#meta 2020-02-08

2020-02-08 UTC
what is Kaja
Kaja is a chat & wiki bot run by Sven Knebel that answers a number of IndieWeb chat queries, and performs a number of automatic wiki maintenance tasks, like updating the Homebrew Website Club listings on the home page from information on the events page https://indieweb.org/Kaja
hmm no GH repo to file issues.
!tell sknebel do you have a preferred method of receiving Kaja bug reports / feature requests? couldn't find a github repo to file issues, and unclear if adding to Kaja's wiki page is helpful/effective. e.g.: needs to be pointed at the new events site!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
↩️ We had a nice meetup and have organized the next one already! https://events.indieweb.org/2020/02/homebrew-website-club-san-francisco-eiKvWhy3hxoE I should post an RSVP myself :) https://tantek.com/t54z1
edited /100_days (+0) "37!"
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[fluffy], [jgmac1106], cbzen, [snarfed], petermolnar, deathrow1, jacky, Freiner, gRegorLove, vika_nezrimaya, nickodd, [jeremycherfas], chrisaldrich, [chrisaldrich] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
Just bookmarked (and replied to) @adactio s post on Hydration on my blog, using both 'u-in-reply-to' and 'u-bookmark-of' classes on one <a href > pointing to his url. I wonder if this works or is even supposed to work - can one webmention be two things? #indieweb
skatkov joined the channel
↩️ It is almost like you have been in the #IndieWeb dev chat channel last two days, this has been EXACT topic du juor https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2020-02-07#t1581111750505300 basic answer is yes, parsers will handle it, consider how do you display, will a consumer care? (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/EnNWu)
zumid and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
hey so how do I register for the keynote
I remember [jgmac1106] inviting me
I hope I'll be able to participate
or is everything already planned and I'm late as usual?
I'm new to this stuff sorry if I sound like a dummy
is someone here? >.< sorry if I sound annoying
swentel joined the channel
hey there swentel
[Rose] joined the channel
Do you have a ticket for the event in general?
Let's start with that :)
So many projects wait when working on one I almost want to give up on the concept of daily sleep. Currently on hold: Satellite Lo-Ra, Xen install on new box, some welding, replacement of squaredrop roof, workshop reorg, car lx Doing: Reworking main website to indieweb standards
[Rose]: can I RSVP from my website to get a ticket?
or how to do it
[Rose]: I got one from ti.to and also did an RSVP just in case: https://fireburn.ru/posts/1581166050
[Vika] I was invited to IndieWebCamp Online 2020and I will be there :3 I hope it will be fun! #IndieWebCamp
[AlisonW] and vika_nez` joined the channel
Tciket? Srsly, for online?
oh well
I RSVP'd to this and got a ticket just in case
jeremycherfas: I imagine it is mostly for statistics that Tito was setup
I guess. And I didn't register because my participation is still extremely "Maybe".
not everyone can RSVP from their own site
I think that's why
RSVPing is easy though if you can send a webmention (you can) and you can inject custom markup in your blog posts (you probably can?)
I should try an RSVP to see if it parses my site
I can indeed. To what do you RSVP?
Webmentions get sent automagically for my posts and Markdown supports HTML injection so I've got no problem even with a pretty old version of what turned into Kittybox
jeremycherfas: to the events.indieweb.org page for IWC Online 2020
I mean, which URL in the wiki? Or to /events?
I agree
Loqi: agree to what
I hope more of the events stuff moves to events.indieweb.org, it’ll all become a lot more manageable
aaronpk made it look totally beautiful and it supports MF2 and webmentions
yay for Meetable
Meetable has 1 karma over the last year
does a happy dance!
[Jeremy Cherfas] Maybe: I'd like to find some time, but it just might not be possible.
[Jeremy Cherfas] Maybe: I'd like to find some time, but it just might not be possible.
Hmn. Doesn't seem to be picking up mine. It has a p-rsvp. That's correct, isn't it?
jeremycherfas: I'm checking your RSVP out!
You have a "maybe" value in your RSVP on the first h-entry on that URL. Is that correct?
It is what I mean, and I believe it is an acceptable value.
ok my battery's almost dead so I gotta go, see you later! <3
Get charged up.
