#meta 2019-07-03

2019-07-03 UTC
gRegorLove joined the channel
[tantek], [aaronpk], [Slackbot]1 and gRegorLove joined the channel
created /2019/indiewebfutures (+2333) "archive etherpad"
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created /2019/indiewebfutures (+2333) "archive etherpad"
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Aw, no etherpad notes for Looking at Pretty Sites?
Aw, no etherpad notes for Looking at Pretty Sites?
maybe links were posted in the channel?
I think I heard that was the case
Photos are coming along! I'm very excited to post them hopefully tomorrow
What's with the slackbot echo?
What's with the slackbot echo?
[Slackbot]1 is echoing each line
@Slackbot1 is echoing each line
created /2019/prettysites (+488) "stub, appears no etherpad/chat notes"
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created /2019/prettysites (+488) "stub, appears no etherpad/chat notes"
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created /2019/csssubgrid (+914) "archive etherpad"
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created /2019/csssubgrid (+914) "archive etherpad"
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edited /2019/Schedule (-16) "/* Saturday */ archive sessions"
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edited /2019/Schedule (-16) "/* Saturday */ archive sessions"
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no idea
[aaronpk], [Slackbot]1, lza1, [KevinMarks], [Rose], petermolnar_ and gRegorLove joined the channel
↩️ Or if you want to host the site in a “traditional” way but on a web hosting service instead of a server, there are many providers that let you pre-install WordPress (e. g. @SiteGround) or other CMSs – even the IndieWeb CMS @withknown.
www.zylstra.org blog
edited /Planning (+45) "/* Amsterdam */"
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swentel joined the channel
pierreboc[m], jeremych_, jjuran, [grantcodes] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ Då tex GitHub hostear dem gratis åt en är det ett väldigt smidigt ekosystem att anpassa sig efter, vilket jag tex gör med mina IndieWeb-tjänster (Webmention och Micropub) Min sajt har växt till lite av ett Jekyll-monster templatemässigt, men finns här: https://github.com/voxpelli/voxpelli.github.com
jjuran, [aaronpk], David1, oed3[m] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
gRegorLove and [benatwork] joined the channel
↩️ Wow, thanks for pointing this out! Was commenting at #IndieWeb organizing meeting that we have a strong #a11y presence, especially among people who use screen readers. Would love to learn more about your voice and journey. Maybe make a… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/07/03/cswordpress-wow-thanks-for-pointing-this-out
[Rose], AXEL-Lee5595[m], [tonz], VP-Brian[m], Rick[m]2, CryptoEmpress[m] and fozzie[m] joined the channel
↩️ Thanks! That’s a good info. Trying out this indieweb stuff is the main goal I have for my site right now
edited /Planning (+49) "/* Amsterdam */ typos, can help organize wiki and some outreach"
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[tantek] joined the channel
[tonz] found your email in your Slack profile and just cc'd you on IWC AMS planning email from my co-worker Sandra who is organizing View Source 🙂
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/superorganism__/status/1145016777421643776" to the "See Also" section of /2019 https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=63228&oldid=63193
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/superorganism__/status/1145026905428463617" to the "See Also" section of /2019 https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=63229&oldid=63228
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/atmlutter/status/1145028580851748864" to the "See Also" section of /2019 https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=63230&oldid=63229
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/superorganism__/status/1145029906402705408" to the "See Also" section of /2019 https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=63231&oldid=63230
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/superorganism__/status/1145030399287951365" to the "See Also" section of /2019 https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=63232&oldid=63231
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/superorganism__/status/1145839546463948800" to the "See Also" section of /2019 https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=63233&oldid=63232
just chopped up the personal site demo video
trimmed out all the gaps between speakers
40 minutes of actual content!
aaronpk has 54 karma in this channel over the last year (234 in all channels)
i wish we had theme music that i could use in the outros
but i can't even think of one of my 100 songs that would be appropriate
[KevinMarks]: [tantek] left you a message on 2019-04-17 at 7:23pm UTC: add yourself and spread the word with London folks! https://indieweb.org/Planning#Brighton
[KevinMarks]: [tantek] left you a message on 2019-04-24 at 5:52am UTC: Is anyone that you know of in the IndieWeb community (like you!) participating in IIW 28 on 2019-04-30?
