#meta 2020-03-14

2020-03-14 UTC
ben_thatmust joined the channel
edited /2020/London (+10) "/* Remote Participation */"
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[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
pikseladam++ for IndieWeb-tr!
pikseladam has 2 karma over the last year
gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, Mikaela1, ketudb7, ben_thatmustbeme, nickodd and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
edited /commonplace_book (+57) "code for using Write.as as a commonplace"
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I am having fun getting back into Indieweb stuff -- working on adding support for updates to Blotpub. This has been in works for so long, I had to get to it. I also recently added support for syndicating longer posts to Twitter and Mastodon. Always makes me relaxed.
maxwelljoslyn, [Dan_Q], [carolgilabert] and [Rose] joined the channel
edited /2020/London (+18) "/* Remote Participation */"
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[LewisCowles], [calumryan] and crowdhailer joined the channel
edited /2020/London (+13) "Adding Barry Frost"
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Murray and [Murray] joined the channel
edited /2020/London/Schedule (+66) "/* Saturday */"
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edited /2020/London (+9) "/* Remote Participation */ Update link to schedule"
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Good morning #indieweb! Join our @indiewebcamp online from 10am GMT. The orange room will be the main room and you can find all the details in our schedule. https://indieweb.org/2020/London#Remote_Participation
doubleloop and [barryf] joined the channel
created /User:Carolgilabert.me (+177) "Created page with "Hey there! I'm Carol, and I'm a frontend software engineer. I'm still taking my baby steps into the indie web, so if you have any cool feature ideas, I'd love to hear them 💛""
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edited /2020/London/Schedule (+55) "/* Saturday */"
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#indieweb @RosemaryOrchard: My website is at https://rosemaryorchard.com and whenever I have something to post, I don't think about whether it should be on twitter or instagram, I post it to my site first
edited /2020/London (+20) "/* Remote Participation */"
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↩️ #indieweb @RosemaryOrchard: When I want to post, I can use any client - I like to use Quill https://quill.p3k.io/ so when I post ti goes to my site first, then can be shared to http://micro.blog or twitter too
↩️ #indieweb @RosemaryOrchard: I can try and read instagram posts, but unfortunately facebook is very unfriendly to anyone outside the facebook world
Naptra joined the channel
↩️ #indieweb @RosemaryOrchard: I remember when myspace went away and took our history with it - by putting all my likes and notes on my own site, I can stop this from happening again
↩️ #indieweb @RosemaryOrchard: I can build my own profile on the internet rather than relying on some tech giant in america that may not have my interests at heart - I know that I have my own interests at heart
↩️ #indieweb @RosemaryOrchard: I run on wordpress, but there are lots of options - if you want something to start quickly I would recommend http://micro.blog - if you want help getting started come to http://chat.indieweb.org and we'll help you
↩️ #indieweb @cheukting_ho: another option to start using indieweb is with github pages - it's completely free and you can use jekyll to edit it
[KevinMarks] and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
↩️ #indieweb Lewis Coles: I'm at https://www.lewiscowles.co.uk/ - I hack around with my site by hand - I have an all text blog and try things out by hand. I use fragmention to scroll to content, but you have to opt in
↩️ #indieweb Lewis Coles: I did start in jekyll, but it is entirely typed in by hand in vscode and uploaded
↩️ @kevinmarks indieweb lewis coles: i did start in jekyll, but it is remotely ok with me.
