#meta 2019-05-30

2019-05-30 UTC
[Khurt] joined the channel
I feel like I haven't seen schmarty around much lately.
I think emoji politics got him to show up
We call them five quadrants
I just want to talk IWC NYC
when is the next HWC NYC?
brandur and benwerd joined the channel
edited /Micropub/Servers (+112) "Added Micro.blog as another server implementation for Micropub."
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snoe, [Rose] and [frank] joined the channel
Ah yes! Nijntje (Miffy) 🐰 is an excellent choice for Utrecht [kevinmarks786] [tantek]
[tantek], gRegorLove_, [tonz] and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] [tantek] [frank] my 3yo approves of Nijntje / Miffy as emoji for Utrecht too 🙂 So seconded from my side.
snoe joined the channel
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Talking of city emoji https://huyenchip.com/2019/05/28/metrotwitter.html
edited /events/2019-05-29-homebrew-website-club (+168) "/* Photos */ SF photo"
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edited /events/2019-06-12-homebrew-website-club (-7) "/* San Francisco */ indie event"
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posted indie event 2 weeks in advance this time!
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
gwg just got the email for IWC NYC to finalize dates
hey everyone please start adding yourself here for planning NY...sending the dates to the venue: https://indieweb.org/Planning#NYC
[xavierroy] joined the channel
lol, but if Bellingham and Seattle are the same because they are ~90mins apart, shouldn't Utrecht and Amsterdam be the same, because they are ~20mins apart? :P
I thought that was what everyone in Utrecht was saying, that it is just one big city with occasional green stretches inbetween.
Ah, it has been reverted already. I think separate cities for everything is good, but it might be nice to organize them geographically
People from, say, Rotterdam, will first look for Rotterdam, then for all of The Netherlands, and I assume people in Bellingham will do the same but with all of Washington?
I'm not actively following the wiki discussions.
I take your point, though.
Adding a map would be the "easiest" :P
Don't talk to me about maps!
edited /Düsseldorf (+18) "mark as city"
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edited /cities (+18) "add Düsseldorf"
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[calumryan] joined the channel
A map may work well for city listings. I’ve started adding events with Leaflet Js attended/attending here https://calumryan.com/event/
We used to plot a map of Mozilla Clubs
swentel joined the channel
They had a map of previous edcamps as well
created /Brighton (+389) "Create city page for Brighton"
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edited /Berlin (+14) "linking the [[Germany]] page because there is one"
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edited /cities (+5) "/* Added Miffy emoji to Utrecht */"
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[kevinmarks786], [jgarber] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
reading scrollback, can I just say that "policies" around who's allowed to use emoji for their events and who is not sound like exactly the wrong kind of thing to spend time on?
(not to mention, are you seriously considering to go after someone who ignores that rule?)
[calumryan] and snoe joined the channel
really, we do not regulate every fun thing
I have long stopped keeping track of when something is a “regularly” organised thing, when it is not, etc. I do not even always remember to RSVP on the wiki for the vHWC that I maybe still officially co-organise (? sknebel clearly drives it for the moment). Most of the Åmål event organising has been happening on calls rather than on the wiki.
To me the wiki is more and more failing as an event tool, no matter how much cleanup we have been doing. Mostly because of an overall feeling than any concrete specific painpoints. (Or maybe it is an aggregation of small papercuts? Not sure.)
[manton] joined the channel
[Ana_R] joined the channel
> Hi everyone, I hope this is the right channel. So i’m quite aware that I may not contribute much “tech wise” but I realised that there are no translations into Portuguese (https://indieweb.org/other-languages) and I can help with that! - is there any formal process I need to do? I’m a bit afraid of messing up
I had a look at https://indieweb.org/how-to-start-new-translation and it looks like I would need the language itself to be created first. How can I do this?
Moving this to this channel.
[eddie] joined the channel
I do not think that is neccessary. Just follow “Page naming convention” on that page: “for the translated version of a page, use the same name for the page, and simply add the RFC 3066 language identifier code as a dash suffix.”
[jgmac1106] I think you mean Sept 21-22 for NYC? The 20th is a Friday?
[Ana_R]: so basically you should be able to take any existing page, add -pt to the name, and start a translation.
edited /Planning (+46) "/* NYC */ Fix Sept 20/21/22 date and add my plus one"
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!tell jgmac1106 Feel free to revert if this date change was incorrect https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=61845&oldid=61751&rcid=61707
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
thank you [Zegnat]
I will have a look later today then and see if i can create a new page and go from there : )
Give it a go! And if you run into anything unepected, you know where to ask for help :)
also don't worry about "messing up"!
one way i've seen people do it is copy the english page into the language-specific page, then translate one section at a time
so don't worry about having to finish a whole page all at once
Great 😄 yeah that’s my plan! is it okay if add to the url (-pt-pt) because I will do Portuguese of Portugal? It is a bit different than -pt-br but should be fine.