[KevinMarks]: sknebel left you a message on 2019-05-01 at 4:17pm UTC: IWC Oxford: https://deploy-preview-14--wonderful-panini-7c4e6c.netlify.com/#2019:4-indiewebcamp
you could use dramatic stock music like Google does
lol welcome back KevinMarks 🙂
with #instagramdown I'm thankful that I used ownyourgram to post my photos on my own site: http://known.kevinmarks.com/content/photos/ #indieweb
like the end of each video clip over the applause
that has the right feel
Google Photos made a dramatic movie trailer from my dog walk (with music) but I think it needs a voiceover script. Suggestions? https://twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/1141355159320244225/video/1
Trello[m] joined the channel
created /query (+373) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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edited /query (+39) "[tantek] added "[[Category:jargon]]" to "See Also""
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[snarfed] joined the channel
aaronpk, a lot of videos have an actual *video* outro right? with some sort of logomark and/or text naming/summarizing the event to remind people of the context
URL to view more about the event
that sort of thing
yeah, we should do an animation next yar
i'm putting the indiewebcamp logo in the outro at least
next year might be worth some special branding for the 10th
alright that was a productive flight
shutting down now, hope to finish these up and get them published when i get home this afternoon!
leweb had a particularly extra animation the year I did it
msena3[m] joined the channel
I like the minimal animation intro/outro that BTConf did *during* the conference.
aaronpk, any inspiration you can get for our videos from the BTConf videos?
I'll review those again and see if there's an easy way to do something similar
[cleverdevil] joined the channel; Trello[m] left the channel
I was thinking last night about tinkering with a graphic with "10" and the IWC logo, something I could share as part of a save the date invite.
animation would be awesome
[dogeared] joined the channel
an IWS 10 logo would make for a great teaser
As a note, it's really easy to make animations in Keynote with magic move. I can talk people through it if anyone wants to use that to work on one for IWS next year (which I hope to be at!). (Probably best suited to chat)
We had a really good distribution (nearly even?) among folks interested in the different day 2 sessions this year at Summit
I'd like to see us continuing to reach a more approachable IndieWeb, better onramps for beginnners and/or those who wish to prioritize time using over time hacking / maintaining
easier onramps and lower admintax
one thing that could use review (inspired indirectly by the "ProGram" starting post), we should make sure nothing beginner asks any use of a command line or "CLI", and in general avoid describing any getting started steps with "simply" because rare if ever are any of those steps actually "simple" by any common understanding
another yellow-flag to look for, use of the word "just" as an emphasis to any CTA step, as it implies simplicity / ease when doing so is both not necessarily true, and may result in new folks attempting it criticizing themselves when it's not simple or easy
(when it's literally not their fault)
We havily rely on 'just simply' editing HTML though.
That's in a lot of explanations too now.
It's been a long learning experience
If only we would simply stop using simply or just 😫
!meme One does not simply stop using just
Related: I was volunteering for an event and someone asked if I was part of the organization running it, I said "no, I'm just a volunteer." They said I shouldn't say "just" because it unnecessarily diminishes. It was a large event and wouldn't go smoothly if not for the volunteers.
JeffMaherVegas[m joined the channel
Indeed, I think that's perhaps a way the term invades conscious usage of otherwise well-meaning individuals, through self-deprecation
Morgen nieuws in je mailbox over de Indieweb Summit, de Social Media Strike en decentraal internet in Afrika? Je kunt je nog abonnementeren op mijn nieuwsbrief. Kost niks, is tof. http://nieuws.diggingthedigital.com/
[jgarber] joined the channel
how did people feel about the comfort level of the Mozilla space on Saturday and Sunday? like number of people / crowd, temperature, noise levels etc.?
we have 51 sign-ins on day 1, and I think ~35 on day two. Due to in/out I think we were at a peak of ~49 at the same time in the room on day 1, and ~30ish on day two
I'm asking because I'm wondering how much headroom we have to expand the (expected) capacity, e.g. to 60, 75, or more for the 10th anniversary
technically 10th edition. 10th anniversary/birthday would be 10 years after the launch which was 2011.
Counting numbers is hard
off by one errors in particular!
