#meta 2019-05-29

2019-05-29 UTC
[kimberlyhirsh], [tantek] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
edited /2019/Planning (+1018) "move to-do here, re-organize a bit"
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edited /2019 () "(-516) /* Organizers */ move to-do to Planning subpage"
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benwerd, [Rose] and [tantek] joined the channel
edited /events/2019-05-29-homebrew-website-club (-8) "/* San Francisco */ indie event posted"
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jacky, benwerd, [snarfed], [dariusdunlap], [sdepolo], [bdesham], [benatwork] can you try RSVPing to tomorrow night's HWC SF to see if it's working again? (and of course it would be great to see you!) https://tantek.com/2019/149/e1/homebrew-website-club-sf
[tantek]: just sent one!
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
edited /User:Hobbsy.com (+20) "/* Jim Hobbs */"
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chrisaldrich, [Rose], Salt[m], BeS, jamietanna[m], jgmac1106[m], grantcodes[m], ketudb[m] and [tantek] joined the channel
jacky, doesn't appear to be showing up! what's your RSVP permalink?
swentel, [Rose], gRegorLove and [Ana_R] joined the channel
hmm it's a lil busted (my HTML layout is wrong)
will fix in the AM; resend and let you know w/ link
jeremych_, jjuran, [grantcodes], [Rose], [kevinmarks786], [jgmac1106] and [tonz] joined the channel
edited /Planning (+78) "/* Amsterdam */"
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[Rose] joined the channel
adactio has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
edited /Planning (+88) "/* Amsterdam */"
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Amsterdam is appealing. But I feel like I might prefer to do Brighton in October.
those are the 2 cities I can plan for this year, one being connected to work/family - AMS - the other reasonably close to home - Brighton
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
And if you can fengale anytime for Mozfest after Brighton I love that conference
People have been telling me MozFest would be up my alley
Built for you this year is 10 year anniversary it is all week.. Not sure I can do Brighton and the entire thing
I just remember Brighton being relatively pricy last time I was looking at going. So staying longer has a con.
On the other hand, I am not taking any vacation this summer and it would be cool to celebrate my bday in the UK
starts a crowdfunding “get Zegnat to MozFest” :P
My hotel will be covered if I go. Welcome to have place to stay if you pick up a coffee or two
If I go, I will be bringing bday cake again, probably
I get 1200 travel allowance a year. Summit eats up some but Brighton/Mozfest next fiscal year
But Mozfest best tech conference I go (missed last few years bc Halloween) bc it isn't really a tech conference
It is advocacy, art, science and all powered by tech
You're tempting me to stay longer in Brighton.
If I go at all.
edited /discuss (+761) "/* Join Discussions */ added links to other chat rooms for matrix"
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[Zegnat] I added all the direct links to rooms on the wiki, started the directions for searching for a room within matrix (using riot) but I can find no consistent pattern in locating rooms so deleted those instructions
@jermeycherfas right up your alley too, very human centric and sessions for all interests and skill levels
I might need to pull up some numbers for Amsterdam for money on food, facilities, etc
which wiki page might tell things like that, if any?
[eddie] joined the channel
thank you
do we also have a list of tech we need with aaronpk present and without aaronpk present? :)
working on it :)
btw one of our IT coordinators saw pieces from the wiki and immediately told me we need to hire these people
I guess that's a compliment :D
We also have the travelling organisers kit that needs further documenting. Utrecht has been documented pretty well on that page already
hah that's great
oh yeah, Zegnat do you know the list of stuff in the organizer's kit? could you write it down somewhere?
