game want help signing up for the wiki kind of stuff
maybe discuss goals and session ideas
Yeah, definitely. I think that sounds great
I’m also thinking we remove the “quiet writing hour” from the vHWC as I don’t think it translates super well. I’m thinking maybe we only advertise an hour for an actual meeting. I feel like having the writing hour at the beginning of the vHWC just starts things in an awkward way
So we’ve got a Jitsi server. I *THINK* it worked well
I didn’t get to watch a lot though
People are signing up on Tito too
and I know Austin had local wifi issues that didn’t necessarily link back to Jitsi itself
Oh that’s right they don’t show up on the website
okay aaronpk do you have the tito list?
fwiw I didn't see any issues with jitsi itself, it was just WiFi struggling. GWG may have some more anecdotes on that too
Yeah, we’ve had a decent number sign up on tito.
I can get it for you jgmac1106
[eddie] has access right?
watching brief bits on Jitsi, the Austin feed was blocky at times, but the remote people's video was usually a bit better.
[tmiller] should l too from New Haven so I will get it, but yeah I'll start the drip campaign 10 days out
Not *awfully* block. Definitely passable to catch up on a session.
the vHWc weren't bad
we haven't had a 6-10 person room yet I don't think
jgmac1106 we have 10 non IndieRSVPS for Online
guess we better plan something
Feel free to use the email thing in Tito to send out reminder emails
lol 🙂
yeah will do, going to write scripts tomorrow
may work for all IWCs...though
Sounds good. We can do one here this week to prompt people to start thinking about topics they are interested in and inviting them to the vHWC on Wednesday ahead of time. Then we can send a second/final one out next week reminding everyone and giving some final steps to prep a couple days before
sounds smart, well I have to call it a night, lets do smae thing next week if you are available
Sounds good :thumbsup:
maybe we should encourage these planning etherpads for all IWCs...super helpful
jjuran joined the channel
good night all
laila tov!
[cleverdevil] and [tantek] joined the channel
Had a great time chatting with Greg planning the upcoming IndieWebCamp Online conference. It seems like just the other day it was months away! Now it’s just under two weeks! Interested in embracing a healthier form of social media? Join us! (https://eddiehinkle.com/2019/02/26/3/note/)
[eddie] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
edited /spam (+335) "/* Other */ two recent articles on CAPTCHAs being problematic"
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After so many years of being kind-of part of #btconf and co-running @indiewebcamp in Düsseldorf and Berlin, I am happy to finally welcome @t on stage at #btconf as well. Hey Tantek, good to have you onboard ;) https://btco.nf/2EwPiN0
swentel, GWG_, stevestreza, [Rose] and strugee joined the channel
jeremych_, swentie and swentel joined the channel
[grantcodes], [kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I had a wonderful meeting with https://eddiehinkle.com to talk #IndieWebCamp Online...many of focusing on #digped and #Openpedagogy Join us: https://indieweb.org/2019/Online #netnarr @vconnecting #edtechchat #ds106 #edtechafterdark (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/DKsKD)
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell [aaronpk] I was looking here: https://github.com/indieweb/2019.indieweb.org/blob/master/templates/show-tito-tickets.php but could not figure out what to to do to get tito tix to show
j12t_, deathrow1|absnt, Zegnet, sknebel_ and tomasparks joined the channel
!tell tmiller, drewmcweeney do you have time for a New Haven planning night
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[jgmac1106]: Looking at hotels for New Haven. What do you know about the New Haven Village Suites?
GWG_: [jgmac1106] left you a message 9 hours, 55 minutes ago: to rsvp even if you can only make it for a bit
[jgmac1106]: Also looked at the Best Western and the Hampton Inn in West Haven.
Never heard of village suites. I am sure your experience at Best Western or Hampton In will be similar
An Extended Stay Hotel in New Haven
[jgmac1106]: Not a big fan of La Quinta.
At this Suites place, I can get a room with a full kitchen for $126.
Cool. I will add that info. Brother n law said he would give us his three bedroom house if we watch his dog. But I would only trust that deal if my Mother in Law cleans the house first
[jgmac1106]: What is your goal for attendance?
