#meta 2019-03-26

2019-03-26 UTC
Been ignoring all the definitions and just saying "carrying a bit of data using the class attribute that any HTML tag/element can have"... Then define.. But yeah try to match audience
gRegorLove Realized that the wikify page and the user page maybe someone's first interaction with the term h-card
@CathieLeBlanc Can you add your article to the #IndieWeb News Aggregator? Was awesome. Been having wonderful discussions about it all day. https://indieweb.org/IndieNews (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1v8Clv)
tbbrown joined the channel
gwg questions on New Haven?
First question. [jgmac1106]: Lunch on Saturday. Second, why does it say on Sunday hacking can continue at 15:31 Birch Coffee? Did you copy from IWC NYC 2018? What does optional lunch mean on Sunday? What about parking at the venue?
GWG: [Rose] left you a message 1 hour, 24 minutes ago: I'm apparently a whiz at finding cheap flights.
So far not a huge crowd so the optional lunch will transition to something you like. Was me just trying to get sushi if there were others
Couple Jamaican places close by I know cook ital, so will be stuff you can eat, Thai, classic diners, close by
I'm a big diner fan
Otherwise, I can bring food
Yes copy and paste mistake. Wiki tables scare me
Three Brothers Diner for lunch it is
Parking is free. I will put up a map tomorrow.
I don't understand what you just shared.
gRegorLove Realized that the wikify page and the user page maybe someone's first interaction with the term h-card
created /Pressbooks (+213) "prompted by chrisaldrich and dfn added by chrisaldrich"
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eli_oat joined the channel
edited /User:Tantek.com/Twitter (+779) "to unsuspend @yogisofnp, note recent @t and @tantek suspension history and notes"
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eli_oat joined the channel
edited /Pressbooks (+412) "see also; managed hosting;"
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edited /book (+782) "OER, Pocket example, PressBooks, see also"
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[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
edited /User:Tantek.com/Twitter (+32) "yogisofnp unsuspended pretty quickly"
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BOX A HORA PERDIDA https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/B07J3DHT4Z #Indiepenned #indiepop #indiepub #IndieR #indieradio #indiesound #indievideogames #indieweek #indiewatch #indiewriters #indiewebcamp #FacebookDown #FacebookLive #facebook아이디판매 #facebookmarketing #Twitterドラマ #TwitterBestFandom
↩️ getting content out there matters most but Medium has microformats only on export. Doesn't play well with all the modern blogging tools. If you are around this weekend @chrisaldrich doing remote IndieWeb session on book writing for… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/03/26/nvidayotcho-getting-content-out-there-matters-most
↩️ check out http://indieweb.org and getting started page. Have options for writers from touching none of the code to all of the code. Important point is own your data from a place you can control and make connections free from corporate… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/03/26/nvidayotcho-check-out-indieweborg-and-getting-started
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /micropub_media_endpoint (+32) "/* Query the last thing uploaded */"
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edited /micropub_media_endpoint (+192) "/* Query media by URL */"
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edited /micropub_media_endpoint (+207) "/* Query media list */"
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ben_thatmust joined the channel
edited /Micropub-extensions (+31) "/* Location checkin information */"
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[tantek] joined the channel
FYI for those interested in the Decentralized Web Summit series of events, this year they're putting on an actual "camp", an hour south of SF. It's planned for July 18-21. GitHub repos for planning etc.: https://github.com/dweb-camp-2019
whoa haha
off the grid?
[dweb-camp-2019] meshnet: Mesh @ DWeb Camp 2019 📡
I think internet access will be limited? Then again IDK where you can go 1hr south of SF and not have cell access so?
"This area currently has very minimal network infrastructure and Internet connectivity"
they found something
I'd just be there with my super intl 8-device hotspot like whatevs
right no hardlines. cell only
oh it's a 600 acre private farm. that's about a square mile, and cell towers can reach up to 45 miles, so yeah probably has cell service unless it's also next to a mountain
Right. There are parts of the Marin Headlands that are out of cell range, but at those spots there's nothing out there but hills and trails. No structures.