so short summary on Amsterdam IWC vs booking.com as host: I've used the proper channels to reach out to pr and events, so far, silence, so I started alternative routes
the facilities are there, booking has a learning center in the middle of amsterdam which is empty on weekends
I just need to find the correct people who tick the "ok" box
and yes, please share that list
the organisers kit
petermolnar++ for looking for the "ok" box ticks
petermolnar has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (18 in all channels)
IndieWebCamps << [[IndieWebCamp kit]]
IndieWebCamp_Organizing << [[IndieWebCamp kit]]
edited /discuss (+6) "/* Join Discussions */ switched wrong dev to wordpress"
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oooh looking at that kit [aaronpk] should proabbly order the lanyards and badges...I was going to to Hello My URL badge and then three colors of lanyards and plastic sleeves for badges
the lack of punctuation in that sentence makes it ambiguous whether you are telling me to order those or telling me that you are going to order those
I am going with a missing subject over bad punctuation...I can order them have everything all priced out from Berlin Organizers, its cheap
but didn't want to until you and [tantek] weighed in, I can wait for later west Coast time
for which event?
Summit, only takes 5-7 to ship so we have some time
If not aaronpk then require once [Rose]. See, I'm getting the hang of this.
i have a bunch of stuff already so plz don't order anything yet
...we never thought about offering lanyard branding as a sponsorship perk
sounds good
more helpful would be to make a list of what we need ont he wiki and then i can check off what i already have
okay you want it on the kit page or summit planning?
summit planning
lanyard branding as sponsorshit? I’d specifically prefer unbranded lanyards for reusability sake
edited /2019/Planning (+281) "/* To-do */ added lanyards and badges"
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oohhh perfect
then we can save money on the plastic covers doing one's with the whole
[Rose] joined the channel
I have the organisers box right now, I will try and document it tonight, if not it will have to wait until after WWDC
[jgarber] and [calumryan] joined the channel
Didn’t realise MozFest was so soon after Brighton, I have room if anyone is planning to stay around for that week
are you a Wrangler this year? or just local?
Just local
thanks for room share offer, make sure to put that on the Brighton page if the offer stands for the weekend as well
Travel up to London and Greenwich each day? Need to factor in the cost of that too.
shouldn't be more expensive than an accommodation to be honest
Brighton is expensive
which is unfortunate
I’m only talking about the MozFest part, Brighton is a 90 minute, 3 leg journey from me albeit only £10 day return if you’re up for that too
Greenwich is within an hour from me - so yes going their each day and back
Sorry [calumryan] I thought you were in Brighton, which is handy for IWC, not so much for Mozfest.
checking Brighton prices, 1 person, Oct 19-20, 700GBP o.O
ok, there are more reasonable things
ouch a flight????
no, the room
probably that much for me, always been lucky enough to travel on Mozilla's dime
the train price is quite reasonable from Cambridge to Brighton
but I won't have that funding source this year
just takes long
that has to be under three hours..
swentel joined the channel
direct train, no change, a day return ticket (uk railway system and it's imperial weirdness) is 30GBP CBG-BTN
~2 hours 40 mins
Direct? That's new. Is Crossrail open or something?
no idea, but it's saying 0 changes
probably new
That’s the other line Thameslink
Sat there Sun back is 55GBP
Oh, right. I think I've seen those at Gatwick.
so it's either 2x30 and 2x 6 hours of travel or 55 + hotel + 2x hours travel
I'll see how it goes
to be honest the bed & breakfasts in brighton have no soundproofing at which point the seagulls make it near impossible to sleep
maybe not in october
The end carriage is always declassified on Thameslink so go there for nicer seats and power sockets
good to know
if seagulls keep you you would never sleep in NYC...i hate trying to sleep in cities so much noise and light...give me rodents with winds any day
rodents with wings* stupid gulls
never been to NYC
but 200-300 hundred years old wooden b&b on the Brighton shore vs seagulls is bad enough :)
jackjamieson, [tantek], benwerd, [sebsel], benwerd_, [tonz] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Hardest part about starting a HWC is figuring out an appropriate city emoji
[grantcodes] aren't you in a different city every day?
