jmacThe nonprofit I help run moved its upcoming big conference to virtual-only today, so this whole topic is close to home. (Literally. I can't leave the house.)
jmacI like the idea of doing an "NYC-branded" virtual meetup. Everyone welcome of course, but it'll attempt to bridge the NYC IW crowd over the plague weeks
[Rose]I was thinking it might be fun to have a permanent online hangout for a while. I can imagine a lot of us will suddenly be working very differently to how we have before, so it would be nice to have digital social contact!
Loqi[Jamie Tanna] I've got this set up on my own site against and it's really great. No more finding that image you want to use - it's just there. It's available automagically via my Microformats2 h-card, so it can be machine ...
Loqi[Jamie Tanna] I've got this set up on my own site against and it's really great. No more finding that image you want to use - it's just there. It's available automagically via my Microformats2 h-card, so it can be machine ...
[jeremycherfas]I had hoped to drop in and out of IWC but I did a very stupid thing and downloaded a thing for Reaper that messed up all my templates etc and that I cannot walk back. So I am going to be trying to reconstruct and finish editing an episode.
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time.