#meta 2020-03-12

2020-03-12 UTC
IWC London organizers: are you moving forward with remote keynotes also? Or has the schedule changed? [Cheuk_/ Cherrie]@calu
[calumryan] [Ana_Rodrigues]
[tantek] and nickodd joined the channel
gRegorLove and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
edited /Gravatar (+271) "pagelogo; link to profile photo; run by Automattic; hovercard details"
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[jeremycherfas] and [Jeff_Hawkins] joined the channel
↩️ @andigalpern thank you Andi! Looking forward to seeing you at another @IndieWebCamp or meetup soon! https://tantek.com/t55Y7
[g33kcentric] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
edited /2020/London (+11) "/* Remote Participation */"
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↩️ I don’t think that remote events can truly provide ‘participation’ like a like lively in-person camp would. Such communication is vastly limited and cannot be pushed through a single wire. But hey, that’s all we can do for now ...
↩️ While truly looking forward to it, I actually was expecting such wise decision. Any plans to postpone it ..?
↩️ @m_lorek @adactio @indiewebcamp Hi Michael - yes, we're planning to postpone to later this year. Keep an eye on https://events.indieweb.org/
[jgmac1106], [grantcodes], misterwhatever and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
!tell adactio [chrisaldrich] made an interesting point in replying to a post by Terence Eden about avatars, that huffduffer.com shows all his rel="me" links. I thought, that's funny, and went to look at mine, and only my domain is there, although I do have a few other rel="me" on my home page. So I wonder, what's the difference between our sites?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[calumryan] joined the channel
Anyone who participated in IndieWebCamp Online, if you’re happy to share, what would be some things that went well or not so well and could be improved?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-178) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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Naptra joined the channel
[calumryan]: We had no technical issues. But you need someone handling the Zoom recordings and start stop
We restarted the room after each session
Etherpad could have used more emphasis
But that's a common issue.
Along with timekeeping
This week’s Micro Monday episode features @kimberlyhirsh, talking about her dissertation, discovering http://Micro.blog, the IndieWeb, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and more. https://monday.micro.blog/2020/03/11/kimberly-hirsh-aka.html
[grantcodes] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
was man im corana mock so macht... #webmentions ins blog einbauen #indieweb
[yo], [AlisonW], [email096] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
edited /2020/London (+145) "/* Remote Participation */"
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gRegorLove, [tantek] and [datashaman] joined the channel
Joe and I decided to make HWC SD virtual on the 18th. Updating now.
edited /2020/London (+78) "/* Remote Participation */"
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Hm, any way to add color/bg color on Meetable? Tried a div with inline style and a span, but no luck.
Goodness I'm bad at markdown
Removed the venue, updated the title, adding a heading and <hr> to call more attention to the note. Should work.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
An interesting thread on virtual meetups/conferences: https://twitter.com/amyhoy/status/1235710010681745408
since everybody (who's responsible) is canceling in-person events & subsequently The Vibe is all about making shit *virtual* i thought i'd talk a little bit about how @thomasfuchs, @alexhillman and i ran full- and even MULTI-day live workshops 100% online since 2010 THREAD
Perhaps something to think about for IWC-London? Maybe some interesting projects suggested in here that we might build?
edited /2020/London (+203) "/* Schedule */ add Pre-Camp Help and welcome"
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edited /2020/London/Schedule (+175) "/* Saturday */"
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edited /2020/London (+10) "commented out registrations closed since it's now remote participation; moved TOC down a bit"
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edited /2020/London/Schedule (-70) "/* Saturday */"
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Hey everyone, out of an abundance of caution regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus), we have decided to switch this March 18th meetup to an online-only meetup. We will provide a Zoom video conference link 20 minutes before the meetup on the event page and in the IndieWeb chat.
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
takev[m], heads up Re: HWC SD ^
edited /2020/London/Schedule (+647) "/* Sunday */"
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edited /2020/London () "(-1653) removed duplicate sections for parking, roomsharing, category, blog posts, photo, sponsors, organizers"
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edited /2020/London/Schedule (-450) "/* Saturday */ Change to max 3 track capacity in schedule"
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[schmarty] joined the channel
chrisaldrich++ ooh very good thread on remote learning/conferences. amyhoy++
amyhoy has 1 karma over the last year
chrisaldrich has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (27 in all channels)
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+15) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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good thread, and one of the few times I've seen the author preventing threadreaderapp
[davidmead] joined the channel
gRegorLove, I was surprised to see the block on threadreaderapp; that's the first time I've seen that in the wild.
I'm hoping that London this weekend will consider having an extra Zoom room or encourage some Google Hangouts or other video chats as Hallway tracks.
That's a neat idea
hallwaytrack has 1 karma over the last year
Could be any number of them with Hangouts. I think that's still free/exists (lolwhoknows)
nickodd and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
edited /2020/London (+75) "/* Participating */ Etherpad for session proposals (especially to lower the bar for first time participants who may not be wiki-savvy)"
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[AlisonW], [jgmac1106] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Hmm. The more I think about this, it might be okay. Who wants to hang out on zoom, drinking and cooking/eating homemade BBQ? When the first person on the call gets sunrise, we switch to breakfast burritos.
I have a bbq, but it might be raining. But Tesco sell pre cooked bbq to heat up
bit too cold to go out back for a barbie I reckon.
↩️ @amyhoy Another model that works for our community is the bridged indieweb chat http://chat.indieweb.org
[Rose] joined the channel
It's 10C in the middle of the day
that's https KevinMarks 🙂
Has anyone documented the pieces (are they open source) for how we've bridged Slack, IRC, and web to create our magical chat? I suspect it would help out a lot of people (especially in education circles) if it could be replicated, though there are obvious maintenance pieces.
It redirects. I left off the protocol
She may also be missing a lot of the subtlety of the bridged chat based on that one link...
slack bridge is open source
web chat archive is open source
I think the bit that feeds IRC into the files the website reads is not
not sure about the client part of the web archive (i.e. where people can join from the website), but I think that might be open too
nickodd left the channel
I took the liberty to copy the note about IWC London being online-only to events.indieweb.org
The bright side: now I am able to attend fully :)
edited /2020/London (+13) "/* Remote Participation */ add myself"
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[yo], [Ana_Rodrigues], [datashaman] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
edited /2020/London (+17) "/* Remote Participation */"
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edited /2020/London (+127) "/* Hotels */"
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edited /2020/London (+7) "/* Hotels */"
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[github] Pull request opened by calumryan: https://github.com/indieweb/2020.indieweb.org/pull/35
[github] Pull request merged by kevinmarks: https://github.com/indieweb/2020.indieweb.org/pull/35
[github] Successfully deployed indieweb/2020.indieweb.org to https://2020.indieweb.org
[manton], [schmarty], [datashaman]1, [Ana_Rodrigues], [LewisCowles]1, [LewisCowles], tsrt^ and Pikseladam joined the channel