what city are you launching
Hehe nah I am now permanently in Madrid, Spain
I'm going for the bear 🐻 since a bear eating from a strawberry tree is the symbol of the city
edited /events/2019-06-12-homebrew-website-club (+306) "/* Where */ Add Madrid"
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but the bear is also Berlin :P how about 💃? it looks like a flamenco dancer
hm, the guitar is an electric guitar (at least on Apple), so that one is out
is just thinking of general Spanish stuff
edited /Homebrew_Website_Club (+13) "/* Meetings */ Move Madrid to getting started"
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Ah man I didn't see Berlin on the page I was doing
I would have gone for 🐻 if everyone else didn't have single emojis 😛
they might have a different emoji, I haven't checked. but Berlin has a bear a symbol of the city too
!tell [aaronpk] did we turn off twitter syndication to meta or does the app need a kickstart?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Well every city is either a bear or a lion
wow congrats on Madrid...now I have to start choosing my cities by their emoji
💃for the flamenco?
figure too many veggies and vegands for a bull
I thought there was a new churro emoji but I guess not
A bull is controversial. And paella would be offensive to madrileños 😛
I looked in a bunch of 2019 hwc and didn't see Berlin using it so I'm claiming it 😄
benwerd joined the channel
haha, go for it!
[tantek] joined the channel
IWC Berlin has been using bear
alright I have to do food ordering for Summit. Would anyone be offended with vegetarian food for breakfast and lunch?
(with vegan / no-dairy options)
no its Portland, it will actually be good
Organizers << Capture food preferences/requirements for IndieWebCamp tickets, OR at a minimum express up front what the food provided will be, e.g. OSBridge was very upfront that only vegan food was provided for lunch (if folks want to supplement with their own they can do so)
ok, I added "Capture food preferences/requirements for IndieWebCamp tickets, OR at a minimum express up front what the food provided will be, e.g. OSBridge was very upfront that only vegan food was provided for lunch (if folks want to supplement with their own they can do so)" to the "See Also" section of /Organizers https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=61762&oldid=61392
and Summit trends more veggie than any other locale
I'm vegetarian, so I'd welcome it very much :)
Last DrupalCon Europe was also completely vegan
most people sometimes don't notice
and vegans/vegetarians are happy, so it's a win-win all over
swentel, was the DrupalCon Europe vegan food explicit, like is there a page you can point to describing it / setting expectations? I'm looking to collect examples
benwerd joined the channel
[tantek], probably on the profile page - there's a mention about food on https://www.drupaleurope.org/onsite-resources
as user profile page when you have an account
can't remember exactly anymore
Great atmosphere, interesting talks at #DrupalEurope. And btw, all food vegetarian/vegan with no single-use wrappings whatsoever. That's the way to go!
I know other people mentioned it too
the pdf describes the process of decision making of the whole event
including food choices etc
around page 55
[kevinmarks786] and [Ana_R] joined the channel
I think we can say we are going vegetarian/vegan for 1: greater inclusion, 2: reduce our impact on the climate crisis, 3: because veggie/vegan food is soooo Good in Portland
[eddie] joined the channel
Apparently now we need a cities emoji page that catalogues the emoji being used by each city lol
eddie could they be added to the table here or too small: https://indieweb.org/Events#IndieWebCamps
I think the issue is there are cities with HWC but not IWC
there is HWC table below
That table doesn't list cities
ohh but thatall cities
yep need a category for cities does that exist
I don't think tying that to anythign date related is a good idea
yeah bad idea
because an HWC might be on a short term hiatus, but they have had an IWC and HWC in the past, it would be good to document the emoji they used
no category for cities, can't wait to see the emoji directory you make eddie
benwerd joined the channel
created /User:Diggingthedigital.com/podcast-talkingpoints (+976) "First version for my own talkingpoints for a podcast interview"
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benwerd joined the channel
created /city_emojis (+511) "prompted by [eddie]"
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There, city emojis is created. It contains every emoji I could find by looking through several pages but I'm sure it's missing some that will need to be added at a later date
[frank] joined the channel
ugh we didn't need a separate page for that
also it encourages too much squatting
we should literally just use /HWC for this
want to use an emoji with your city? great, actually make a HWC happen first