I'm still blown away by 51/60 people attending
maybe 62 registered? Will have to double check
same 😄
[jared078] joined the channel
[tantek] I think the Mozilla space felt fine this time around, but if the attendance count went up much higher, I think it would get cramped (especially for food breaks).
would more chairs / seating help? I feel there was a lot of space "behind" the folding wall in the main room that we could have made more efficient use of (with more chairs, perhaps a few rows of folding chairs)
breakfast seemed to scale fine because people didn't all show up right at 9
lunch would have been more challenging day 2 so I'll have to think about that
also curious what people thought of the food & coffee. food was roughly 50% vegetarian, 50% vegan btw
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[tantek]: is there a form or something to collect this kind of feedback?
maybe a typeform?
I think people enjoyed the freedom of walking around the kitchen, you can't help any party from gathering around an island, food was excellent
tantek if you think Mozilla maybe too small I can put out to feelers at Portland State University as a possible back up
tbh i would much rather do it at mozilla which is a known quantity than risk a new venue
100% I loved it there
may just have to set hard tix number
really it would just be the meal time and size of break out rooms but for that size the venue was perfect
what aaronpk said
we have a lot more control and help and known quantities / reliabilities at Mozilla
100% I thought you were worried about size
[jgmac1106] if you want to seriously consider any other venues, start by getting folks from those venues to be active here in the community
It's not so much "worried about size", it's about a desire to increase our ceiling to provide more opportunities to more people
I don't thought it was fine. Just thought you were saying you were worried about size for 10th. Everything worked perfect at Mozilla
ahh got it
as a rough goal, I'd like to figure out the potential to scale up to 100
and what changes that would require
at mozilla?
i.e. beyond space, but also time, e.g. intros & demos
aaronpk, yes at Mozilla. For example we could fill-up the main room, and then use the combined B & C rooms as an "overflow" room to gain additional "all event" capacity
for keynotes, intros, demos etc.
i'm pretty sure we could fit 100 into the main space if we arrange it right
for example we easily had enough breakfast for 70 (counting leftovers on day 1 and 2)
we did however demolish the pizza on day 2
wonder what actual fire marshall limit is, has to be a hard number for each room
fortunately pizza scales well. you can stack the disks 🙂
pizza vs tofu....pizza wins
Pizza scales, awesome
[jgmac1106] the tofu scrambles were *very* popular
I know I hate 17 plates
ate not hate
there are many people who just don't eat eggs (beyond vegans)
aaronpk, yes, I think "arrange it right" is key
and fitting 100 seats will require more advance planning than we did this time. we'll need an actual plan to get the seats into and out of that arrangement
but i think we can do it
If we had the "same laptop" setup for folks demoing their sites, we could fit ~fifty 60sec demos in an hour
the dividing wall worked really well for the breakout sessions too
I thought so too, the sound isolation was better than expected
yeah totally. i was reviewing the videos just now, and turns out two minutes is actually a long demo, and most people didn't use the full 2 minutes
we could do 60sec, hard stop at 90
(or if they did, it was because they needed the time to switch AV)
and I'm guessing that would actually capture what most people demo'd this year
right, remove the AV switching time and nearly everyone would be under 90s
ooh I have an idea
either "use same podium laptop" or we have a Lightning cable input that people can show a mobile/iPad demo if they need to be logged in / etc.
to start encouraging folks to "make mobile work well" on their personal sites
we'd have to have both "ready to go" at the podium, and be able to switch quickly between the two inputs
mobile has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (0 in all channels)
what really? no mobile love? lol
that does limit to iOS only
we could also do them in chunks, a bunch of mobile demos, a bunch of Lightning demos
I _think_ you can do USB-C video out on Android
does Android support USB-C yet?
does it work as quickly/seamlessly as iOS?
