#meta 2019-06-06

2019-06-06 UTC
↩️ We almost had that, once. Then Google and the other SV sociopaths killed RSS and stopped publishing standardized syndication feeds. The indieweb protocols could get us back there but I’ll not hold my breath. Look up the MrPrivacy paper, too. We could have done better all around.
jjuran joined the channel
↩️ Agree with idea of scaling back Do you need unsolicited sales pitches on LinkedIn.. Pics to make you feel bad on Instagram? Michael can take a deep breath. IndieWeb Building Blocks can create a unified read/write space but we define success not by scale but one domain at a time.
[jgmac1106] and jjuran joined the channel
Local PDX event where folks could meet allies who might be interested in Summit https://oitpdxpridekickoffjune2019.eventbrite.com
Hey if any teachers want to learn more about blogging or using personal websites in the classroom you can check out the #IndieWeb summit June 29-30th: http://bit.ly/2GyjJ58 #kidsdeserveit We have great remote options for teachers too far from #pdx
jacky usually I do something like that ^^^ I am already in a twitter chat and figure out how our goals align
[jgmac1106]++ for outreach
[jgmac1106] has 60 karma in this channel over the last year (124 in all channels)
Saw you're updating /2019, wanted to make sure you saw /2019/Planning#Invitations too
So the latter don't slip through the cracks
Most of that section on /2019 can probably merge into /2019/Planning
edited /2019/Planning (+602) "/* Volunteers */ merge list from /2019#Volunteers"
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Hey @annaoz249 I hope you would consider joining us for the #IndieWeb Summit https://2019.indieweb.org/summit funny story @Edcamp was founded when teachers walked into a BarCamp Both BarCamp and IndieWebCamp cofounded by same person. We are all cousins. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/VUSWE)
↩️ I have been teaching the last four years using #IndieWeb building blocks, these are all existing w3c recommendations or specs. The coolest tool is probably the use of webmentions. #apereo19 (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1xAIdV)
↩️ Ha I just said this exact same thing just now: https://twitter.com/xolotl/status/1136332615202435072 Sad you won't be in #PDX for the #IndieWeb summit....total bummer #apereo19 (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1qKyZ4)
↩️ We have many of the pieces in place already. Check out some of the #IndieWeb course materials we have been building: https://glitch.com/@jgmac1106/indie-web-learning-networks and a bunch more here is my class in the wild: https://edu522.networkedlearningcollaborative.com #apereo19 (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1rfcu3)
edited /2019/Planning (+750) "/* To-do */ merged /2019 recruitment section into Have Invited / To be invited"
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edited /2019 () "(-716) /* Recruitment */ link to /2019/Planning#Invitations"
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I reached out to everyone in #31DaysIBPOC personally but wanted to let others know if you want to continue your journey in blogging join us for the #IndieWeb Summit http://bit.ly/2GyjJ58
created /Template:beesbuzz.biz (+56) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">[[User:Beesbuzz.biz|fluffy]]</span>""
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edited /rsvp (+367) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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[xavierroy], gRegorLove_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Talking from the #indieweb to federated platforms put me in the future according to Mastodon, lol. (https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/a7444299-6098-4a4c-8496-06951a5680d2)
swentel joined the channel
edited /Sign_In_with_Apple (+52) "/* Notes */ add Wikipedia link explaining SPF"
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edited /Upshot (+28) "jacky added "[[rsvp]]" to "See Also""
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jeremych_, [kimberlyhirsh], [tonz], [jgmac1106] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
Ohh wow just sold out tenth support the IndieWeb Ticket…that is 1k for the travel fund…Thanks all
jjuran joined the channel
33 people registered to come
jgmac1106, sounds like a good crowd
I wonder what our largest attendance has been historically
[grantcodes] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Check the wiki... Compile the data... Be closeish but fun to know
[tantek] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] has 61 karma in this channel over the last year (125 in all channels)
created /Chromebook (+317) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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edited /Chromebook (+562) "[tantek] added "https://twitter.com/BenjaminBHerold/status/1135602167509934080" to "See Also""
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[schmarty] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
edited /security (+549) "/* See Also */ followups to NYT article linking EternalBlue to Baltimore ransomware"
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created /Cloudinary (+160) "prompted by [schmarty] and dfn added by [schmarty]"
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edited /Cloudinary (+1) "linkify dfn"
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I reckon Homebrew Website Club Brighton in the @Clearleft studio this evening will be quite short—then I’m going to pop downstairs to @UXCampBrighton 2019 Redux in @68MiddleSt. https://adactio.com/notes/15291
edited /Cloudinary (+1891) "+ my details for using Cloudinary"
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[tonz] joined the channel
I'm still thinking about how frustrated I was yesterday that anomalily didn't have a way to post an RSVP from her Wordpress site. Here's a thought, do we actually gain anything by requiring explicit mf2 rsvp markup? What if we also showed the RSVP if you post a regular post on your site that links to the event and has the text "I'm going to" or "RSVP yes" in just the text part? No mf2 required
sounds like a slippery slope to NLP
(e.g. what about support for people who post in languages other than english)
that post above has the same problem
indieweb Summit is held only in English so that doesn't seem like a problem to me
in other words we're not excluding anyone we already aren't excluding
whereas right now, we are missing peoples RSVPs that they actually are posting on their website because of stupid mf2 problems
As the webmention receiver it is up to you to parse stuff out right? So any text parsing you want to fall back on seems fine with me. You could also add support for RsvpAction for blogs using schema (not sure I have ever seen that, but hey).