[jeremycherfas], gRegorLove__ and [eddie] joined the channel
edited /Dropbox (+33) "/* Storage and Transfer */"
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edited /Dropbox (+203) "/* Storage and Transfer */"
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[Rose] joined the channel
↩️ True, I myself wonder what I should do with my IndieWeb WebMention endpoint, https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ It’s great to be able to offer such capabilities as a service, but it opens one up to problems like this and it’s not really feasible to have everyone self-host everything
vanderven.se martijn
edited /User:Www.svenknebel.de/vHWC-timeslots (+312) "Add a preference vote to every timeslot"
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[Rose] joined the channel
[Rose]: your profile pic in your user template points to www.rosemaryorchard.com, but your certificate doesn't cover www. subdomain (cert served is for penguin.rosemaryorchard.com)
visits the penguin subdomain and is disappointed
Yeah, it's my server
I ought to throw up a index.html with a dancing penguin gif, suggestions welcome in the chat channel 😛
[kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
What is accessibility?
Accessibility is the practice of designing so that people with disabilities can have equal access to information and functionality, applicable to both websites as well as physical environments https://indieweb.org/accessibility
ok, I added "https://blindjournalist.wordpress.com/2019/03/18/make-sure-your-podcast-website-is-as-accessible-as-your-content/" to the "See Also" section of /accessibility https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=58613&oldid=58178
↩️ Yes! Looks like I got that cdevroe bump! Also… Webmention is in my backlog… what else should I be looking into, indieweb-feature-wise?
tbbrown joined the channel
↩️ Fuck the Social Democratic Party and all you who today 190326 hit a lethal strike on freedom of speech, the red core in a real democracy. Either you are with freedom of speech or your are against freedom of speech.
chrisaldrich, jackjamieson, jjuran, [tantek] and [Rose] joined the channel
www.zylstra.org blog
edited /Planning (-62) "/* Utrecht, Netherlands */"
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www.zylstra.org blog
edited /Planning (+21) "/* Utrecht, Netherlands */"
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[kenbauer] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
GWG hopefully that helps ^^
chrisaldrich joined the channel
edited /2019/New_Haven (+73) "/* Travel and Lodging */ added parking"
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edited /2019/New_Haven (+61) "/* Parking */"
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gRegorLove__ and [eddie] joined the channel
aaronpk: I wonder if we could improve the workflow with something like a "proposed (or draft) extension", then like microformats once it has 3 servers and 3 clients, it is considered a "stable extension" encouraging people that it isn't as experimental anymore. Then, as you mentioned in dev, a group of stable extensions could be moved into a new spec.
that seems reasonable
That would allow us to mark extensions on the page as proposed or stable. Or even group them under those two headers so that everything under that group is known to be stable or experimental
really the most important thing is that there are multiple implementations rather than any one person or organization's "stamp of approval" as to whether it's "done"
Yeah, definitely
[schmarty] joined the channel
aaronpk I see at the top of the page there is a like to the projects page: https://github.com/indieweb/micropub-extensions/projects it seems like each project only has a single issue. Do we want to keep linking to that as a discussion point for Micropub Extensions? I thought there are two approaches that could be taken.
It seems like a stretch to have a "project" for every proposed extension so it seems like either (A) ignore the projects and have a single issue per Micropub Extension or (B) Create a Micropub Extension project when an extension becomes Stable. Not sure which you prefer, but I'm thinking we should add some clarification text there since it links there currently so we have one link to the issues page and one link to the projects page.
i think i was thinking there might be multiple discussions going on for a given extension so the project would combine all the related discussions
but you're probably right that it's not necessary given that so far that hasn't happened
Okay, I'll remove the link for now, since we can easily add it back if we find them being used
I'm also publishing an update to the page to help provide some framing and clarity around the "stages" we talked about above. Feel free to revert or make any changes, no hard feelings. But it feels like it helps provide some structure.
edited /Micropub-extensions (+1820) "Add some more structure and information around Micropub Extension workflow and stages of approval"
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The other thing I'm thinking about is I feel like https://indieweb.org/Micropub-brainstorming is duplicative, but I might be missing the use-case of it. I think it used to provide the utility that GitHub issues is now providing as a place to discuss and brainstorm extensions to the spec before they become "official extensions"
that is very possible
i think that page is older than the github repo
I know for awhile I would get confused between that page and the extensions page and the GitHub repo. I'll add a note on the top of the page that notes the page is a historical archive and new content should be a proposed extension.
edited /Micropub-brainstorming (+218) "Note this page is a historical archival page, new content should be a proposed extension"
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You think #article17 sucks? You know what page has no #uploadfilter ? Your own web page! #Indieweb
Oh gosh yeah that page is a mess
a lot of that was discussion around developing micropub itself
ahhh gotcha
that page stresses me out just looking at it
haha it really does!
edited /Micropub (+205) "Add Extensions section and clarify the difference between an issue with the existing spec and adding new functionality through extensions"
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There, with some breadcrumbs sprinkled around, I feel like people should be guided a bit more into the right direction.
