#meta 2019-02-27

2019-02-27 UTC
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
schmarty I will put the three train types and time up metro north express, metronorth local, Amtrak, and Amtrak Acela) .. Though no point between NYC and New Haven
Guess it's for but I wouldn't count Acela
[eddie] joined the channel
edited /POI (+123) "sknebel added "[https://github.com/mapsforge/mapsforge/blob/master/docs/POI.md mapsforge POI feature + OSM extraction]" to "See Also""
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[kevinmarks], [jgmac1106] and [schmarty] joined the channel
edited /User:Chrisjones.io (+80) "/* Itches */"
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[eddie] and [schmarty] joined the channel
new haven reg should be ready to open on the site. just need someone to review this PR. i tweaked it, so i can't review it. :} https://github.com/indieweb/2019.indieweb.org/pull/21
edited /comments (+58) "/* Comments Embeds */ commento.io paid service"
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Tito Registration still seems REALLY off
There is no free registration for IndieRSVPs (if that is planned)
Also there are no questions for the Regular registration
For example for a Regular registration Austin asked for "Personal Website URL", "If they want to be shown on the public guest list", and "What event days they plan to attend"?
jgmac1106, [cleverdevil] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
You don't select a tix for Indie RSVP you just RSVP from your own Domain. Will check how Manton wrote it on Austin
We have never added a one day or two day tix option
All the same options (Indie RSVP free ticket, as well as all the questions, including the one/two day tickets) were on the IndieWeb Summit 2018 event as well
Will add the link to select an IndieRSP ticket but seems redundant if I send a webmention to https://2019.indieweb.org
That's a good candidate to bring up for discussion at the next Organizers meetup to see if there was an important reason we have that or if we should start leaving it off on all events
edited /Organizers (+221) "/* Issues */ Add a potential question"
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think it may come down to organizer preference or tyranny of the default of our tempolate
some may want one csv with all names for like say security....looking at your Pace
I couldn't find the button
[schmarty] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] you might want to take aaronpk's advice and clone the summit 2018 event rather than continuing to try to tweak the one you've made.
b/c he had ti.to set up even for Indie RSVPs
there now…in terms of having all attendee names in opne place decided for myself yes good idea
We explicitly added the Tito registration step even if you RSVP from your own website so that there is a single place that has the count and also so that people can answer the other questions like which days they'll be attending etc
it also makes it feel more "real" to get a ticket through that, which helps with the no-show rate
jgmac1106 left the channel
yeah I fixed it, though need to capture how to clone event...you don't get a prompt in the new event UI
It's not a one day/two day ticket, it's the same ticket and there is a question step that asks which days you'll be attending and also if you'll attend the preparty
edited /Organizers (-221) "/* Tito Details */ removed based on answer in chat convo in meta"
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[tantek] joined the channel
edited /to-do (+286) "/* Update How to Run an IndieWebCamp page/documentation */ Add some documentation improvement todos for IWC events"
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Alright, I moved that from something that needs to be discussed to a Todo for better documentation
edited /Steemit (+192) "added blockchain backbone and description of tokenization of content"
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[jgmac1106] probably a bad idea to change the tito options without discussion. Everything there is a result of organizer discussions and has a reason. Better to clone per what we did at Summit.
jeremych_ joined the channel
I get it, didn't change it, couldn't find the clone button...Would 100% want to clone the event then reinvent
pic1 of create new event
and the new event screen
found it! you go to an old event and hit duplicate event...not new event
strange though I do not get duplicate event on a past event. I went to Austin not an option
nvm it is past event>customize>duplicate event
will write up a tutorial in the next few days if that is not document...because it is the most hidden UI to make an exact copy of an event...Either way it was manual but New Haven should match
uploaded /File:related_articles_on_JetPack.PNG "UI example of related articles that appear at the bottom of a post on the JetPack blog. https://indieweb.org/File:related_articles_on_JetPack.PNG"
edited /badge (+16) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ switching my url as I can not work my redirects."
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edited /badge (+338) "added endorsements"
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edited /related_reading (+4149) "alternate titles: related posts/conent; various examples and brainstorming from chat; services/plugins; articles; criticism"
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created /related_posts (+29) "redirect to related_reading"
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ok, new-haven ti.to event now looks complete to me.
[jgmac1106] #21 Update newhaven.php
with me moving to Berlin, looks like we'll restart HWC there
edited /mood (+609) "aaronpk emoji avatars"
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calumryan joined the channel
now I really need to make IWC Berlin....have a good window....if folks know of tech or teaching conferences in EU at the time please feel free to throw my name in keynote hat
thanks [eddie]... i (twice now) missed removing the 'TBA' from the Registration header. a new PR for you: https://github.com/indieweb/2019.indieweb.org/pull/22
[martymcguire] #22 drop 'TBA' from reg heading
So I also noticed a left over html comment that is showing up on the page. If you can remove that with the PR too, I think we'll be all set!