↩️ #indieweb @cheukting_ho: My site is at http://cheuk.dev - I just upgraded again and took my articles out of medium and onto my own website. I don't have webmention yet, so I want to link that up this weekend
↩️ #indieweb Dan Q: My site is https://danq.me/ - I've been keeping a personal site for a long time, and it's on wordpress now. I try and put everything I produce on the web in one place
↩️ #indieweb Dan Q: I've been translating my older geocaching code into checkins, and I want to store that more easily on http://find.danq.me
It's about time to demo my personal website at #IndieWebCamp London - I've got some pre-written notes about what I want to talk about on https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IWC_London_Site_demos although some of you who know me will know I can talk _for ages_ about my site and the… https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/03/vjric/
↩️ #indieweb @JamieTanna: my site is at https://www.jvt.me and is built on Hugo and hosted on netlify. I've moved my RSVPs to my site and makes a calendar link for me. I also publish them out to meetup
↩️ #indieweb @JamieTanna: I own all interactions with twitter - and I've been enhancing those to show more context
↩️ #indieweb @calum_ryan: my site is https://calumryan.com and I have been using it for about 5 years now - I have notes, reposts, bookmarks and photos
↩️ #indieweb @calum_ryan: it's currently on 2 different systems - a mixture of a custom CMS in PHP and jekyll for the posts, and I am going to try to make that simpler
↩️ #indieweb @barryf: my personal site is https://barryfrost.com/. - I built it about 5 years ago initially when I went to my first indiewebcamp at MIT
↩️ #indieweb @barryf: I like to put all my content in one place, but I like having reactions wit hpeople on twitter and instagram in one place too
↩️ #indieweb @barryf: I don't post enough, I find it more fun to write software. My site is on github and is written in ruby and uses a lot of indieweb tech
↩️ #indieweb @barryf: my content is on github as flat json files, that gets turned into a database on heroku - I built my own client app at http://micropublish.net. which you can use with your site too
↩️ #indieweb @ohhelloana: I have a blog at https://ohhelloana.blog since 2014, which was wordpress then converted to jekyll - I have bookmarks
↩️ #indieweb @ohhelloana: I have micropub and webmentions, but I didn't like the way they look, so this weekend I am converting to eleventy as I understand js better than ruby
↩️ #indieweb @kevinmarks: demonstrating noterlive and my site at indiwebcamp
↩️ #indieweb @dshanske: my site is https://david.shanske.com - it has a lot of kinds of posts and articles on it, as well as locations and weather, and the posts have the timezones I wrote them in
↩️ #indieweb @dshanske: I do a lot of the wordpress functionality in the community and I'm always happy to talk about that
↩️ #indieweb Neil Mather: my site is https://doubleloop.net/ built on wordpress using the tools @dshanske has built
↩️ #indieweb Neil Mather: I post to my site using a mobile app called indigenous, which uses micropub, and I read with a microsub client at http://alltogethernow.io
↩️ #indieweb Neil Mather: because the feeds are held in aperture I can read them all in this reader
↩️ #indieweb Neil Mather: I'm also using a personal wiki for a more considered set of work at http://commonplace.doubleloop.net - making it more of a commonplace book - the more i use the wiki the less I use the blog
↩️ #indieweb Neil Mather: I have made a micropub client in emacs as I don't like the wordpress content editor - I can write in emacs and push stuff to my site that way
↩️ #indieweb Neil Mather: I've also made a custom wordpress theme built on underscores and it was quite easy as the microformats came from the Post Kinds plugin
↩️ #indieweb @CarolSaysThings: my site is at https://carolgilabert.me/ - I've been going to homebrew website club in nottingham; I have RSVPs and a blog, and I'm working on a new about page with a timeline -its' it's built in gatsby on netlify
↩️ #indieweb Sebastiaan Andeweg: my site is at https://seblog.nl/ I post photos, like and syndicate to twitter too
↩️ #indieweb Sebastiaan Andeweg: I don't make new features anymore - I debate whether I should rebuild it.
