#meta 2019-03-07

2019-03-07 UTC
jgmac1106 joined the channel
do people do photos, when they are the only one to show up?
edited /events/2019-03-06-homebrew-website-club (+101) "/* Blog posts */ +HWCNYC"
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jgmac1106, are you the facilitator for the mf2 + weebly session?
gRegorLove: [jgmac1106] left you a message 4 days, 10 hours ago: I added an idea for a session "make a weebly microformats template" looking at the mustache partials I think it is doable...Bring a lot of churches to IndieWeb with Weebly, teachers too
↩️ Which way are you leaning? You can do some bonkers stuff with SSGs and something like Forestry*io, as you probably know. I currently use Jekyll->Netlify but am making my biannual review of a WP-based Indieweb setup.
I'm interested. Are those times UTC?
Yes, but the time conversion link wasn't fixed. I can switch it up to meet you....I have gotten a few requests from Churches and so many use Weebly
the theme partials just Mustache and I think we can at minimum get mf2 Weebly theme done
k, I'll note that in the etherpad and put ET and PT variants for reference
↩️ There are plenty of #IndieWeb tools for Jekyll and Netlify users. WordPress will work best on either the SemPress theme or GWGs 2016-IndieWeb fork (available on GitHub). I went with a mix of static site and a social stream in a CMS. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1Ya7qK)
chrisaldrich joined the channel
jgmac1106, in the planning etherpad, you should indicate your day/times using a timezone so everyone's on the same page...
wait, I'm confused now.
I thought we put in directiosn UTC but I will check
"3-4" is that 2019-03-03 03:00 UTC?
you've just got numbers, so I'm not sure what to think....
gah, 2019-03-09 03:00 UTC
I need to learn UTC better meant 13:00 est not 1:00 am est
are we recording sessions for IWC online, or just streaming them?
hold on lemme fix my times
[tantek] joined the channel
I suspect we'll record the intros and demos...
which would be 2019-03-08 22:00 EST, 19:00 PST
yes but gRegor I am amicable to time changes
let me go fix my mistake
sure, as am I. I need to check my calendar, just wanted to make sure your initial timeslots were clear :)
no worries
Do you all have stuff to be able to plug in stream keys to save from jitsi to YouTube?
not sure eddie has keys to IWC YouTube Channel
added the datetime UTC, EST, and PST when sessions start under "Session Proposals" in the etherpad
thx gRegorLove that helped a ton...I misunderstood a conference I helped plan
[schmarty] joined the channel
oh man, confusing things even more... DST on Sunday!
edited /events/2019-03-06-homebrew-website-club (+136) "/* Photos */ added new haven"
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I was wondering why it showed a 4 hour Eastern to Pacific time difference for a 0300 EST time slot, haha
oh, disregard, I had the wrong day selected. DST is Sunday, but sessions don't overlap it.
gRegorLove: And not in Europe
[schmarty], what are you interested in talking about at IWC Online?
I'm putting down a session about read posts
Added, vote away!
Great idea!
GWG, any session topics you're interested in for IWC Online?
Not sure.
I wouldn't mind read discussion
Do we have a breakdown of timezones for attendees so far?
unicyclic.com mal
edited /dobrado (+245) "/* Microsub */"
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[tantek] joined the channel
gRegorLove: I have no strong thoughts yet. My time will be scattered this weekend due to late work commitments and improv classes Sat/Sun.
waits for GWG to list his brainstorming session for /discovery leading into the summit
chrisaldrich: I had one after the last summit.
[eddie] joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
gRegorLove I’ll put together a Timezone list breakdown this evening of the attendees so we can get a better view into that
j12t joined the channel
!tell aaronpk we don’t have access to the IWC YouTube keys, so that’s definitely a potential issue for this weekend
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
j12t_ joined the channel
Always wanted to IndieWeb-ify our WordPress site, but aren't sure where to start? I've proposed just such a discussion session at IndieWebCamp Online. Indicate your interest here and join us this weekend. #DoOO #edtech https://etherpad.indieweb.org/iwc-online-session-planning https://boffosocko.com/2019/03/06/55745475/
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
gRegorLove we never thought about collecting time zone info. I will email in the morning
Only hitting a 30% open rate so will send people a webmention or tweet as wekl
May not matter too much at this point, juts curious
mblaney has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
Yeah but will add to planning page... Good idea for next time...
