#meta 2019-03-27

2019-03-27 UTC
edited /Micropub-extensions (+23) "/* Implementations */"
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mblaney and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
edited /portfolio (+103) "/* See Also */ List of portfolio site examples"
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tbbrown joined the channel
↩️ Really though nothing out there is consuming my h-product so it all comes down to me having fun and @snipcart metadata... Though if @snipcart added an mf2 parser... and webmentions receipt I wouldn't have to repeat myself.... Make for a cool #IndieWeb… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/03/27/really-though-nothing-out-there-is-consuming
[tantek] joined the channel
[tantek]: You are an organizer of Berlin. What time will we end on Sunday?
Hey GWG, I think last year we ended ~5pm and will probably do the same this year
[tantek]: I have a scheduling problem
just checked, and last year we closed up at 18:00
They won't let me come back on the Monday morning flight, so I may have to head to the airport for a 9:30 departure
on Sunday morning?
Sunday night
I think it is doable
see this is why I use 24h time 😛
Then I have to overnight elsewhere
that should be very doable
I have to get a hotel room at my connection point.
And change my local reservation
This is getting confusing
Cool can't wait. The subject interests me a ton. If you are gonna blog about on your blogspot account a few us made a theme with proper microformats if interested. You can find links on the IndieWeb Getting started page. https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1GY3NP)
↩️ @galigan @andrestaltz See #indieweb folk for examples of this
I still have an empty bed for Berlin for the nights I'm there.
[tantek] and [Rose] joined the channel
GWG my flight from Berlin is at 21:05, we can travel together if you like.
[tantek] joined the channel
edited /Semantic_HTML (+360) "[tantek] added "https://twitter.com/mxbck/status/1110085033082138624" to "See Also""
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[grantcodes], [sebsel] and [Rose] joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
[Rose]: Perfect
[jgmac1106] and [Rose] joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
I love company.
Then we'll get on great 😄
When are you arriving?
swentel joined the channel
↩️ @joshnuss are you around this Saturday at all? Few of us organizing @IndieWebCamp New Haven and we could do a follow up session to #moneystuff focus on commerce. I know https://rootedfromnature.com Tiara Miller a co-organizer interested in building #IndieWeb… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/03/27/joshnuss-are-you-around-this-saturday-at
https://Known.kenbauer.me @onlinecoursldy @slamteacher Are you folks around this Saturday? Thinking a session on the critical gradebook at @IndieWebCamp New Haven let's start brainstorming how we use an #OpenPedagogy feedback loop. #DoOO #digped (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1i2T8P)
[Rose]: Friday midday
I don't arrive at Tegel until 4:15pm unfortunately, otherwise I'd suggest we travel into Berlin together 🙂
Not as many choices for me
Logically. It's a pretty short flight for me, just over an hour
There are two flights over to Dublin in each direction and two flights to/from JFK, plus an EWR flight
↩️ @eduquinn was hoping you were going to be able to make it to #IndieWebCamp New Haven I can spot your room if needed. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2eCHhG)
[grantcodes] joined the channel
@hickstro @anna_phd if either of you are around you should come to @IndieWebCamp New Haven this weekend. Anna hop on the metro north with a few grad students and let's hack on all this stuff together. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1kemsQ)
↩️ @jgmac1106 @indiewebcamp I'm a bit of drive away, but yeah, it sounds interesting, i'll join.
swentie, swentel and [Rose] joined the channel
@gavantsoftware thx for the follow. If you like building static sits for customers that just work maybe think about supporting @IndieWebCamp New Haven this weekend. We have $100,$200, and $300 sponsorshi0 levels (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/EyWMq)
↩️ Well, it's basically blog hosting; behind the scenes it's using webmentions, RSS, and other indieweb standards. It'd be possible to participate in it without paying for it.
[schmarty], dougbeal|mb1 and tbbrown joined the channel
↩️ It means that using open standards, I can host and run my stuff anywhere, I can manage who gets access, I can easily port my stuff from a host to a box running under my desk. https://indieweb.org/principles hits at the core. I'm sure @dsearls @davewiner @BobFrankston @t have thoughts too
tbbrown_, [kevinmarks], [schmarty], [jgmac1106], jackjamieson and [eddie] joined the channel
[tantek] and jackjamieson joined the channel
edited /events/2019-04-03-homebrew-website-club (+88) "includeonly + onlyinclude testing"
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[schmarty] joined the channel
sigh. i am just not smart enough to mediawiki very well.
trying to DRY up the bi-weekly HWC update process, but it's tough.
Sorry, schmarty
[jgmac1106] and jackjamieson joined the channel
I just wait for smarter people to go first and try and copy what they do. schmarty let me know when done....and not too late to cancel the improv classes and come on up
[eddie] and gRegorLove joined the channel
I have a sofabed I am trying to rent out
jgmac1106, by the way, you are welcome to sit on said sofa anytime all weekend
jackjamieson joined the channel
jmac....if you decide you need the mental break from the project you can always train ito OSB or NHV and I can pick you up
(moving from main channel) Sounds cool [jgmac1106]. My nonprofit project has little to do with the web; it's about accessibility in video games. It's gonna be real awesome and I'll post the news to a Webmention-enabled blog when it's done and that's about all the IW tie-in it's gonna have.
