#meta 2019-05-28

2019-05-28 UTC
i wonder how many of these lists are intended to be public
I think you set the name of the list in the UI, and the slug is auto-chosen for you
e.g. list name "Summit 2019" would become 'summit-2019' slug
so now I'm thinking "IndieWeb Summit 2019" just so that's what shows up in people's "what lists you're on"
wow the list UI is so broken
just gives me a search box which shows me search results for people, but has no way to actually add them to a list
oh right this is bassackwards, you have to go to someone's profile then click Add to List
jjuran joined the channel
<!channel> if you've registered/RSVPd to attend IndieWeb Summit (and if not why not? https://2019.indieweb.org/summit!) but aren't listed in https://twitter.com/indiewebcamp/lists/indieweb-summit-2019/members leave a !tell for tantek,aaronpk and we can add you
IndieWeb Summit
lol slack auto-linking puts the ! in https://2019.indieweb.org/summit! into the link
IndieWeb Summit
oh interesting, only if it's inside a parentheses
you should come to Summit fluffy!
[fluffy] joined the channel
ooh, I’m tempted to register
yeah, it’s not too far away for me
I can't remember if I registered for the Summit
I know I RSVPed
I agree
plz register that's how we count food
5 days until Remind [tantek] to update https://twitter.com/indiewebcamp/lists/indieweb-summit-2019/members with current registrants noted in https://2019.indieweb.org/summit and then repeated this reminder every 3 days or so
I added a countdown scheduled for 2019-06-01 5:31pm PDT (#6563)
[jgarber] joined the channel
…checks flight cost from DC to Portland…
5 days until 3 days until 3 days until 3 days until 3 days until 3 days until Remind [tantek] to update https://twitter.com/indiewebcamp/lists/indieweb-summit-2019/members with current registrants noted in https://2019.indieweb.org/summit and then repeated this reminder every 3 days or so
hey Loqi
wait what will that actually work?
Finally a test of RSVP links from Publ/Pushl 😉
oh it overflowed IRC maybe
edited /2019 (-316) "/* To-do */ update the Twitter list regularly"
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aaronpk: How do I check if I did?
5 days until 3 days until 3 days until 3 days until 3 days until 3 days until Remind [tantek] to update https://twitter.com/indiewebcamp/lists/indieweb-summit-2019/members with ppl from https://2019.indieweb.org/summit
I added a countdown scheduled for 2019-06-01 5:33pm PDT (#6564)
ohhh it’s p-rsvp, not u-rsvp?
…and yikes that’s an expensive flight…
[jgarber]: How much is expensive?
$700 and up, according to Hipmunk. Fri–Mon from DC.
[jgarber]: There is a remote event
it might be cheaper
There. Registered
GWG has 16 karma in this channel over the last year (172 in all channels)
I just couldn't remember if I did it.
GWG Sure, sure. But always more fun to be there in person and see folks.
[jgarber]: I meant, there is a second location assembling for people who can't get to Portland
They'll have their own sessions and even an encounter with a moose.
How long should it take for my RSVP ping to show up on the summit page? Because I’ve tried it a few different ways and it’s not appearing.
https://beesbuzz.biz/8519 for the originating entry.
should be immediate
[fluffy] IndieWeb Summit 2019
if you send the webmention via curl, the response will tell you what's up
Hm, I guess I could try adding the response text to the debug output in pushl
created /2019/expenses (+598) "stub"
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fluffy, p-rsvp because it's a plain text "yes" "no" "maybe" "interested"
u-rsvp (implying a URL value to be parsed) would not make any sense
[tantek] yeah, that’s how it should be in the entry I linked to
you do need a u-in-reply-to to the Event URL
yes, I have that too.
or I thought I did
I guess I don’t, oops
what is RSVP
An RSVP is a reply to an event post that says whether the sender is or is not attending, might attend, or is just interested in the event https://indieweb.org/rsvp
yes I have that open right now thanks
I don’t get why the u-in-reply-to URL isn’t showing up in the entry. Probably something wrong with my template.
I don't see "in-reply-to" in the source at all
it should be there but it isn’t
Oh, I forgot to push the latest version of the entry
There we go!
The RSVP functionality I had in my Publ templates was based on me misunderstanding the spec because I hadn’t read it very carefully. So I just had to hack in new stuff. 😛
fluffy++ looking good!
fluffy has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
And now that I have a better understanding of RSVPs I’ve improved the way it works in the template. 🙂
So now I can do `RSVP: http://example.com/foo yes` in the post metadata.
haha I just noticed that in my template docs I had this note about RSVPs: “rsvp: Indicates that this entry is... a response of some sort to an invitation? um. I’m not really sure how this is supposed to work, maybe ask Aaron about it.”