more important to list your city on /HWC than on some emoji side-table
in fact let's gamify this instead
you need to organize an IndieWebCamp *or* at least a few consecutive HWC meetups to get an emoji for your city
then if your city has neither for a year, you lose your emoji
swentel has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (46 in all channels)
Organizers << Consider aspects of other conference "onsite resources" and if we can provide similar things, or at least make explicit instead of passive decisions about them: https://www.drupaleurope.org/onsite-resources
ok, I added "Consider aspects of other conference "onsite resources" and if we can provide similar things, or at least make explicit instead of passive decisions about them: https://www.drupaleurope.org/onsite-resources" to the "See Also" section of /Organizers https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=61765&oldid=61762
tantek "ugh we didn't need..." There is no reason to show attitude when someone is trying to be helpful
don't want the page? fine, delete it, edit it. Do whatever you want. Just don't be a jerk
eddie, sorry that's true
Thank you
(easy to forget that level of tone is not conveyed in text like it would be IRL, and may (is likely) to be taken more negatively than expected, through no fault of the reader)
I should have instead phrased it as a question
nice to see CoC work, call out misteps, apologize when wrong or when their is a perception of wroning
eddie, WDYT of using the existing HWC page instead? and maybe making emojis something cities could earn by being consistent hosts?
absolutely, phrasing it a question changes everything. I think the HWC page is a great contender.
And I like that fact that it encourages cities to remain consistent
thanks [jgmac1106]. in particular important for /Organizers to be exceptionally responsive to CoC
and solves grant's issue of sorting through past emojis
So I'm thinking we add the existing emojis to the Regular Meetings cities, Popups, Getting Started and Needs Restarting all don't seem like they should have emojis
depending on the consistency of the Popups they might have them
I like the gamification idea :)
agreed eddie
I think HWC "Regular Meetings" OR annual IWC would be a good bar
for "earning" your emoji
any idea on where to list IWC emojis?
if they don't have a regular HWC
Would it be worth putting a summary box at the top of /IndieWebCamps of regular annual IndieWebCamps?
note that we have pages for most cities now!
what is Portland
Portland (AKA PDX) is a city in the US state of Oregon, the site of the inaugural IndieWebCamp, annual IndieWeb Summits, and monthly Homebrew Website Club Portland meetups https://indieweb.org/Portland
what is San Francisco
SF is an abbreviation for San Francisco, a city on the West Coast of the United States, and one of many cities that has hosted a IndieWebCamps, and currently hosts fortnightly Homebrew Website Club meetups https://indieweb.org/San_Francisco
Oh nice!
So an IWC with two consecutive years would be considered regular? or would you consider something else to determine that?
I'd be willing to let even a planned IWC earn an emoji provisionally, then only lose it if it was canceled / no one showed up
I think we stated a success criteria somewhere of 3-5 participants minimum including remote?
That makes sense
as part of also being considered a "current" Organizer
so we could re-use that
edited /Homebrew_Website_Club (+44) "/* Regular Meetings */ Add city emojis for regular meetings"
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what are cities
cities are a good place to organize and host both IndieWebCamps and Homebrew Website Club meetups; see the list of cities below which have all had one or the other both in the past few years https://indieweb.org/cities
eddie, perhaps redirect city emojis to ^^^ ? WDYT?
Yeah, that seems good
which currently inconsistently has emojis 🙈
haha yeah I just noticed that
The key question is do we use the summit icon for Portland? or just the summit?
I think just summit?
I feel like in the past Portland has used ☕ or maybe 🍺 though I'd prefer to avoid alcohol associations with IndieWeb events
TIL Portland has five sectors
ooh 🌹 could work for Portland
I apparently don't know much about portland haha
Portland has been called the "City of Roses" for over a century
edited /cities (+25) "Add emojis to appropriate cities"
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what is a city
It looks like we don't have a page for "city" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "city is ____", a sentence describing the term)
created /city (+19) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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[grantcodes] joined the channel
Haha man this is in depth for something that probably won't be very sustainable 😅 ask schmarty about emoji politics
What is city emojis?