[schmarty] πŸ™‚
thanks [eddie]. updated!
[tantek] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
oh hey Marc setup registration for IWC DΓΌsseldorf! https://ti.to/beyondtellerrand/duesseldorf-2019/with/zw4gzdcdnxs
time to do a bunch of updating of https://indieweb.org/2019/D%C3%BCsseldorf !
[Rose] joined the channel
edited /2019/Online (+17) "emojicon"
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edited /2019/Online (+7) "TOC down"
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edited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (+0) "IWC online!"
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edited /rel-me (+200) "/* Service Support */ Keybase since 2014"
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edited /rel-me (-12) "/* Service Support */ keybase example profile"
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edited /Keybase (+178) "Building Blocks, IndieWebExamples"
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edited /Keybase (+42) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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edited /Planning (+41) "Austin is past, DΓΌsseldorf has registration setup!"
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edited /2019/DΓΌsseldorf (-16) "Use Marc's btconf link for Tito"
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i do really like the idea of a profile photo shoot at summit
i'm going to try to make that happen. i certainly have enough cameras and lights to pull it off.
profile photo booth
Yeah, your demo reminded me my photo is going on about 3 years, though I do really like it.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Nice. I love your emoji profile picture thing. It reminds me of an ignite NY talk I did.
edited /2019/DΓΌsseldorf (+292) "add project goals to RSVP section"
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They never published the videos, but these were the slides
[jgmac1106] who was it you wanted to put me in touch with about a possible IWC SD?
Daily booth pioneered facial reactions
What if you posse your profile pics to twitter each time too. Hah.
emoji profile photo booth!
please make that happen aaronpk β€” that in particular should be an advertised feature
first get your website setup, second take some emoji profile photos for it!
I may spend my summit making a Known plugin for this πŸ˜›
Do you have a naming convention?
(Though, I have other ideas.)
Also, back port to livejournal mood icon set
no i avoided any meddling with filenames and such by making the UI let me easily map emoji to photos regardless of filename
way easier that way
go watch my demo if you haven't seen how i configure them
Would alternatively be fun to create an indie-gravatar.
With support for this built in.
kevinmarks: name.πŸ˜‚.jpg
I did some facial reactions for a forum once upon a time: https://flic.kr/p/4mho4X
yes please let's make a gravatar replacement that serves emoji profiles
Let's not discuss what's going on with my facial hair there plzkthx
I have meemoji.com if you want a domain for it.
what is libravatar
Libravatar is a protocol specification for fetching avatar images for E-Mail addresses and OpenIDs in a decentralized way https://indieweb.org/libravatar
anyone still using it?
it doesn't actually need the gravatar mechanics for this to work
yet point is a drop-in replacement with optional emoji param would be amazing
since it's only the site author who would be doing this, it can just be a regular service, no decentralized mechanisms needed
Reaction faces were a big snapchat thing. I bet snapchat users have the pix already
edited /webvatar (+15) "fix external link"
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sadly apple has the trademark on memoji so i don't really want to use a similar word
[eddie] joined the channel
omg that's so bad but good
lol totally 90's cliche
sounds like The Flash's arch-nemesis
Or some weird stringed instrument
ohhh found one
so tempted
it rhymes too
it's worth $1 for the first year to see if i want to actually do this
emojime.xyz you are mine!
[schmarty] joined the channel
merry christmas!
lol it begins
The terrifying version of this is to use faceapp to change people's profile pics for them
nice! good url aaronpk!
calumryan joined the channel
edited /Keybase (+54) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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edited /Keybase (-8) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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gRegorLove_ joined the channel
What is best page put instructions for cloning ti.to event directions?
It looks like we don't have a page for "best page put instructions for cloning ti.to event directions" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "best page put instructions for cloning ti.to event directions is ____", a sentence describing the term)
edited /badge (+57) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ subheadings, fix wiki link"
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[jgmac1106], probably a subsection on /Tito, then link to that from the appropriate spot on /IndieWebCamp_Organizing
edited /ti.to (+18) "update dfn, rm duplicate see also section"
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gRegorLove good idea and then we can link to the how-to organize IWC...the cloning of events, then editing of the dates...is a nonintuitive navigation path
edited /badge (+113) "/* Brainstorming */"
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[kevinmarks] and tbbrown joined the channel
edited /badge (+461) "/* Greg McVerry */ added example"
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jackjamieson, calumryan, [tantek], [eddie] and swentel joined the channel
edited /hashtags (+321) "/* Brainstorming */ more characters, dash & slash"
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edited /IndieAuth (+116) "Add drupal module"
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[kevinmarks] joined the channel
edited /hashtags (+402) "add examples to hashtags for tags with spaces"
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!tell aaronpk Do you know if you're going to IWC BER and/or DUS?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next