Webmention sent, lets see what happens
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
hey all I have some morning errands to run, but will be on later, good luck [Sadik_Shahadu], gwg, and vika_nezrimaya if you want to do a keynote on a days notice please feel free, but I like rolling off the cuff, being spontaneous, but it isn't for everyone. No pressure, there will be plenty more IWC Onlines or IWCs
be awesome to have an IWC where three people are giving a keynote for the first time
Only a few more hours
Mine has definitely gone missing Zegnat
Mine also doesn’t seem to be showing up, though it seems to be correct: http://xray.p3k.io/parse?url=https%3A%2F%2Flicit.li%2F5e3eb55712c1e&pretty=true
Yours looks like to me too, jeremycherfas
It isn't something silly like caching is it?
empties cache
Nope, that's not it.
edited /Indigenous_for_Android (+44) "/* Screenshots of the app */"
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Thee maybe caching or non-live updates on the event side
edited /Indigenous_for_Android (-1) "/* Screenshots of the app */"
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I haven’t looked at Meetable yet
Zegnat it was super easy. And I fear session grids and Wikimedia tables in general
I meant specifically in the relation of my rsvp not showing up
Ohh i was calling back to 8:14 message. Try sending through Telegraph and see what happens?
I sent from Known to /events and it didn't show up. What's the point if you have to use Telegraph?
I can give that a try too.
Doesn't seem to make any difference. Didn't get either an error or a success message.
vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
edited /IndieWebCamps (-97) "rm past events"
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gwg, can you add links to etherpad and yellow room to the sessions on the wiki?
Right now the events site only accepts webmentions from a domain that you use to log in to the wiki. So folks with subdomains or multiple domains that might be why they're not showing up
it's storing them I just haven't built a moderation queue yet
Aaah, that explains a lot aaronpk!
I was afraid of this, and might undo that restriction tho. It was Tantek's idea cause he was worried about people spamming the event pages with bad photos
actually now that I think about it I could restrict only photos that way
Is there a way on the wiki to say this subdomain is also mine with rel=me to keep the filter?
I was just wondering about rel-me too. licit.li definitely rel-me-s to vanderven.se/martijn
I did it the easy way which involved almost no code, which was to allow domains that have actually logged in to the events site
I didn't want to build a whole thing for this because the eventual goal is to have a moderation queue instead
ohh I wanted to try and log out and log in with my Known site, but coudl nto find a log out button
Log out of the wiki
Ah, meetable is behind the same Vouch SSO setup? Makes so much sense now that I think about it!
Ah right. So I was RSVPing from Known, which is indeed on a subdomain.
Yep! That way most people here will already be logged in when they visit it!
!tell Zegnat Home page fixed and webmention sent.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jeremycherfas, received: 2020-02-08T14:18:26+00:00 !
yep, logged in with Known and sent the rsvp, interesting I couldn't log into telegraph with my Known site, is that a subdomain block or a problem with my site?
I didn't think telegraph had any restrictions
it worked the second time, first time I got a curl error, probably timeout on my end
returns at least 80% of his attention to work
Now that you've logged in with that subdomain once it'll let any webmentions thru
We are just hours away from @indiewebcamp online! https://events.indieweb.org/2020/02/indiewebcamp-online-gUpSVUxbUKhv Come join us for great sessions, conversations and friends hacking on personal websites. #BeYourOwnSocialNetwork (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/22QgW1)
and you get an "edit response" button!!
[Sadik_Shahadu] looking forward to talk we use Zoom, you may want to record a video a head of time in case you run into bandwidth issues
We can ask people to mute their smics and cameras during talk, if you have slides you can share your screen, we can also send them out to people ahead of time if screensharing will be too taxing on your network
!tell gwg let me know if you will not have time to add etherpad links and yellow room links on the wiki
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
I am off to basketball game one, will be on for the intros
I will do it now, then I need food
food first, just links
we have a few hours, life balance over blogging conference
[Sadik_Shahadu] joined the channel
edited /2020/Online (+43) "/* IndieWebCamp Online 2020 */"
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maxwelljoslyn and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
edited /2020/Online (+8) "/* Saturday */ PST is UTC-8"
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chrisaldrich joined the channel
Have any #IndieWeb people yet tried the ProjectNami version of Wordpress? In other words, Wordpress running on #IIS with #SQLServer? If I am the first test, is anybody interested in what I find? Do you want reports?