sounds like a good incremental improvement to add to the 20XX websites
(20XX.indieweb.org, that is)
yeah im definitely not talking about spec changes
just our event page rsvp handling
Does the mf2 parser correctly extract the blog contents? Doing a simple text compare on the contents of teh blog post when no explicit rsvp property is found sounds OK to me
i am wary of fixes for "stupid mf2 problems" because how can they not eventually lead to spec changes? :}
This has already been because of a spec change
i look forward to the "Attendance Intent Detection" algorithm to go with PTD. 😂
the problem here is specifically wordpress's mf1 in all the themes which has been almost impossible to deal with
the parsers see the mf1 and then don't add the mf2 p-rsvp property to the result, which is correctly defined by the parsing spec
we need an "mf2 best practices against adversarial web hosts and CMSes"
[chrisaldrich], myravery, [kevinmarks786] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
aaronpk -> Wordpress, I'm literally working on a specific example of this
note that this has mostly been a problem with WordPress, not RSVPs
I agree with [schmarty]'s concerns
and it's not "just do it on 20xx.indieweb" because one permissive implementation leads to another etc.
also when someone's sloppy RSVP "works", then they expect it to work elsewhere -> demands on implementers to support more sloppiness
If you edit a theme and remove any hentry and then use mf2 plugin you are okay.... But that is asking a lot of someone
the problem is it's not the person's fault that their RSVP is "sloppy"
and this is how you get to the mess of supporting HTML tables in browsers, subsequently browser engines so complicated that now there is only 2-3 left
aaronpk, the problem is that their CMS does not make it trivial to click an RSVP button
start there
for WordPress that means the need to install the Post Kinds plugin and use it
that's step 1
step 2 is to take the frustration from that experience and turn it into improving the Post Kinds plugin UI
because GWG is *always* hungry for UI fix/improvement suggestions
tantek: that won't work for folks whose themes don't do mf2 correctly.
the WRONG answer is to jump directly to plumbing
But step 1 does not work if you old mf exist in themes
this is bumping against the persistent wordpress-themes-are-mostly-broken-mf1
schmarty - "themes don't do mf2 correctly" is a separate problem/thread - that's what we're discussing in the WP channel
aaronpk mentioned theme issues in regards to the example posts above.
I feel like we kinda established it as impossible for a plugin to fix a theme? So really to send an RSVP would be: step 1 change your theme to one from a short list of mf2 friendly ones, step 2 install post kinds. I am guessing you would lose a lot of people at step 1. :(
Yes asking people to change their theme is not reasonable
I guess there's another option which is the parser could ignore mf1 entirely, or ignore mf1 if mf2 is present
because then at the very least people can paste a complete h-entry rsvp into their Wordpress editor and it would work
which is exactly what Anomalily started trying
[aaronpk] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
[grantcodes] and gRegorLove joined the channel
created /AirDrop (+272) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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I do the best I can with what I have
I feel like I don't know how I can go farther
[jansauer] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Curiosamente, las "PESETAS", viven ahora como un modelo de sindicación de contenidos. https://indieweb.org/PESETAS
gRegorLove__ and gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /AirDrop (+206) "[tantek] added "2019-06-05 The Atlantic: [https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2019/06/why-teens-try-airdrop-you-memes-concerts/591064/ When Grown-Ups Get Caught in Teens’ AirDrop Crossfire]" to "See Also""
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[schmarty] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
created /Hemingway_Rewritten (+360) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /rsvp (+202) "/* Brainstorming */ added subheads for Twitter specific ideas for POSSE and Backfeed"
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edited /rsvp (+87) "/* How to RSVP with WordPress */ attempt improving the choices for WordPress users"
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Jeena and [aaronpk] joined the channel
We'll be buying the drinks at @IndieWebSummit in Portland this summer. @adactio talks about the idea of #IndieWeb, and how you can still own our own online content while getting the benefits of a centralized web. https://name.social/2QU6T5Z
really wish that was reframed not as "buying the drinks" per concerns about alcohol. saying this explicitly openly because this is an active topic of /Organizers discussion, and implying "drinks at IndieWebSummit" is absolutely *not* the intent of the organizers (AFAIK right aaronpk?)
"we're sponsoring the pre-party"
yes, i haven't talked with him about this since our last discussions about it though
worth talking about and perhaps even a follow-up
[grantcodes] joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
想從 medium 逃難但又不想損失流量的解法在此: https://indieweb.org/POSSE 至於為何該離開 medium 請看這篇總結: https://www.cdevn.com/why-medium-actually-sucks/ #該上路囉