LoqiAn RSVP is a reply to an event post that says whether the sender is or is not attending, might attend, or is just interested in the event https://indieweb.org/rsvp
[fluffy]The RSVP functionality I had in my Publ templates was based on me misunderstanding the spec because I hadn’t read it very carefully. So I just had to hack in new stuff. 😛
[fluffy]haha I just noticed that in my template docs I had this note about RSVPs: “rsvp: Indicates that this entry is... a response of some sort to an invitation? um. I’m not really sure how this is supposed to work, maybe ask Aaron about it.”
[tantek]WDYT of the alcohol considerations? [jgmac1106] wanted to insist on no alcohol venues but that makes it a lot harder (removes a lot of "big group" options)
[tantek]fluffy, yes there is that, and as we grow, and especially want to be inclusive, there are those that won't attend venues where alcohol is even an option (religious reason, or sense of safety, etc.)
aaronpkthe thing I like about pine st market is each business is standalone, and they all have their own register and lines, so you can go to the ice cream place and never interact with the places that serve alcohol
[tantek]fluffy do you plan to drive from Seattle? I'm wondering if it's worth setting up a carpool section on the wiki to help organize that (I think others from Seattle may make the trek too)
[fluffy]It’s at NW 4th near Flanders. 15 minute walk away from Mozilla. Asking the host about parking now, so I can decide whether to drive or bus/train 🙂
[fluffy]So, I already have my IndieWeb RSVP ticket, but I think I’d like to also contribute to the travel fund and the conference costs. Is it possible for me to add those on as a separate “ticket?”
[tonz]Is something up with Gravatar? I’ve got grey heads showing on incoming webmention likes / reposts, as well as on my Microblog account. Or is it something on my end?
jeremych_, [calumryan], [kevinmarks] and swentel joined the channel
Zegnat[Rose] sebsel, sknebel, just got off the phone with venue. They are a bit swamped with all the pre-summer stuff, which was why I hadn’t received a reply yet. As it looks now there is an exposition on Friday, and only we want the building in the weekend. So all should just be good-to-go.
[Rose]It is, but don't stress yourself. Looks like I have a lot of travel coming up - worst case scenario I will use my two flights to Sweden to sort it out 🙂
[tbc]I'm not going because I have other priorities. Still getting my feet wet in this movement. Haven't even made time to blog very much since becoming a paying customer of micro.blog.
[tantek], [Rose], benwerd, [davidmead] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[jgmac1106][tantek] doing the final arrangements now for Summit, my wife started working and does a double every F and S so it is huge income hit for me to travel as much as I did, trip is approved for work I just need to find someone to pawn the kids off on for a few days
[tantek][gRegorLove] let's move the expenses to their own page. as you said, helps categorize better, and easier for newer organizers to find when they have questions about how much to spend (expect to spend) on what etc.
[tantek]good to know [jgmac1106] - I hope if you can come, you are able to in particular make it to Friday morning Organizers Summit - as you've proposed a number of things that require some in person discussion