DeltaWhy[m] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
is there a way to join the zoom room from a browser? having trouble figuring it out
Yes, there is.
I've done it
that just wants me to download the app, usually it will have a 'join in browser' link if you wait a bit but it's not showing up for some reason
user the numbers on that url for the meeting number
DeltaWhy - the first time I used the link it downloaded the app. The second time I used the link, it opened the meeting in the app
i was trying to avoid using the app but I gave in and installed it
oh well I dropped out 'cause Zoom hanged on my computer
I'll try to rejoin
@jgmac1106 @GWG should we do live logging in the #meta channel or in the main #indieweb chat today?
I think main
on my way to the zoom, but also grabbing drink
created /Template:clhendricksbc (+496) "Created page with "== Christina Hendricks (clhendricksbc) == I teach philosophy at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Canada). * My domain: https://christinahendricks.ca * Blog is...""
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[Christina_Hendr joined the channel
Help...I broke the schedule page trying to add data to my user page. Sorry! I don't know what I'm doing.
Now it
Now the schedule page has all my data from my user page (user page was showing blank before where someone typed {{clhendricksbc}} and now it's embedding all the data from my user page.
Little late. Lost my keys
The Template page has too much stuff on it. Copy from someone else's template and add your info
[Christina_Hendr: the template one not the user one
jackjamieson joined the channel
RT @tchambers@indieweb.social IndieWebCamp Online is this weekend: a completely online set of events.... https://indieweb.org/2020/Online #indieweb https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/103618680818665981
RT @jan@geekcompass.com There’s always _some_ weird thing going on with others’ IndieWeb/microformats feeds, isn’t there? #indieweb (https://janboddez.tech/notes/c3c70e4b63) https://geekcompass.com/@jan/103601738193139752
RT @jan@geekcompass.com Looking into Mastodon maintenance—like keeping the (federated) statuses database from exploding—and I think I’ve finally found something IndieWeb sites (and “broadcast-only” ActivityPub actors) do better. Well, sort of. #fediverse (1/2)
Hmm, my microphone is borked, but I am seeing and hearing everything :D
Scott1 joined the channel
got it...will do. Thank you!
[scottgruber] joined the channel
[jackjamieson] joined the channel
cmd or ctrl+s will share screen [Sadik_Shahadu]
Sadly I have to drop out for a bit, GWG will an archive of the keynotes make it to archive.org?
I plan on it
As long as the wifi holds
edited /2020/Online (+51) "/* Saturday */ links for keynotes"
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[Sadik_Shahadu] show our curriculum
edited /User:Aaronparecki.com (+2411) "add list of indiewebcamps i've attended"
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edited /Special:Log/upload () "uploaded a new version of "[[File:aaronpk.jpg]]""
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Here is the main website https://goifnetwork.org/
GWG: you can mute people as the host
jgmac1106Discord: mute yourself plz
@kisik21 doing her first keynote on building an #IndieWeb CMS called kittybox https://events.indieweb.org/2020/02/indiewebcamp-online-gUpSVUxbUKhv after @sadike25 and David Shanske did his first keynote!! We traveled from Bulgaria, Ghana, to Russia..... (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1VyoUT)
we here you [AlisonW]
[AlisonW] we will be captioning all videos as soon as Camp is over
AlisonW++ Thanks for making me laugh with your intro :)
AlisonW has 2 karma over the last year
[cheukting_ho] joined the channel
Hi all! As IndieWebCamp in London is about a month away, I would like to see if anyone's company is happy to sponsor the social evening on saturday? We are looking for something about £150 so everyone can have a drink token in the pub for a drink. We try to have it sponsored instead of self funded to encourage people to social after a day of talks so they can exchange ideas and get to know more about IWC and HWC. For you company, we can
have your logo at the event page also I am happy to send some picture back and an event write up as marketing material for you to use. Of cause that also include special shout out at the event. It's good if your company is hiring web developers.
note to self: document zoom settings for people
is retired / on the DL
Please message me via Slack or email cheuk@datachemist.com if you are interested in sponsoring IndieWebCamp London.