I appreciate the invite, and I know where to find you. :)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
edited /webring (+300) "/* Examples */ Active webring for artists and devs https://webring.xxiivv.com/"
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edited /untag (+1397) "/* Brainstorming */ expand on possible"
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chrisaldrich joined the channel
Running across another webring in the wild makes me wonder if the IndieWeb wiki itself is actually in the IndieWeb ring...
ha! good question.
edited /Falcon (+421) "/* one-off tag-of post */ update, Bridgy POSSE supports, note to consider untagging at the same time"
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chrisaldrich it has a h-card ad could be signed up
Use what you make, right?!
chrisaldrich++ for adding the wiki to the webrig
chrisaldrich has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (48 in all channels)
Hold your horses Loqi, I just suggested it... I haven't _done_ it... (yet).
It may be beyond my wiki editing (and particularly design) skills....
edited /edit (+736) "/* Special Edit Posts */ consider add/delete-of for adding/removing entire property values as an edit, similar to Micropub approach"
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This Saturday and Sunday if not busy...or remote in. We are getting a strong #literacies #DoOO #digped #openpedagogy remote registration: https://indieweb.org/2019/New_Haven (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1TMF8U)
↩️ Bunch of us still do this. We just call it blogging. I use #IndieWeb chat and @Weareopencoop chat channels for feedback or just the larger #literacies blogging field...Best part of prolific blogging the stream washes away much of the… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/03/27/readywriting-bunch-of-us-still-do-this
↩️ This Saturday and Sunday if not busy...or remote in. We are getting a strong #literacies #DoOO #digped #openpedagogy remote registration: http://bit.ly/2HIAOMH
uhoh, i just heard from the IETF team that youtube has a new limit of uploading 6 videos a day
apparently you can request the limit be removed
goes to find that button
hm i don't see a button for it like all the other limitations
guess we'll find out
[schmarty], are you looking for a roommate for Summit?
jackjamieson and [eddie] joined the channel
aaronpk I wonder if uploading vs. live streaming is different?
oh could be!
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
aaronpk I see no mention of this in any tech news
yeah i have no idea how recently this change was
jjuran and [schmarty] joined the channel
gRegorLove: likely! i haven't started strong travel planning yet
since we're back at mozilla i was thinking of someplace closer than the univ place hotel, but i doubt i'll be able to win on price
mozilla is not in the cheap part of town
if you don't mind trains you could find something on one of the max lines. it's $5 for a day pass and you can get pretty far quickly that way and it opens up a bunch of possibilities for other areas to stay
univ place isn't bad to get to moz, 15-20 min
Max is right by univ place too
It's a bit further to last year's venue, though
edited /events/2019-04-03-homebrew-website-club (+10) "/* London */ Back to monthly for time being"
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univ place was pretty convenient i guess!
There's a hostel that's walkable from Mozilla PDX
[Rose] joined the channel
I really want to go, argh.
[eddie] joined the channel
me too!
HI Portland Northwest Hostel
It's at 18th and Glisan, across from World Cup Coffee & Tea
It's not luxurious, but it is economical
edited /events/2019-04-17-homebrew-website-club (+1) "/* London */ wrong link - change to April 17th indie event"
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created /events/2019-04-17-homebrew-website-club-london (+2583) "Setup event page for London"
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ @dogtrax You should sneak down to @IndieWebCamp New Haven this weekend https://indieweb.org/2019/New_Haven and do a session on poetry or digital storytelling. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1ezCbL)
♛ The secret history of #webstandards. Healing the rift between #CSS lovers & toolchain fans. Can the #indieweb save us? DO NOT MISS @TheBigWebShow № 186: Tantek Çelik—web standards, toolchains, and the decentralized web. http://5by5.tv/bigwebshow/186 @t
[tantek] joined the channel
hey it's out! now I get to listen to myself and cringe 😂
aaronpk, bunch of indieweb mentions in there, closing with Microsub and readers ^^^ (linked in show notes)
Oh nice
[schmarty] joined the channel
tantek++ excited to listen to the podcast!
tantek has 35 karma in this channel over the last year (114 in all channels)
is a bit relieved, so far, not too cringeworthy :)
gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /edit (+1633) "re-organize my brainstorms into the brainstorming section, list three approaches for add remove properties on other posts"
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edited /untag (+320) "/* How to mark up? */ link to broader discussion in [[edit]]"
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Want to hear @zeldman and me talk #webstandards #CSS #microformats #independentweb what to do about the #toolchain rift(s) and latest advances in the #indieweb? 1hr+ raw & uncut @TheBigWebShow № 186: http://5by5.tv/bigwebshow/186 https://twitter.com/zeldman/status/1111017460210253826 https://tantek.com/t4zh1