I can’t figure out how to get a github permalink to a line in a markdown file though 🙂
Anyway! Where in Portland is it even happening? I’m trying to decide where to get lodging and whether I’ll drive or take BoltBus or whatever.
[fluffy]: Mozilla PDX
oh, location TBD
where does it say TBD?!?
oh, sorry, just under ‘pre-summit meetup’
sorry I’m doing a bad job at reading today 🙂
aaronpk - same place? or new place for pre-summit meetup?
no worries fluffy, we really should resolve any TBA/TBD on the Summit pages ASAP 🙂
oh neat I like that part of town
I'm planning on booking the same place for the pre party but it is not yet confirmed
Got it.
I'm going to call ahead this time :-)
That was a good location tho right? Lots of food options, plenty of seating, etc
WDYT of the alcohol considerations? [jgmac1106] wanted to insist on no alcohol venues but that makes it a lot harder (removes a lot of "big group" options)
aaronpk: Did the restaurants change again?
What restaurant was it last time?
I don't think "no alcohol" is a good idea, but having non alcoholic options available is definitely a requirement
it was a semi-open space of many restaurants that you order from cafe style
yeah, I can’t really drink alcohol at all
with plenty of water and non-alcohol options
and a lot of people would of course rather not
the concern was with whether it was ok to even have alcohol as an *option*
yeah, I can see that… some people can’t really be around it at all.
So things that are rules out are beer halls, regular bars (which tend to have limited non alcoholic menus)
other than booking an actual event space, I don't know where we could even go that actually doesn't have alcohol
voodoo donut? 😉
I think there is a difference between an alcoholic venue and a venue where alcohol may be available
no food options
fluffy, yes there is that, and as we grow, and especially want to be inclusive, there are those that won't attend venues where alcohol is even an option (religious reason, or sense of safety, etc.)
it's an open topic of discussion
Yeah. It’s a big problem for a lot of the groups I’m in here in Seattle too.
which aspect is a big problem?
Trying to find a place that can accommodate large groups and has no alcohol at all.
the thing I like about pine st market is each business is standalone, and they all have their own register and lines, so you can go to the ice cream place and never interact with the places that serve alcohol
Or even just no focus on it.
yes pine street market has worked well, and I have not seen anyone abuse the alcohol at any of our previous meetups there
and also the places that do serve alcohol also have good non alcoholic options on the menu, beyond just Apple juice or sparkling water
fluffy, agreed no focus on it
I tend to think no focus is more realistic.
fluffy do you plan to drive from Seattle? I'm wondering if it's worth setting up a carpool section on the wiki to help organize that (I think others from Seattle may make the trek too)
I’m debating whether to drive or to take boltbus.
anyway I’ve booked my vacation time, now to find a hotel or airbnb or something 🙂
(ready, fire, aim)
The train is nice too
oh yeah, I’ve never actually taken that down
[fluffy]: I recommend the hotel I am staying at, but it isn't the most popular.
I mostly like boltbus because it’s cheap as heck
I did the train last year from Seattle
Which hotel is that?
University Place Hotel. Relatively inexpensive, free breakfast. Not on top of the venue though. Light rail trip away
It will be my 3rd year there.
Hm, yeah, that isn’t bad for portland
And I've always gotten a roommate
Ooh, I found a private room on AirBnB that’s not too far away for $69/night
Looks like there’s a lot of people trying to book that one though.
the train isn't too much more expensive than the bus and it's wayyyy nicer
train has 1 karma over the last year
I do like a good train ride
created /Pine_Street_Market (+800) "Created page with "'''<dfn>[https://www.pinestreetpdx.com/ Pine Street Market]</dfn>''' is a food hall in Portland, Oregon where several IndieWeb Summit pre-parties have been held. The restauran...""
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[fluffy] joined the channel
Yay, I got the AirBnB!
oh yay!
