@m_ott↩️ Or if you want to host the site in a “traditional” way but on a web hosting service instead of a server, there are many providers that let you pre-install WordPress (e. g. @SiteGround) or other CMSs – even the IndieWeb CMS @withknown. (twitter.com/_/status/1146327844236201984)
[tantek][tonz] found your email in your Slack profile and just cc'd you on IWC AMS planning email from my co-worker Sandra who is organizing View Source 🙂
Loqi[KevinMarks]: [tantek] left you a message on 2019-04-24 at 5:52am UTC: Is anyone that you know of in the IndieWeb community (like you!) participating in IIW 28 on 2019-04-30?
[tantek]aaronpk, a lot of videos have an actual *video* outro right? with some sort of logomark and/or text naming/summarizing the event to remind people of the context
gRegorLoveI was thinking last night about tinkering with a graphic with "10" and the IWC logo, something I could share as part of a save the date invite.
[Rose]As a note, it's really easy to make animations in Keynote with magic move. I can talk people through it if anyone wants to use that to work on one for IWS next year (which I hope to be at!). (Probably best suited to chat)
[tantek]I'd like to see us continuing to reach a more approachable IndieWeb, better onramps for beginnners and/or those who wish to prioritize time using over time hacking / maintaining
[tantek]one thing that could use review (inspired indirectly by the "ProGram" starting post), we should make sure nothing beginner asks any use of a command line or "CLI", and in general avoid describing any getting started steps with "simply" because rare if ever are any of those steps actually "simple" by any common understanding
[tantek]another yellow-flag to look for, use of the word "just" as an emphasis to any CTA step, as it implies simplicity / ease when doing so is both not necessarily true, and may result in new folks attempting it criticizing themselves when it's not simple or easy
gRegorLoveRelated: I was volunteering for an event and someone asked if I was part of the organization running it, I said "no, I'm just a volunteer." They said I shouldn't say "just" because it unnecessarily diminishes. It was a large event and wouldn't go smoothly if not for the volunteers.
[tantek]how did people feel about the comfort level of the Mozilla space on Saturday and Sunday? like number of people / crowd, temperature, noise levels etc.?
[tantek]we have 51 sign-ins on day 1, and I think ~35 on day two. Due to in/out I think we were at a peak of ~49 at the same time in the room on day 1, and ~30ish on day two
[jared078][tantek] I think the Mozilla space felt fine this time around, but if the attendance count went up much higher, I think it would get cramped (especially for food breaks).
[tantek]would more chairs / seating help? I feel there was a lot of space "behind" the folding wall in the main room that we could have made more efficient use of (with more chairs, perhaps a few rows of folding chairs)
[jgmac1106]I think people enjoyed the freedom of walking around the kitchen, you can't help any party from gathering around an island, food was excellent
[tantek]aaronpk, yes at Mozilla. For example we could fill-up the main room, and then use the combined B & C rooms as an "overflow" room to gain additional "all event" capacity
aaronpkand fitting 100 seats will require more advance planning than we did this time. we'll need an actual plan to get the seats into and out of that arrangement
aaronpkyeah totally. i was reviewing the videos just now, and turns out two minutes is actually a long demo, and most people didn't use the full 2 minutes
aaronpkoh, meta-meta point about the videos. so i'm publishing my own recordings of the keynotes rather than the videos from zoom, for two reasons, one of which is that the audio from the zoom recording sounds like a telephone
[tantek]^^^ [jgmac1106] if someone answers, then yes, otherwise, you're welcome to try outreach to get more Portland folks participating in the community
[tantek][jgmac1106] let's not brainstorm this here unless you've got AV recording / archiving experience with an example setup of doing so that you think could work
aaronpkok i'd have to confirm by joining the zoom link during the next live call, the one that says don't join unless you're presenting, but i'm 99% sure they are streaming to youtube separately from zoom which is why the audio is good
[jgmac1106]gRegorLove yeah an 8-bit version of the theme song made for a schmarty easter egg while back, I use one without the sound as my video poster