I have a device that uses USB-C
that's the internal question
or is it gonna be like laptops which are a mess of HDMI handshakes?
right, we'd have to test that USB-C mobile projecting actually doesn't suck
another option (requires someone on high alert staffing the demo line)
HDMI made the situation worse than VGA
we queue up the next presenter while the current person is demoing
oh yeah, and literally swap A / B back & forth
the way that AV setup works the device can do its handshake ahead of time and I can confirm that from the AV booth too
and then switch instantly
there are actually two HDMI ports at the podium I learned
if we did that right, it might be *even* faster than all on one laptop, because they could have their URL typed in and loaded ready to go
hm I don't see anything immediately about it. next 'best' option would be miracast / chromecast from android screen
ah right chromecast
that would work too
ok let's do that. we need a dedicated volunteer role to help at the podium
it = USB_C video out
that's gonna be a dedicated volunteer role with at least an hour of training before hand
on-site training preferably
10 min training, 5 min practice 🙂
onsite required
wonders if he can become a mozilla contractor starting in may next year to get access to everything on site early
or I literally plan a May trip to Portland just for this purpose
not a bad idea!
to get everything dialed-in for Summit 2020
....or encourage someone from community to apply for the next leaders cohort...and then they will be on site
and we do a test-run of all the IT requirements (exception captioning, now that we know how that can work)
i'm also curious how their zoom setup might change between now and then
who <!here> is based in Portland besides aaronpk? Interesting in helping run a HWC PDX?
oh, meta-meta point about the videos. so i'm publishing my own recordings of the keynotes rather than the videos from zoom, for two reasons, one of which is that the audio from the zoom recording sounds like a telephone
^^^ [jgmac1106] if someone answers, then yes, otherwise, you're welcome to try outreach to get more Portland folks participating in the community
oooh good point about zoom aaronpk. or rather, PDX's "zoomish" setup
that's going to be an issue next year too
i think it's actually a zoom issue, not the bridge
the recordings i make of my own presentations for work sound the same
like changing the audio encoding or something?
it's highly compressed optimized for voice audio
I don't think so. Our Mozilla Weekly Project meetings don't have this problem (and they're based on Zoom now)
but having a separate audio feed and matching to video...ick...time...
[jgmac1106] no one is saying separate feed ?!?
hmm maybe? are those public?
wondering if we can just record locally using the machine connected to Zoom as back up...cool worried solution was a vzm mic or something
aaronpk yes and all linked from their wiki pages
[jgmac1106] let's not brainstorm this here unless you've got AV recording / archiving experience with an example setup of doing so that you think could work
The main MozPDX space might fit 100 but what about breakout space?
aaronpk weekly public archives for years: https://wiki.mozilla.org/WeeklyUpdates
don't forget you're talking to someone who literally does this professionally ;-) I have no shortage of equipment and experience doing this
lol "July 1th, 2019"
cool will take a look through these
That bumper video... is... is that audio Saved by the Bell?
thx aaronpk, fixed 🙂
ok i'd have to confirm by joining the zoom link during the next live call, the one that says don't join unless you're presenting, but i'm 99% sure they are streaming to youtube separately from zoom which is why the audio is good
notice there is no zoom UI cruft in the recordings
that's possible
There should be AirMo archives posted for the Summit too for Sat 10-12, and Sun 16:00-18:00
now see if you can find them in that UI 🙂
whoa there is
that's ... something
gRegorLove yeah an 8-bit version of the theme song made for a schmarty easter egg while back, I use one without the sound as my video poster
find no sound poster easier editing tax than always remembering intro and outro
gRegorLove can you add your play list blog post to https://indieweb.org/2019#Blog ?
[cleverdevil]'s post would be good to add there too
[mapkyca] joined the channel
edited /2019 (+314) "/* Blog */ +my playlist"
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edited /2019 (+261) "/* Blog */"
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Thanks gRegorLove, [cleverdevil]
I tried to add a few but there are so many! If folks could take a look at https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=indieweb%20OR%20indiewebcamp%20OR%20indiewebsummit while it is still fresh with (mostly) tweets about the Summit, and add them to /2019 using the see also shortcut syntax that would be great!
chrisaldrich has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (44 in all channels)
chrisaldrich++ for putting domains in chat during IWS intros
[Vanessa] joined the channel
Mikaela|XMPP and jenncloud[m] joined the channel
edited /2019/Intros (+4390) "notes from chat, remote intros, formatting"
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A couple of those I didn't get great notes for so leaving stub on it until we can go through the video
edited /2019 (+326) "/* Blog */ +infominer's IndieWeb Summit 2019 - Day 1 Livestream Companion"
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