!calc £150 to $
$194.21 (US dollars) (February 7, 2020)
I love you Loqi...you married?
[aaronpk] I've been unable to find a way to stop zoom taking control of my local window, to stop it becoming full screen
let me find it, one sec
jeremych_ joined the channel
£150 in a london put = 20 drinks max 😛
that's the opposite. I want it *not* to go to fullscreen
yes so uncheck it
right, uncheck the box
it's checked by default
done (i think) so now wait to see what happens)
there's also one in "General" called "Enter full screen when starting or joining a meeting"
Melanie just did her demo, is building an eleventy #IndieWeb template for content creators in the Twitch committee. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1vRmql)
m2creates and [Marlin_Forbes] joined the channel
↩️ Scott Gruber is going next, first #IndieWeb event in Portland three years ago. He demos http://scottgruber.me he is using @getperch and hasn't added webmention plugin yet but is adding a "now" page and pulls in his tweets and experimental art sites (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/KvnNW)
ok I got the onboarding screenshots :3
https://fireburn.ru/posts/1575990960 - this is how posts look once onboarding is complete
[Vika] Looks like my h-card and the main page are ready. I just need to write functions to fetch data from Micropub. https://fireburn.ru/media/14/b7/73/85/fa05797386d64adf5f7b14dbe8bfb11dbfd1eeba48f775b382721a30.png
↩️ Then @jackjamieson went and showed off his Wordpress site and how he uses the microsub reader. #Indieweb (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/5hg2i)
i will be back
edited /Zoom (+1368) "some tips for zoom"
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[Vika] Looks like my h-card and the main page are ready. I just need to write functions to fetch data from Micropub. https://fireburn.ru/media/14/b7/73/85/fa05797386d64adf5f7b14dbe8bfb11dbfd1eeba48f775b382721a30.png
nickodd joined the channel
5 minute break before first session?
events page has wrong time for PST at least; it's now 9:30am not 8:30 am: https://events.indieweb.org/2020/02/indiewebcamp-online-gUpSVUxbUKhv Not a big deal for anyone here but just in case someone else is looking to join later who isn't here.
might be better to only list UTC time and just link out to that timezone converter
wait didn't i see the schedule with times on https://indieweb.org/2020/Online ?
GWG: [jgmac1106]: you should pick one place to post the detailed schedule so that they don't get out of sync. the wiki is probably better for that.
Main article: 2020/Online/Schedule is farther down
Yes, and that one has correct times for pacific but the event page doesn't. Good idea to have just UTC and converter
yeah that was a tough one to figure out I thought they were the same
i'm going to just drop the schedule from the events.indieweb.org page
wait one sec lemme copy it first
ohh okay, but not with gwg new times
but that is easy I will fix those,
this is why there should be only one detailed schedule :)
agree, was first time trying to figure out how to balance wiki and events, I will capture reflections later
edited /2020/Online (-14) "/* Participating */ link to zoom page"
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edited /2020/Online (+13) "/* Participating */ link to chat page"
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now i want change notifications here for updates to events.indieweb.org pages
gwg, chrisalrdirch with 16 people in a session we could split it and run the same one twice, or just keep it huge, your call
Keeping it large is fine...
vanderven.se martijn
edited /2020/Online/Schedule (+55) "Update name and hashtag for session 1"
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edited /2020/Online/Schedule (+254) "/* Day One */"
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edited /2020/Online/Schedule (+0) "s /Masters/Experts/ Let's be a bit more inclusive."
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edited /Template:kisik21 (+62) "updated my avatar in the sparkline"
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edited /User:Fireburn.ru (+174) "/* Website */ Updated a lot of stuff about Kittybox"
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Heading to basketball will join feed to feeds when I get there
what session are we in? Getting started still?
yes. stepping away for a moment to find somethign for my kid
Third session
[KevinMarks] and nickodd joined the channel
Attending @IndieWebCamp Online from my son's basketball.l game. Running in and out of feed the feeds session. https://t.co/3BkuyFqEXN
Nuve and [Aaron_Klemm] joined the channel
"This Page is Designed to Last" by assistant professor Jeff Huang of Brown University has some interesting implications for #author #websites. So much of our #platforms are ephemeral and under corporate control. https://jeffhuang.com/designed_to_last/ #WritingCommunity #Web #IndieWeb #OpenWeb
Where are we at with the sessions? I can join in for the last one on WordPress. Starting soon?
massive agreement from me re his noting that "First came jquery, then bootstrap, npm, angular, grunt, webpack, and more." - one reason I try to roll my own scaffolding is I don't want to be reliant on any of these, plus they add bloat if I only want a single feature.