I demoed my baby site at #IndieWebCamp ✨
↩️ #indieweb Sebastiaan Andeweg: You can log into my site with indieauth and can see some hidden posts including checkins from swarm
↩️ #indieweb Sebastiaan Andeweg: I do like the idea of having a static site, but doing this on a static site would be harder
[jgmac1106] and [Anna_Dodson] joined the channel
↩️ #indieweb @calum_ryan: The sessions etherpad is at https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IWC_London - so use that to propose things to talk about this afternoon
↩️ #indieweb @jgmac1106: my site is https://jgregorymcverry.com - I write PHP myself, but I use Known for all of my work
↩️ #indieweb @jgmac1106: I have my own poetry page at https://jgregorymcverry.com.mypoetry with poems I write and read, and I have a podcast feed of them there too
Remotely attending #indiewebcamp London 2020 (after Covid-19 kept us from meeting in person) and hacking on some note/checkin-posting tools. [via: https://danq.me/2020/03/14/iwc-lon-2020-remote/]
nbg^ joined the channel
edited /2020/London (+50) "/* Remote Participation */"
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Watched Kevin Freeney talk about TerminusDB and Rosemary Orchard speak about the benefits of the IndieWeb at this mornings remote only #indiewebcamplondon2020 Keynotes #indieweb. After some site introductions, afternoon sessions are now being planned
edited /2020/London/Schedule (+211) "/* Saturday */ Add list of sessions"
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#Morph is a bit too lethargic to join #IndieWebCamp London today, but says meow to y'all (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/03/u2zco/) https://t.co/W2Nx6XwJ2Q
edited /2020/London/Schedule () "(-730) /* Saturday */"
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Lego break with Dan before @IndieWebCamp London sessions begins. He hopes to finish project and publish it to his @withknown site
[datashaman] joined the channel
Group picture @indiewebcamp London! #IndieWeb We had a good time "meeting" #Online during #COVID19 https://t.co/Fg62xRWqeE
This is the schedule for today's online @indiewebcamp https://indieweb.org/2020/London/Schedule#Saturday It includes the link to the zoom room we're in :) #indieweb
I may not be able to make it to the first session at #IndieWebCamp London - #Morph has decided that he is my new laptop (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/03/oogau/)
edited /2020/London/Schedule (+61) "/* Saturday */"
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[carolgilabert] and [suze_shardlow1] joined the channel
[voss] and nickodd joined the channel
edited /2020/London/Schedule (-108) "remove confusing duplicated times"
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created /Hobbsy.com (+5) "Created page with "Hello""
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edited /Template:next-hwc (+14) "update next date from events.indieweb.org"
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[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
thansk for taking notes on this session, content a little above my head, kaes sumamrizing hard
aaronpk: sknebel left you a message 32 minutes ago: https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=69040&oldid=68669&rcid=68904 <- ok like that? tweaks=
sknebel has 16 karma in this channel over the last year (55 in all channels)
We had a good session earlier talking about how to set up #Micropub with static websites at #IndieWebCamp London https://etherpad.indieweb.org/staticmicropub You may also be interested in a read of my posts: * https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/08/26/setting-up-micropub/ * https://www.jvt.me/posts/2019/10/30/reader-mail-hugo-micropub/ *… https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/03/svgim/
edited /2020/London/Schedule (-7) "/* Saturday */"
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hobbsy joined the channel
[Dan_Q] joined the channel
edited /commonplace_book (+329) "/* Indieweb examples */ Neil Mather"
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[Ana_Rodrigues], [carolgilabert], IWSlackGateway, [Dan_Q], [suze_shardlow1], [cleverdevil], [KevinMarks], [chrisaldrich] and [snarfed] joined the channel
created /mf2_s (+640) "stub for WordPress developer theme"
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[cleverdevil] joined the channel
what is mf2_s?
mf2_s is a starter WordPress theme from David Shanske which supports microformats https://indieweb.org/mf2_s
I was sure there was going to be an issue with that underscore... MediaWiki++
MediaWiki has 1 karma over the last year
Playing catch up on the logs from an awesome looking IndieWebCamp London last night. Thinking about what to build for my website for day 2. (https://boffosocko.com/?p=55769240)
Naptra_ joined the channel
created /Doublescores (+635) "stub for WordPress theme"
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[grantcodes] and [snarfed] joined the channel
created /User:Dem.cx (+616) "Alea jacta est"
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[grantcodes] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
A song from a couple of years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMPbSNgnTEM&list=PL541D22164455B92D&index=3 #indiemusic #indieweb #BREAKING #coronavirus #NewMusic #Original #music #musician
[snarfed] joined the channel
sknebel: wrong channel lol
[barryf] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[dem_cx]++ for wikifying
[dem_cx] has 1 karma over the last year
[snarfed], [barryf] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
edited /2019/homepage (+337) "/* Goals */ reduce alternatives"
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[grantcodes], [snarfed] and cal joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
created /User:Boffosocko.com/homepage (+14624) "basic page; stab at a four user chart/funnel; added mailchimp email signup form"
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[cleverdevil] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
^^ if anyone wants to hack away at that iteration of the IndieWeb homepage. Based on /2019/homepage ([jgmac1106]?)