#[tantek]I liked the topic-based lunch destinations that we did at Berlin, I thought it worked well to break down some social barriers (i.e. you could go to lunch with strangers without requiring prior social ties)
#aaronpkwe just need to plan 90 minutes for lunch not 60 in that case
#[Rose]But the lunch topics were fun, not sure how productive the ones were that I wasn't at, and I do feel like I missed out a little because I couldn't eat multiple lunches simultaneously
#ZegnatMy only problem with vegetarian/vegan only is that those dishes are more likely to contain things I do not eat than meatier dishes. Although in Utrecht sebsel was fine to finish whatever I left on my plate, hahaha
#ZegnatAnd one of the reasons I think [tantek] mentioned for catering lunch on day 2 is that people specifically do not need to leave the venue on hack day
#[manton]Speaking of Brent Simmons (from the earlier discussion) this line from his latest blog post is very IndieWeb-y. "And it’s a reminder that we can create things that don’t appear on Twitter, Facebook, or Medium. Putting up a website isn’t hard. And it’s fun!"
#sknebelinteresting, I found the lunch topic thing in Berlin more a hassle, both because of the time the constraint solving took and the prospect of eating something I wasn't in the mood for if I wanted to avoid topics I knew I didn't really want to talk about, and ended up going to none of the proposed places (caveated with that I wasn't in the best mood due to being ill)
#aaronpki wasn't there so i haven't experienced that yet, but I do like the idea that it gives newcomers an easy way to find people to eat lunch with without having to "ask permission", maybe there's some way to do both
#sknebelI wonder if catering day 1 increases or decreases mingling during lunch there
#aaronpki'm open to trying new things this year at summit
#gRegorLoveI like go out to lunch on day 1 for the social aspect too. You just saw most people intro themselves, now you have a chance to talk to them.
#gRegorLoveI also just like getting outside in Portland :)
[tantek] joined the channel
#[tantek]GWG, perhaps you can do some research beforehand and suggest fish places / carts
#[tantek]what gRegorLove said. We're spending so much time indoors on a Saturday that it's just plain healthier to take a break and get some outside air, sun etc. Also helps with a mental reset between discussion topics, which is more important on day 1 than 2
#[tantek]sknebel, sorry to hear the topic-lunch thing in Berlin didn't work for you
#[tantek]we did give people the opportunity to propose additional places (I think a few did?) for the lunch
#[tantek]I would suggest rather than worrying about avoiding topics, to instead seek out which topic(s) you prefer over others. Also I'm curious which topics elicited a strong "avoid" response - perhaps we can be sensitive to that in the future
#[tantek]GWG, there's at least one sushi place nearby, would that satisfy your fish getting?
#[tantek]When I get my Foursquare account back I can also try to look some up 🙂
#aaronpki think the point was that you might be interested in a topic but not interested in the corresponding food
#aaronpkbecause not liking the room does not have the side effect of not getting fed
#[tantek]true. also Portland food locations are more clustered than they were in Berlin. plus food carts
#aaronpkand asking people to speak up counters the goal of having the lunch sessions be easy to join without having to be bold
#[tantek]there was also no limit to people proposing
#GWG_I am not big on sushi. But I can find something in that food market
#[tantek]and that's a reasonable request, that people speak up for a topic they want to discuss with a lunch place that fits their requirements, rather than being a passive participant
#[tantek]Also, is it too presumptuous to assume <cityname> lunch + Google / Google Maps / Yelp / Foursquare is a technique known to most if not all for finding places in a city they don't know?
#GWG_It seems like a conference thing to do to link to options though
#[tantek]we did that last minute in Berlin, and mostly put names of places up on a board
#[tantek]I dislike the "like a conference thing to do" reasoning, as it tends to imply/presume a *paid / professional* conference that has a paid organizer that can be asked to all kinds of tasks by attendees