[eddie]!tell gRegorLove Oh yes, sorry! Things have gotten crazy because it turns out, we're moving! (same community, but across the town). Looks like odds are I won't be there as we are either moving right before or right after IWS
Zegnat!tell tantek,Yulia I am in meetings back and forth until I get to catch my breath at the airport tonight. Will send the list of signups to the Berlin email address so you can hand it in at Moz asap, but if you need a message to go out I don't know when I can make that happen .
LoqiZegnat: [tantek] left you a message 9 hours, 33 minutes ago: let's send out an email reminder tomorrow (I think Zegnat can do that through the Tito?), especially if we have a place picked out ([Yulia] - got suggestions?) for tomorrow night's social gathering before the camp! (IWC Berlin)
[Zegnat][tantek] [Yulia] looks like I am not important for the meeting ’til around lunch. So if you want me to try and send out an message to all through ti.to, let me know!
Loqi[Yulia]: Zegnat left you a message 3 hours, 6 minutes ago: I am in meetings back and forth until I get to catch my breath at the airport tonight. Will send the list of signups to the Berlin email address so you can hand it in at Moz asap, but if you need a message to go out I don't know when I can make that happen .
[Zegnat][Yulia] you mean the organisers meetup? Yeah, that is scheduled, and I don’t think we are going to send that out to every single attendee either. (I will not be there though, not even remote, as I will be in job meetings)
[Rose]Just changed my arrival time (forgot to make it a change that posts here), my flight won't be arriving early it seems so 5:30pm is more likely than 5:15pm now.
[jgmac1106]11-13:00 UTC a little hectic...getting kids off to school time...will be in and out of organizer meeting and muting so you don't hear me scream at children
Loqi[tantek]: Zegnat left you a message 4 hours, 31 minutes ago: I am in meetings back and forth until I get to catch my breath at the airport tonight. Will send the list of signups to the Berlin email address so you can hand it in at Moz asap, but if you need a message to go out I don't know when I can make that happen .
[tantek]Key points: what time to be where, what to bring (Eg laptop), sign up on the slack / irc and say hello, read the wiki page for any last minute updates
[tantek][Yulia] were you able to find a venue for the pre-IndieWebCamp social gathering? Nothing formal just a place that can ad hoc fit folks for drinks / snacks
jgmac1106[m]if I put the link that is available on the wiki into the sign in screen I get message "Error Server is Unreaachable" maybe just not started given the usual 30-60 min delay launching organizer meetings ?
[Joel], swentie, swentel and sgreger joined the channel
sgregerZegnat: very late bird here - I missed the sign-up, so Tantek suggested to ping you in here: could you kindly still add me to the IWC Berlin list (most likely Sunday only, tbc)
jgmac1106[m]we can look into later zegnat must be a permission level thing I thought we had you at the highest level, think aaronpk controls those keys
tantek.comedited /2019/Düsseldorf (+179) "/* To-do */ aaronpk bring all pins & stickers, enough for both DUS & UTR, hand-off UTR supply to Rose" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /2018/Berlin (+67) "/* See Also */ fix previously to link to all three previous, move IWC template, category to before See Also" (view diff)
[tantek]!tell gRegorLove I've been moving a lot of the Category: ... links to *before* the See Also section so they don't get mixed into the middle of additional See Alsos added by Loqi adding things from < < requests - is that something we should document somewhere, or just agree on?
LoqiA photography policy or recording policy is an event policy to make it clear when photographing/recording is acceptable, and how attendees can communicate their preferences; IndieWebCamps are often livestreamed, and have photographers or organizers who take both informal session photos and group photos that are often published publicly https://indieweb.org/photo_policy
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "photography" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "photography is ____", a sentence describing the term)
ZegnatSo re the seeding of the introductions: I was thinking along the lines of last year where we made sure to have some “longtimers” and some “starters”, and going down the line, in hopes of organically getting everyone to get up and show their work
jgmac1106[m]@tantek there is a draft of the image, I removed Google+ and facebook and added GitHub, LinkedIn, Microblog, not sure where else you could syndicate
jgregorymcverry.comedited /graphics (+12) "/* Illustrations and Sketch Notes */ switched out social media syndication removing facebook (cut off API) and Google+ (RIP). Added micro.blog, Mastodon, and Instagram" (view diff)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "inclusivity" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "inclusivity is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[tantek][jgmac1106] https://indieweb.org/inclusivity_statement is written aspirationally (i.e. it is not yet true that all IWCs have accessibility statements) and nowhere does it say this is a draft or proposed etc. - let's not mislead people, we're not there yet!
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2019-05-03.html
LoqigRegorLove: [tantek] left you a message 8 hours, 22 minutes ago: I've been moving a lot of the Category: ... links to *before* the See Also section so they don't get mixed into the middle of additional See Alsos added by Loqi adding things from < < requests - is that something we should document somewhere, or just agree on?
gRegorLoveHm, that makes it harder to find them in the page. I've been doing the reverse of that actually. I was wondering if it's possible to have Loqi insert see alsos before [[Category]] lines