One plus me is fine. Anything else gravy
jgmac1106, I am likely coming. As of now nothing stops me
But we have five I think already, me, you, tmiller, schmarty, drewmcweeney,
I'd recommend all the sites but you know New Haven well
Haven't really toured New Haven
Is still wanna do the rolling IWC Boston>DC and back on Amtrak
I should talk to Marty about rooming
If he isn't commuting
He is not. Asked about hotel.... And I am in charge.... No Karoke....
gRegorLove__ joined the channel
@raynamharris Impressed by what you did at IndieWebCamp Austin. I hope you can add a feed to your domain soon.
[Vincent] joined the channel
jgmac1106, will reach out to him
[kevinmarks] and [schmarty] joined the channel
IWC NHV hotel planning? I am for it.
Yeah, so I realize I still need to finish writing that final installment in my IndieWeb series. Hoping I can get to it this week.
dougbeal|mb1, [Rose], [grantcodes], [jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel
↩️ Yes! 100% this: https://twitter.com/lsanger/status/1100438491555655680 we know 70% of all fake news emerges from 7 web properties and facebook owns four of them...Starve the beast while feeding the commons Go #IndieWeb get your own website or blog. Build your digital self and… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/26/yes-100%25-this-lsangerstatus1100438491555655680-we-know-70%25
↩️ Singing my language, think we have common tool: HTML. Have tutorials on #IndieWeb wiki for getting started with @microdotblog, Blogger, http://WordPress.com, shared hosting, to build your own CMS. Want to touch, no, some, or tons of code? we… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/26/lsanger-singing-my-language-think-we-have
created /2019/Austin/dolladollabillz (+1990) "dump etherpad"
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↩️ We hear it from time to time..."#IndieWeb community uses non-approved standards"...which is a misunderstanding...we carry our metadata in HTML classes, anyone can, and this is a W3C standard: https://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html5-20110525/elements.html#classes as others have pointed out… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/26/lsanger-we-hear-it-from-time
can I embed videos on the wiki?
created /2019/Austin/personallogging (+2752) "dump etherpad"
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[kevinmarks] joined the channel
edited /2019/Austin/Schedule (+148) "/* Saturday February 23 2019 */ video links, archive sessions"
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[jgmac1106], I don't think the wiki allows <iframe>
yeah removed
but not sure what I did wrong with my links
[jgmac1106], links? which page are you referring to?
{} for external and {{ }} for internal I thought...spacing the basics...not good
external is single square brackets [ ], internal is double: [[ ]]
braces are for templates, like the sparklines
single square brackets only necessary if you want to change the text of the link, otherwise wiki will autolink URLs
payment << 2019/Austin/dolladollabillz
just wrong bracket
I added tutorials to the #IndieWeb wiki for getting started on @Reclaimhosting with either @withknown or @wordpress https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started#IndieWeb_CMS_and_Hosting Join us for @IndieWebCamp Online 3/9-3/10 if you want to get started adding #IndieWeb to your #OpenPedagogy tool… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/26/i-added-tutorials-to-the-indieweb-wiki
[tantek] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
grrr ti.to annoying me…I made my banner 900X265 and it stil will not accept
swentel joined the channel
Banner image should be a JPEG, GIF or PNG, 900×265px (@1x) or 1800×530px (@2x) and can not get either eaccepted
[frank] joined the channel
Did some location scouting for IndieWebCamp Utrecht the last couple of days. I think we will have a nice location coming up. Within a fee days we will know more on situations regarding security of the building in the weekend, dinner possibilities etc. But we’ll get there!
Fee = few
[frank]: [tantek] left you a message 2 weeks ago: and anyone else in Europe, WDYT of an IWC Amsterdam the weekend of September 28-29? Would you be available to co-organize or can you suggest anyone else to help co-organize? Add thoughts here? https://indieweb.org/Planning#Amsterdam
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I can not upload this to ti.to anyone know why?