!tell Eddie, aaronpk we could have organizers record and load after the fact or we need keys... Can they just be added to the jitsi server Eddie set up by default?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
The key gets entered in each jitsi room on the fly and that's how it gets recorded at all
aaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 26 minutes ago: we don’t have access to the IWC YouTube keys, so that’s definitely a potential issue for this weekend
there's a bunch of people already added on YouTube I don't remember who
anyone who has access to the account can create the stream keys
Both Eddie and I pretty fluent in YouTube. I know I don't have keys...but I know nothing of jitsi set up. We should strive for live but accept recorded and uploaded as backup
As far as i know there is no way to record jitsi other than stream to YouTube
There is a manual recording that can happen on the server
[eddie]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 4 minutes ago: we could have organizers record and load after the fact or we need keys... Can they just be added to the jitsi server Eddie set up by default?
We should also add a note that each facilitator should screen record for backup
[eddie]: awesome, is that easier than dealing with YouTube?
No need to throw another moving part into the mix
..... Now has vague memories of aaronpk noting how must YouTube Studio tools changed and afraid to look
Aaronpk yes. It's one button "record session"
I think Jitsi is our live feed and YouTube the archive...
If jitsi can record itself then I'd say don't bother with YouTube during the event. It's always stressful adding more moving parts
Am I reading this correct it is a one time set up and then everything is live streamed?
!tell Eddie going to bail on vHWC-East. Too tired. Happy to catch up tomorrow for planning
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[tantek], asana, [schmarty] and [eddie] joined the channel
!tell [aaronpk] yeah, that makes sense. It should be a lot easier to record on the server than use YouTube. We’ll do that, then we can edit the videos and upload to YouTube channel after the fact
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[eddie]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 1 hour, 20 minutes ago: going to bail on vHWC-East. Too tired. Happy to catch up tomorrow for planning
!tell [jgmac1106] no worries. There is some minor configuration you have to do every time you stream. The recording is pretty easy though!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Sounds good
send me your Google account info when you get a chance and I can add you to the YouTube account
↩️ @ChrisAldrich What’s the best video for learning about IndieWeb?
[tantek] joined the channel
Eddie has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (86 in all channels)
We have a presence week @ContentGraz and a #coscamp on Saturday - but we will follow what happens at #IndieWebCamp online:
[galexk] joined the channel
created /gatsbyjs (+19) "prompted by jacky and redirect added by jacky"
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swentel joined the channel
Facebook is now so monopolistic that Zuckerberg thinks Interoperability means consolidating the different startups he bought to prevent competition #indieweb
jgmac1106 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Hey #OEWeek there is still time to sign up for @IndieWebCamp Online https://indieweb.org/2019/Online Firm believer that #OER has to begin with you, and we must first begin by owning and controlling our data. https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/rqr4i)
Added a UTC clock to the desktop to get ready for @indieWebCamp Online https://t.co/xLgxAbASxW
jgmac1106 joined the channel
Already so many cool proposals coming in for @IndieWebCamp Online a free online unconference during #oeweek https://etherpad.indieweb.org/iwc-online-session-planning getting started WordPress, hacking on Weebly, Your Blog/ Your Common Place Book, tracking what you read, #IndieWeb… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/03/07/already-so-many-cool-proposals-coming-in
swentie and swentel joined the channel
Community approved or community developed?
Approved may have the wrong tone
community encouraged? supported?
[Vincent] joined the channel
Ooh, there is already a microformats session on the board for IWC Online?
jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Community developed is probably better
Though in WP land..if more people started to fork themes wouldn't mind an IndieWeb WordPress button or badge or something
↩️ I should have probably said community developed. Community "approved" too strong since there is no formal approval process of governance for #IndieWeb or #IndieWeb WordPress . Approved is defined as "It works" (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/odwwh)
[xavierroy] joined the channel
edited /audience (+378) "/* Indieweb examples */"
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[grantcodes], rayna, [schmarty], [jgmac1106], gRegorLove and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
↩️ I think we do need a name per silo though, as you can't hear Luminations in Spotify or Spotifications in Luminary either. #indieweb
kevmarks wouldn't you say podcast stuck because someone invented an iPod, or does the name super cede the device?
[tantek] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
the name transcended the device, yes. They were audioblogs for a bit, but playing them on the go was the key thing, so "podcast" stuck. Calling our pocket computers phones rather than pods doesn't mean we need to change the name, but not letting silos co-opt it is important
created /phprc (+177) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by sknebel"
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TheFerridge joined the channel
edited /phprc (+379) "[tantek] added "TIL: If you want to use the 'tidy' extension (like to clean-up malformed HTML before parsing it for [[microformats]] for typical IndieWeb use-cases), in your PHP code that runs on [[DreamHost]], you have to add it to your phprc which i..."