It looks like we don't have a page for "city emojis" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "city emojis is ____", a sentence describing the term)
city emojis is /cities
created /city_emojis (+19) "prompted by [eddie] and redirect added by [eddie]"
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[schmarty] joined the channel
Hahaha 😅
True BUT there are probably much fewer hwc/iwc cities than people signing up for the IndieWebRing
Eddie I think your list was more complete
edited /cities (+22) "bear Berlin, add Nottingham"
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Ahh, I didn't know the criteria for /cities so I just moved the emojis and didn't modify the cities themselves
edited /cities (+202) "+Utrecht, need gregorlove help with All Citites"
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eddie, we could curate the top list, and have an auto-generated "All Cities" section with some of gRegorLove's Category magic
Nice! That seems good!
Because in reality, Federick should move out of that top section and just into the bottom section
edited /Austin (+91) "IWCs since 2017, HWCs too, [[Category:city]]"
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edited /Baltimore (+35) "[[Category:city]], dfn tweak"
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edited /Bellingham (+17) "dfn tweak, cat city"
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edited /Berlin (+18) "cat city"
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edited /Cambridge (+19) "cat city"
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edited /Chicago (+19) "cat city"
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eddie makes sense, go ahead and edit /cities - I'm not touching it
edited /Los_Angeles (+18) "cat city"
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edited /NYC (+18) "cat city"
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edited /cities (-16) "Not an active city, removing from this list and it'll just have a city page in the "all cities" below when that is done"
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edited /Portland (+55) "dfn update, cat city"
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reads scrollback
edited /SF (+276) "cat city, banned facial recognition"
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yay gRegorLove in the house!
created /Frederick (+498) "Add Frederick city page"
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hehe, "emoji politics"
What type of category magic do you mean?
Ah, I see
edited /Frederick (+19) "Add cat city"
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created /Category:city (+77) "summary, no parent cat currently"
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I have to say, I like how the emojis on the regular meetings cities help them stand out in the VERY LONG Table of Contents on the /HWC page
edited /cities (-21) "/* All Cities */ categorytree"
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Emojis actually improving the UX rather than just looking pretty! 😄
Woo, cat city! 😻
Looks great, gRegorLove!
!tell aaronpk any way to autogenerate a world map based on https://indieweb.org/Category:city ? like with giant IWC logo colored pins for the cities? (yellow HWC, orange IWC, red has both?)
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Oh I bet I accidentally deleted the api keys I was using for the twitter search in my Twitter app purge this week
Auto generated map would be fun!
Should we canonicalize city page names to include state or country?
could put that in an h-adr on each City page itself
Need to add gps cords in an h-card in the city page
yeah h-adr
lol. I'll leave it to the expert 🙂
I don't wanna rely on geocoding from text, that's really messy
[Ana_R] joined the channel
edited /stable-pages (+3) "Add code of conduct, remove site-changes as that page has not been reviewed in a long time"
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edited /SF (+314) "h-adr, emeritus organizers"
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aaronpk, how's this h-adr? https://indieweb.org/SF
edited /Bellingham (+255) "h-adr"
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Hm that's an interesting one
edited /SF (-49) "DRYer, pick lat long of most recent HWC :D"
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that's an h-adr child of the h-entry that's the page
only because there's no obv way to override the h-entry of the page with a different root microformat
I can deal with that, but should these be special pages like event pages where the page isn't an h-entry itself?