I will leave that to you as someone who is familiar with what a Portuguese reader would expect to see :)
[github] Successfully deployed indieweb/2018.indieweb.org to https://2018.indieweb.org
edited /create_event (+378) "add calagator and quill examples"
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edited /create_event (+210) "/* Quill */"
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[kim_landwehr] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I never know how to give karma to with first and last name users
[jgmac1106]: [eddie] left you a message 1 hour, 1 minute ago: Feel free to revert if this date change was incorrect https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=61845&oldid=61751&rcid=61707
but all the karma to localisation efforts
[eddie] excited if you can come....discussing dates with venue today
NYC is the closest location. I would have been at Summit if not for personal chaos (moving houses in June, etc). But September in NYC should work
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
sknebel: very good point about regulating all the fun things. It's very possible to have two emoji for one city, and it's not a big deal
I like tantek's earlier idea about "earning" those emoji, but purely as gamification / motivation for organising more HWC's
but no, let's not standardize this part of the IndieWeb
two cities with the same emoji*
although I also understand that it's nice to pick emoji for cities ;) let's just have fun with it
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I will also wiki-- for event management. Took me about an hour to add the Madrid event to all the places I _think_ it is meant to be.
wiki has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (0 in all channels)
And that 1 hour consists of about 1 sentence of content
really need to get back to the automation code for that...
(also, feel free to ask! we know it's annoying and will help)
Haha nah, I shall call it part of the learning experience
There is a note on there about creating a separate website, so someone has obviously thought about that at some point too
we've spend lots of time on this over the years
jackjamieson and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[grantcodes] if time would love for you to check out http://jgregorymcverry.com/hwcpagetutorial.html and let me know how to improve it
Though I think you added All the stuff. Never thought about city page
Though that is more for attendee.
Will go through your edit series and film one for organizers
benwerd, gRegorLove_, [tantek], [arush] and [manton] joined the channel
[Ana_R] re: pt vs pt-pt etc. - what does Wikipedia use for their Portuguese version?
yes the emoji thing for HWC/IWC cities is purely meant as a positive encouragement / gamification thing to start and keep organizing in your city (and posting photos!) even if only one other person shows up. It makes a difference to new folks showing up from cities who may even just want to meet 1-2 people in person with similar interests
grantcodes, yes events are hard. Ironically every dedicated public/open website that has tried to be a repository of events over time has failed. Every. Single. One. (maybe Calagator is an exception for Portland)
so a difficult wiki is better than dead sites. any day
well, it basically looked like someone said something about picking an emoji and you told them "no, you don't get to use an emoji yet", I fail to see the positive encouragement in that
that being said, we can always make it better! and many folks here (notably sknebel and gRegorLove) have made significant improvements to the setup
sknebel, I think eddie and I miscommunicated and we worked it out. not sure what else you're talking about
if the alt-right or even the KKK or started using webmention, a W3C recommendations or made a tool that allowed you to RSVP to hate march h-event with , is there anything the community could do?.....
Mobilzion is getting close to their 50,000 goal https://joinmobilizon.org/en/ federated events?
well invited anyone in my virtual rolodex from Portland, and pretty much all the NW and West Coast of Canada
[arush] joined the channel
Also notable that calagator is basically a wiki for events
publicly editable, keeps revision history, easy to revert changes, and the main description field of the event can include html so is pretty flexible there
has calagator had to deal with hate-events?
Yes and spam
edited /Planning (+521) "/* NYC */ add my prefs and a few more nearby events"
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edited /Planning (-249) "DUS & UTR are done!"
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edited /Planning (+199) "/* NYC */ my prefs. set up to co-org."
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edited /Planning (+22) "/* NYC */ +me maybe. no preference on dates currently"
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[schmarty], [manton], benwerd and LUMIN1 joined the channel
edited /Webmention-developer (+105) "/* Sending */ Adding Web::Mention as a sending library."
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edited /Webmention-developer (+105) "/* Handling */ Adding Web::Mention to the list of handler libraries"
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edited /User:Jmac.org (-77) "Removing an itch"
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[jgarber] joined the channel
jmac++ for reducing an itch :)
jmac has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
[jgmac1106], [Rose], [grantcodes] and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
edited /Indieweb_for_Education (+488) "/* Others */ Blair MacIntyre example"
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uploaded /File:Blair_MacIntyre_supporting.PNG "Screencapture of Blair MacIntyre's website footer featuring several logos of organizations he supports. https://indieweb.org/File:Blair_MacIntyre_supporting.PNG"
edited /supporting (+325) "/* Examples in the wild */ Blair MacIntyre"
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chrisaldrich and [tantek] joined the channel
edited /TripIt (+29) "try a p-summary for dfn, dfn tweak"
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jmac++ well done!
jmac has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
edited /TripIt (-20) "try a simple dfn tag instead 😂"
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gRegorLove_ joined the channel