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created /tidy (+303) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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@hearluminary | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄| | IF THEY ONLY | | PLAY IN YOUR | | APP THEY | | AREN'T REAL | | PODCASTS | | __ _____| (\__/) || (•ㅅ•) || /   づ #Luminary
10/10 site migrations completed! 8/10 functional with #HTTPS @IndieWebCamp Austin, https://tantek.com/ Monday, and https://h2vx.com/ up today ~06:21 PST thanks to @DreamHost enabling #phptidy. #microformats #hcard #hcalendar #h2vx @h2vx https://tantek.com/t4zN1
↩️ There are a large number of videos about the IndieWeb available. I’ll make a few recommendations from the broadest and shortest to the most specific and longer given what I suspect about you and your background. This short 13 minute video [more...] https://boffosocko.com/2019/03/07/55745497/
[kevinmarks], [schmarty] and jeremych_ joined the channel
jgmac1106: Leo Laporte still calls them "netcasts".
[cleverdevil] and gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /User:Aaronparecki.com (+715) "update projects and add articles"
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TheFerridge joined the channel
edited /videos_about_the_indieweb (+157) "add my indieauth video"
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edited /User:Aaronparecki.com (+1358) "reorganize itches, add some videos"
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Interesting to see how my priorities change over time
been a while since I updated that
big update!
Basically a year since my last update!
and I forgot to move Monocle out of itches!
[eddie] joined the channel
edited /2019/Online (-2) "/* Schedule */ Fixed Timee.io links"
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There we go.
edited /user-interface (+100) "/* See Also */ Dark Patterns"
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jgmac1106 joined the channel
moved /Template:eddiehinkle.com to /Template:eddiehinkle "I don't always want to have to enter my domain name"
created /Template:timee-link (+184) "Add initial timee template"
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Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell [jgmac1106],GWG As aaronpk won't be able to make the Friday Intro session, I'm putting together some content for an introduction talk based on some stuff from Manton's intro at Austin and aaronpk's keynote at Austin. I'm happy to present it, but want to provide on opportunity for you all to either do the welcome or present part of it as well if you want.
[eddie] can you check the schedule and links on 2019.indieweb.org/online? Sessions show starting at 2300 UTC but timee link is 0200 UTC
1945 and 2030 UTC links show different times too
edited /commonplace_book (+292) "/* Articles */ Delete Never: The Digital Hoarders Who Collect Tumblrs, Medieval Manuscripts, and Terabytes of Text Files"
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TheFerridge joined the channel
created /2019/Online/Schedule (+1657) "add initial structure for a schedule page"
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Yeah, I fixed it on the wiki and am working on putting together a PR for that event page
Alright, I created a PR with the schedule fix, if someone can review and approve
oops, hold
swentel and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Alright, date issue fixed. PR is ready for review/approval
[schmarty] joined the channel
TheFerridge joined the channel
edited /2019 (+807) "summary section with mf dates and location"
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edited /2019/Online/Schedule (+307) "/* Day One */ Fix up times for day 1"
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jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
eddie can't wait for yoru keynote
[tantek] and tbbrown joined the channel
edited /2019/Online/Schedule (+1174) "Add day two schedule"
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edited /related_reading (+17) "/* See Also */ storycards"
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edited /storycards (+36) "/* See Also */ related reading (aka related posts)"
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gRegorLove and jgmac1106 joined the channel
edited /microformats (+386) "link to microformats.org wiki in dfn; note about mf2 to move towards more user friendliness; see also: tools; links"
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chrisaldrich joined the channel
I am confused about when IWC Online ends
GWG: [eddie] left you a message 3 hours, 3 minutes ago: As aaronpk won't be able to make the Friday Intro session, I'm putting together some content for an introduction talk based on some stuff from Manton's intro at Austin and aaronpk's keynote at Austin. I'm happy to present it, but want to provide on opportunity for you all to either do the welcome or present part of it as well if you want.
How I dumped Disqus comments on my @gatsbyjs site in favor of @indiewebcamp WebMentions and created a source plugin along the way https://www.chadly.net/embracing-the-indieweb/
jjuran joined the channel
edited /Disqus (+372) "/* See Also */ +article about migrating disqus to gatsby"
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jjuran joined the channel