!tell [manton] Added some clarity to the top of the Micropub Extensions page around the Micropub spec, wiki page and GitHub issues. Let us know if it seems more clear where to go for what now: https://indieweb.org/Micropub-extensions
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
edited /Micropub-extensions (+879) "/* Query for Supported Vocabulary */ Provide more explanation for this query based on the GitHub discussion and live implementations"
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[kimberlyhirsh] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
edited /Micropub-extensions (-13) "/* Visibility */ Add some technical clarity around the functioning of the visibility extension and correctly link to a GitHub issue for on-going discussion"
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /Micropub-extensions (+303) "/* New Properties */ Add audience proposal"
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[Rose] joined the channel
Warum nochmal muss man eigentlich die von #Artikel17 betroffenen Sites nutzen? Wär doch ein guter Anlass sich grundlegende IT-Kenntnisse anzueignen und endlich selbst eigenen Content zu hosten. Dank #Indieweb klappt es auch mit dem Netzwerken. #gegenITanalphabetismus
edited /Micropub-extensions (+434) "/* Proposed Extensions */ Add Last Uploaded Media Query"
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Dmf joined the channel
↩️ I'm relying on what New Haven is providing (Google Hangouts). Let me know if you need help getting chat, etherpad, wiki, or other access set up/tested prior to camp this weekend. https://indieweb.org/IndieWebCamps/Attendance https://boffosocko.com/2019/03/26/55747236/
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell Chrisaldrich going with Hangouts because I know it. I don't know how to set up jitsi though I know how to stream to YouTube from video servers. So happy to use it people want me to
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
chrisaldrich joined the channel
Hangouts is fine and we know it generally works. Yak shaving between now and then isn't worth the trouble.
chrisaldrich: [jgmac1106] left you a message 1 minute ago: going with Hangouts because I know it. I don't know how to set up jitsi though I know how to stream to YouTube from video servers. So happy to use it people want me to
[asuh] joined the channel
Thx. Makes perfect sens3
[schmarty] joined the channel
when is next-hwc
Homebrew Website Club Meetup is on 2019-04-03 at Virtual US https://indieweb.org/next-hwc
when is next-iwc
IndieWebCamp New Haven 2019 is on 2019-03-30 at Southern Connecticut State University https://indieweb.org/next-iwc
[tantek] joined the channel
edited /events/2019-04-03-homebrew-website-club (+92) "/* Virtual Americas */ +me"
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Getting excited for IWC NHV, [jgmac1106]? How many registered?
mblaney joined the channel
not to throw another wrench in the micropub-extensions page but I've been opting to check there _before_ I check GitHub
jacky: [jgmac1106] left you a message 1 day, 6 hours ago: new mission add a printstyle sheet to the 2019.indieweb.org pages for a one page handout....
I saw it as a "final"(ish) place for the thoughts/convos held on github's issue tracker
Yeah that's the idea
wow this page is bigger than I remember lol
The note I added at the top should say that
it does (I don't remember it saying that before? - meh)
I just updated it this morning :-)
ahh gotcha
[eddie] joined the channel
Haha yeah the page got a lot added today, jacky
Who is organizing Berlin?
I have an issue I need advice on
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
gRegorLove very few actually registered...but I think I will get 5-10 live... Didn't realize this but Pax East is in Boston... Many people from New England to NYC going there
We have another five for remote
I am happy with three live gwg tmiller and I can do some cool stuff
And I will enjoy my luxurious suite, with bed, sofa, kitchen, and fireplace
Mini vacation
I may drop in remote for a bit
Gregorlove,. please do
gRegorLove many PST remote so we will be strategic when doing Saturday sessions
mblaney joined the channel
[tantek]: You are an organizer of Berlin. What time will we end on Sunday?