the dimensions of that image are 2000x683
tito says it needs to be 900x265 or 1800x530
oops wrong one, trying them all
same size
[manton] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
frank has 5 karma over the last year
edited /site-homepage (+20) "/* See Also */"
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gonna open photoshop…not sure why I can’t resize these images in pixlr
[eddie] joined the channel
..done something wrong with pixlr.com/editor
!tell aaronpk I set up ti.to but don’t knwo the next step here: https://github.com/indieweb/2019.indieweb.org/blob/master/get-tito-registrations.php
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
this part is still manual, i have to set up a cron job on the server to pull those in
wait that would be wrong…either way can’t figure out how to do get the registration up
wait what are you trying to do
edited /site-homepage (+23) "move past projects to past, highlight current project at top, rm dupe"
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the main event page still has the registration link commented out https://github.com/indieweb/2019.indieweb.org/blob/master/public/newhaven.php
[jgmac1106]1, [frank]1 and ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel
↩️ @slanger #indieweb community directly uses "common standards", carrying metadata in HTML classes, anyone can, and this is a W3C standard: https://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html5-20110525/elements.html#classes (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1bvGQD)
↩️ @slanger #indieweb community directly uses "common standards", carrying metadata in HTML classes, anyone can, and this is a W3C standard: https://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html5-20110525/elements.html#classes (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1j9vll)
[jgmac1106] has 51 karma in this channel over the last year (120 in all channels)
[kevinmarks], [schmarty] and ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel
aaronpk pr for the registration for New Havebshould be all set
Cool I can't look right now but anyone else can review/approve/merge it too
[eddie] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I don't see a PR, have you created it?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Let me look again... Maybe messed up
jgmac1106 joined the channel
!tell eddie fixed
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jgmac1106: that PR has a single commit that removes a blank line. doesn't seem to add anything?
mmmm the PR is literally just removing a single line of white space
[eddie]: jgmac1106 left you a message 2 minutes ago: fixed
lol [schmarty] jinx
Because my last file change removed the commented out arrows... Did that not make it.?
I removed the one line as I could not submit the PR for previous change... Okay driving now.. Will do in two hours
what's the change? uncommenting some HTML?
That's it, just need the registration on the tito tix to appear
Somethingust have happened as I didn't see the change... But super late and have cub scouts tonight so had to get in car
i'll get on it.
[martymcguire] #19 New Haven: enable ti.to and registrations sections
A couple issues. Tito still points at baltimore's tito event. Also probably want to allow webmention rsvps to show up
lol thanks. anyone who isn't currently driving a car know what the URL for the NHV ti.to event is?
think i should show ti.to tickets also?
i think yes.
Yes and no. aaronpk has to do manual cron job for that I think
but I don't think it will hurt anything to uncommen tit
updates up!
and it's live!
lol it still says TBA 😱
Ehhhh.... the Tito Registration form is definitely missing stuff, but that's a Tito thing not a page thing
lol I just saw that too
yeah it needs info like what are the different prices, indie rsvp (if we're allowing those?) etc.
It's also missing all the questions
wonders if he could bribe aaronpk to fix up the ti.to for new haven
Okay will take a look. Thought I set it all up
easiest way to do this is to clone a previous event
Be home in 1.5
The event isn't live either. This is a lesson learned. When approving a PR that involves an external integration (aka tito) check the integration system before approving the PR
lesson learned??
If I am approving a PR check more stuff
my lesson learned 🙂
haha. i don't actually know how to check ti.to events. i should check before i make the PR.
nah not your fault
that's my lesson learned
🙂 lessons all around
ok so should we revert until the ti.to setup is complete?
That's what I was just thinking
Okay, I've got a revert PR with you as a requested reviewer, schmarty
eddie++ reviewed/accepted/merged/deleted. thank you!
eddie has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (87 in all channels)
what a roller coaster :)
That was a fun experiment. Great testing of the automated site updates though!
The live site followed along accurately the entire time
goes delete around 15 github emails
automation has 2 karma over the last year
sounds about right
[tantek] joined the channel
edited /social_media (+396) "How to decentralize social media"
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edited /social_media (+87) "/* How to decentralize social media */ bold, links"
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[manton] joined the channel
schmarty, are you staying over in New Haven?
edited /scratch_your_own_itch (+721) "Brainstorming: Be The Change"
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GWG: i am planning on it. not sure yet about one night or two.
Neither am I
Why do I have an underscore?
schmarty, will research possibilities
edited /scratch_your_own_itch (+143) "/* Be The Change */ clarify source, note be the change is misattributed"
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off to cub scouts
!tell schmarty, gwg, tmiller if folks thinking one night (doable 1.5 from Penn) will do social Saturday
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[kevinmarks] and [schmarty] joined the channel
wait how is it 1.5 from Penn?
[schmarty]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 1 minute ago: if folks thinking one night (doable 1.5 from Penn) will do social Saturday
amtrak is showing 2hrs40
it was only a little over an hour and a half for me https://aaronparecki.com/2018/09/26/20/
man what the heck have i been looking at
oh wait. new haven has two stops!
ok wow i don't know what i looked up wrong but 1:40 is much more reasonable to do a one-night.
[tantek] joined the channel