It’s at NW 4th near Flanders. 15 minute walk away from Mozilla. Asking the host about parking now, so I can decide whether to drive or bus/train 🙂
huh i can't picture what's at 4th & Flanders
It’s right by the Lan Su Chinese Garden.
ah a couple apt towers
created /Beyond_Tellerand (+318) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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yeah I think this is just someone’s spare bedroom 🙂
created /btconf (+29) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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edited /Beyond_Tellerand (+215) "supported IndieWebCamps is a larger pattern, note 2019 Take Back Your Web"
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created /Take_Back_Your_Web (+34) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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Ah, she’s near both BoltBus and Amtrak, so it’d be silly for me to drive.
edited /Beyond_Tellerand (+60) "main - separate event page for 2019"
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edited /events/2019-05-13-beyond-tellerand (+0) "include all photos in h-event"
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I'm thinking of reaching out to the folks who have been tweeting the New Yorker article and inviting them to IndieWeb Summit - any thoughts?
[fluffy] joined the channel
So, I already have my IndieWeb RSVP ticket, but I think I’d like to also contribute to the travel fund and the conference costs. Is it possible for me to add those on as a separate “ticket?”
I just answered my own question: yes
mblaney joined the channel
oops I forgot to register after RSVP'ing too. thanks for the reminder!
[Rose] joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
[frank], [jgmac1106] and [tonz] joined the channel
Is something up with Gravatar? I’ve got grey heads showing on incoming webmention likes / reposts, as well as on my Microblog account. Or is it something on my end?
jeremych_, [calumryan], [kevinmarks] and swentel joined the channel
[Rose], [tonz] and [coreagile] joined the channel
[Rose] sebsel, sknebel, just got off the phone with venue. They are a bit swamped with all the pre-summer stuff, which was why I hadn’t received a reply yet. As it looks now there is an exposition on Friday, and only we want the building in the weekend. So all should just be good-to-go.
I can literally go pick up a key and get the codes for the alarm whenever suits me. So I’ll take care of that.
Awesome, I should be able to book flights tonight!
Now I just need to sort out that Keynote.
I am writing the ad text for the event first, for the signup page and so on. Then I’ll get you some Keynote ideas
Thursday a bank holiday there too? It is here, which means that if I want anything done I need it done by tomorrow, haha
It is, but don't stress yourself. Looks like I have a lot of travel coming up - worst case scenario I will use my two flights to Sweden to sort it out 🙂
Of course I am happy to help prepare stuff. You know where to find me.
swentel, [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks786] and [davidmead] joined the channel
[cleverdevil], [tonz], vivus, [eddie], [jgmac1106] and [tbc] joined the channel; vivus left the channel
I'm not going because I have other priorities. Still getting my feet wet in this movement. Haven't even made time to blog very much since becoming a paying customer of micro.blog.
[tantek], [Rose], benwerd, [davidmead] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
edited /alt (+54) "/* Greg McVerry */ added issue about alt text"
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edited /alt (-1) "/* Greg McVerry */"
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benwerd, [kevinmarks], [kevinmarks786], gRegorLove__ and [tonz] joined the channel
edited /2019/expenses (+7) "/* Previously */ 2018 costs were on planning page"
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Looks like 2018 and 2019 have expenses on the planning page. Should we continue that instead of e.g. /2019/expenses?
Latter lets us categorize though, if that's important: https://indieweb.org/Category:expenses
[tantek] doing the final arrangements now for Summit, my wife started working and does a double every F and S so it is huge income hit for me to travel as much as I did, trip is approved for work I just need to find someone to pawn the kids off on for a few days
created /silo_pause (+23) "prompted by [tantek], redirect"
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[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
created /pause (+22) "prompted by [jgmac1106] and redirect added by [chrisaldrich]"
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[tantek] joined the channel
[gRegorLove] let's move the expenses to their own page. as you said, helps categorize better, and easier for newer organizers to find when they have questions about how much to spend (expect to spend) on what etc.
[tonz] joined the channel
[tantek], sounds good, I'll move it over
good to know [jgmac1106] - I hope if you can come, you are able to in particular make it to Friday morning Organizers Summit - as you've proposed a number of things that require some in person discussion
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
100% want to be there for in person, my mom will watch the kids I am sure
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
[eddie] joined the channel
edited /Planning (+13) "/* Amsterdam */ yes, interested."
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[tonz] joined the channel
edited /Koype (+331) "/* Features */ add notes about implementing private posts"
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benwerd, [schmarty] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /Koype (+1332) "/* Private Posts */ added a representation of what a list of people would look like on said page"
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edited /2019/Utrecht/Schedule (+21) "/* Sunday */ Add video link for demos"
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[eddie] and [tantek] joined the channel
edited /OSCON (+105) "[tantek] added "2019 discount for independents! https://twitter.com/oscon/status/1118204379214110720" to "See Also""
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arush, [arush], [jgmac1106], [tantek] and benwerd joined the channel