[Christina_Hendricks] i believe it's now meant to start in about 28min
since we shifted everything 15min
[Christina_Hendr: 10 minutes
GWG, did you get the new app update in?
swentel: Yes. Haven't tried it yet
Yes, Christina Hendricks , if I tweet #indieweb (or maybe indieweb ?) then Loqi will probably collect it.
swentel: Lots of things to support
yeah, with the platinum support now :)
I meant inthe app
Venues for one
maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
Are the schedule times up to date? Is WP starting now or in 15 minutes? GWG [jgmac1106]?
it just started a few ago
join us
Ohh yeah this is the session renamed "Can We Turn Zegnat"
Coming in ASAP
[Michael_Beckwith] entire goal of session is convince Zegnat he needs to switch to WordPress
join us in many ways 😄
Listening in now while munching on dinner
[chrisaldrich] and [fluffy] joined the channel
oh dang, sounds like I’ve been missing some great stuff. I needed to catch up on sleep this morning. 😕
sknebel: [tantek] left you a message 19 hours, 51 minutes ago: do you have a preferred method of receiving Kaja bug reports / feature requests? couldn't find a github repo to file issues, and unclear if adding to Kaja's wiki page is helpful/effective. e.g.: needs to be pointed at the new events site!
sleep has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
[fluffy] [chrisaldrich] mentioned you in the #collections discussion this morning, in the context of non-chronological feeds, preserving non-chron ordering in indie readers, serial comics, etc. will be typing the notes after my lunch
ah cool
I mean my comic feeds are still chronological, they’re just intended to be consumed oldest-first :)
well, most of them. my very first webcomic was very much non-chronological because the story jumped around in time and the display date on the post was supposed to be the time in comic time, not the time it was posted. (This got very confusing.)
ah, point taken. I should have said comics were in the context of collections as indexes/pointers/guides to batches of old material.
"display date on the post was supposed to be the time in comic time" - sounds scrumptiously wacky, wouldn't have it any other way :^)
but yeah like… the more general case of “reading order”
do you (or anyone) have thoughts RE metadata to indicate "desired reading order" or other such way of telling a consuming program that entries should be displayed other than chrono. by posts' publish date?
and yeah the comic took place in the distant future of 2007, with some flashbacks to the early 90s. (I drew it from 2000-2002 before giving up on it.)
hmm… well, on that particular comic I ordered it by “page number”
and of course I displayed it with a custom CMS (written in bash!) that ordered it that way.
so ordering data would be available (modulo some processing, markupping)
in Publ I allow an index or feed to sort by title, and also provide a “sort-title” field that you can use to override that, but until this very moment it never occurred to me to let people navigate entry-to-entry with that ordering.
i imagine the available indie readers all use chrono view (naturally, given there's no standard for "this feed ISN'T chrono" and most ppl publish chronological feeds)
okay this is sounding like a #indieweb-dev discussion
This has been great, everyone--I have to go make lunch for myself and child. Thank you to all...I have learned a lot!
[snarfed] joined the channel
Thanks for the great refresher on all the WP plugins GWG!
[LewisCowles], [Rose] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Just finished listening to @karaswisher interview @msurman on Recode Decode about @Mozilla. Mark’s comments about the need to split data gathering from exploitation immediately made me think of the Indieweb… #indieweb #ownyourdata (https://b-ark.ca/w68emQ)
chrisaldrich joined the channel
created /2020/Online/collections (+136) "Created page with "{{stub}} <span class="p-summary">'''<dfn>Collections and You</dfn>''' was a session at [[2020/Online|IndieWebCamp Online 2020]].</span>""
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[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
ok, I added "https://jeffhuang.com/designed_to_last/" to the "See Also" section of /longevity https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=68236&oldid=66034
[snarfed] joined the channel