Right now only h-event triggers that but I can add h-adr too. So if a page defines an h-adr object then the wiki theme won't add h-entry around it
Would be worth seeing if any other pages have an h-adr already tho to avoid accidentally changing those
Thinking about an emoji for Utrecht...
edited /User:Gregorlove.com/sandbox (+492) "h-adr infobox prototype"
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Thoughts on that? ^
emoji optional, can add the other h-adr fields as optional params
edited /User:Diggingthedigital.com/podcast-talkingpoints (+2155) "/* Talking points for The Glitch Show */"
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edited /site-deaths (+31) "archive goo.gl"
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edited /site-deaths (+304) "archive CiteULike"
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jackjamieson joined the channel
edited /User:Diggingthedigital.com/podcast-talkingpoints (+179) "/* Talking points for The Glitch Show */"
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Good idea ^^
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
edited /Category:city (+29) "see also"
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edited /cities (+61) "add a few from cached tab of city emojis, plus 🌹 Portland"
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edited /Austin (+28) "🌮"
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edited /Baltimore (+18) "emojicon"
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edited /Baltimore (+6) "move TOC down"
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edited /Seattle (+28) "cat city"
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edited /Utrecht (+109) "cat city"
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edited /Utrecht (+4) "typos"
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edited /Berlin (+18) "emojicon"
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edited /Portland (+18) "🌹 for the City of Roses"
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edited /NYC (+18) "emojicon"
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edited /cities (+132) "Recent Cities, -cities with no IWC or HWC in past two years, Seattle "timber town", Oxford University"
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edited /Seattle (+18) "emojicon"
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edited /SF (+52) "more emeritus"
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edited /Homebrew_Website_Club (+18) "SF emeritus plus Stacey"
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edited /cities (+21) "+New Haven for IWC"
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /composite_stream (+133) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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edited /composite_stream (+103) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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🌷 For utrecht? Or is that for Amsterdam?
🐰 For Miffy (Nijnte) for Utrecht?
[arush] joined the channel
I'm waiting to hear from [frank] and [tonz] for what emoji they think would be appropriate for Utrecht 🙂
what is Utrecht
Utrecht is a city in The Netherlands that hosted an an IndieWebCamp in 2019 https://indieweb.org/Utrecht
KevinMarks, while you're here, I'd like to rename https://github.com/indieweb/blank-gh-site to something more expressive of the function rather than the form
[indieweb] blank-gh-site: Setup a simple new indieweb site on a domain name in mere minutes with this project.
[github] personal-website: Code that'll help you kickstart a personal website that showcases your work as a software developer.
(which is horribly complicated for getting started, both in terms of hierarchy of stuff, and install steps ceremonies etc.)
but the name is good "personal-website" which we could use
or to keep it simple by scoping the name, something like
"personal-homepage" or "personal-home-page" as a bit of insider humor
or since it's a starting point
"starter-home" or "starter-homepage" or "starter-home-page"
want to get started? just SHP it
thoughts? other suggestions?
homepage feels a bit constrainted
like it's only for one thing
but it'd be more accurate than that repo
that's exactly right tho, and that's good because we don't want that repo to bloat beyond a simple starter homepage
jacky, still not seeing your RSVP on https://tantek.com/2019/149/e1/homebrew-website-club-sf - did you send the webmention? from/for which URL?
(older events are showing your past RSVPs so I know my general use of webmention.io is working)
benwerd joined the channel
ah I hadn't made the patch yet
it'd show up as just a reply not a rsvp
benwerd joined the channel
deploying fix
edited /cities (-153) "I’m pretty sure Bellingham/Seattle should be the same. Feel free to correct if that’s inaccruate"
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That's not a bad name.
Do we have a sense of what people search for?
[eddie] they're different and more than an hour apart I believe
[eddie] do you mean same emoji?
Coffee could work for Seattle
Yeah, ~90 minutes away. Almost Canadia! :)
oh no looks like edit collision, my edits got lost eddie, mind if I revert?
[eddie] joined the channel
Ohhh really? Interesting. I’ve always heard of them in the same sentence
Feel free
But I am on the east coast
Oh no, Sorry about the collision!
How about my-first-website ?
might not be their first?
also wondering about cloned project name longevity
like once they fork the repo, they have it with that name by default right?
which is "That's not a bad name"?
(re: having it with that name)
jacky++ for the green banner at the bottom of jacky.wtf
jacky has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (57 in all channels)
thinking of copying that or doing something similar if that's ok