#meta 2020-03-15

2020-03-15 UTC
[chrisaldrich]: thank you for reminding me to consider doing this
I'm thinking about that 24 hour a day Homebrew Website Club right now
did that pass?
I came in briefly
jacky: I'm just pondering social distancing.
ahh yeah
I was in a hotel room for 61 days and I came back to this. Wouldn't mind some online socialing
bradleyallen joined the channel
Where here for you GWG
says before sitting down to dinner. 🤣
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
chrisaldrich you lose me at the table, check your phone
alina and nickodd joined the channel
[jgmac1106] the dinner table, or on that chart? don't see anything via phone...
created /Quick_Start (+4445) "stub, support chart"
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^^ another chart for helping to get people started quickly. Feedback, changes, welcome.
!tell [manton] mblaney sonicrocketman: please take a look at the https://indieweb.org/Quick_Start page and make any suggestions/corrections as necessary
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
If anyone has a better page name or redirects, those may be helpful. I've left it kind of floating in the wiki until we can settle on a name for it and anchor it into some of the other pages as necessary/helpful.
gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /2020/London/Schedule (+223) "/* Sunday */ chrisaldrich projects"
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tantek, was the coining of POSSE influenced at all by the POSSE FOUNDATION? https://www.happycog.com/work/posse-foundation/ 🙂
created /2020/London/buildingblocks (+3545) "archive etherpad"
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created /2020/London/staticmicropub (+2373) "archive etherpad"
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created /2020/London/analytics (+2684) "archive etherpad"
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created /2020/London/OwnYourRSVPs (+2447) "archive etherpad"
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created /2020/London/microsubfeeds (+2643) "archived etherpad"
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edited /scrobble (+574) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ Jeffrey Zeldman historical example"
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edited /Microsub (+50) "/* IndieWebCamp Related Sessions */ +London, fix some links"
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edited /rsvp (+78) "Sessions section, +London"
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edited /Micropub (+75) "/* Sessions */ +London"
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edited /website-analytics (+84) "Sessions section, +London"
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As part of my project list for IndieWebCamp London 2020 (participating remotely), I started a Colophon page for my website, primarily to enumerate some of the plugins and tools I use to publish to my website. (https://boffosocko.com/?p=55769256)
edited /colophon (+101) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ chrisaldrich; addyourself template"
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gRegorLove has 36 karma in this channel over the last year (73 in all channels)
I just went to the London page to archive the etherpads. Turns out someone beat me to it! gRegorLove++
cal joined the channel
Are demos happening Sunday in London?
I suppose I will wake up and find out
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Mikaela and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
There was some talk about jmac’s Bise yesterday. I’ve been using it for a few weeks now and I would be happy to give a quick run-through during demo time. But I do not want to take time from anyone who is actually working on a project today. I’ll be spending my day polishing tomorrow’s podcast, not working on a project, but I will be finished by demo time. I’d better be.
edited /2020/London/Schedule (+86) "/* Sunday */"
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edited /2020/London (-62) "/* Schedule */"
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edited /2020/London/Schedule (+0) "/* Sunday */"
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[LewisCowles] joined the channel
edited /2020/London/Schedule (+70) "/* Sunday */"
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edited /2020/London/Schedule (+87) "/* Sunday */"
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[github] Pull request opened by calumryan: https://github.com/indieweb/2020.indieweb.org/pull/36
paying for things in japan these days, a throwback to openid’s nascar problem: https://indieweb.org/NASCAR_problem https://t.co/mngqnwDEjI
[Ana_Rodrigues] and [Dan_Q] joined the channel
edited /2020/London/Schedule (+245) "/* Sunday */ Add details of personal project"
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edited /website-analytics (+174) "/* Active analytics */"
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[barryf] joined the channel
edited /2020/London/Schedule (+352) "/* Sunday */ my plans"
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↩️ Doesn't mean that we are not going to social though, online events like @indiewebcamp London today and remote @py_sprints on 23rd, watch (coding) party at @Twitch #ComingSoon, online games. I just join @Steam , let me know if you wanna play games with me :-)
[jgmac1106] and [Anna_Dodson] joined the channel
edited /2020/London (+16) "/* Remote Participation */ addign greg"
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[chrisaldrich] I meant the css table is not responsive, find the notes on the three column redeisgn for the home page
edited /2020/London/Schedule (+155) "/* Sunday */ adding my goals"
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edited /2020/London/Schedule (+152) "/* Sunday */"
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edited /2020/London/Schedule (+495) "/* Sunday */"
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[calumryan] joined the channel
edited /2020/London/Schedule (+147) "/* Sunday */"
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edited /2020/London/Schedule (+161) "add my project plans"
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[Murray] joined the channel
edited /2020/London/Schedule (+60) "/* Sunday */"
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[eddie] joined the channel
created /User:Www.theadhocracy.co.uk (+351) "Created page with "<div class="p-summary">{{Infobox person |name = Murray Adcock |url = https://theadhocracy.co.uk |photo_url = https://cms.theadhocracy.co.uk/assets/theadhocracy/website/profile...""
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edited /chat-names (+148) "/* Nicknames */"
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edited /chat-names (+4) "/* Nicknames */"
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↩️ Michael, you won't find anyone more #indieweb than me, but 'easily self-hosted on digital ocean' and 'journalling for a group' are not things that belong together.
↩️ Carly, if you want to chat about self-hosting options, http://chat.indieweb.org is there for you, and indiewebcamp London is on today if you want a live chat full of helpful people https://events.indieweb.org/2020/03/indiewebcamp-london-online--EPL3anhWs2Wz
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Is it a known issue that messages on Slack by Cheuk are not visible on IRC?
Conversation in #dev misses messages
I can imagine the / is a problem.
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I think there is also a problem when Replies to a thread are not also sent to the channel. But I could be wrong.
[Dan_Q], [suze_shardlow1] and TroyDiscord[m] joined the channel
yes we have to encourage people not to thread in Slack
Oh dear, I didn't know that
or encourage them to always send to main channel
nickodd joined the channel
I’m in another one where *nobody* sends to the channel, and I’ve got used to it, but I don’t like it and so I try to model the behaviour I do like.
I am fine with different Slacks having different cultures regarding threading; I was cranky about it for a while too but clearly a lot of folks like the idea of having (essentially) ad-hoc sub-channels
But it's different in this case if the intent is a platform-neutral chat, of course
there is also just a bug that could be fixed :)
[Murray] joined the channel
edited /2020/London (+1) "/* Remote Participation */"
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I thought messages iin a thread did get sent to IRC still, they just obvs don't show up threaded in IRC
I’m getting over my crankiness too, and trying to be like water.
yea but her messages weren't thread replies.
it's just that her username contains an underscore, a slash and a space.
I think IRC does not like that
the messages aren't in the logs either, but they are on slack.
And you see people on Slack replying to her.
but yea don't want to impose a debug session on Aaron
The replies go through to the web logs
I see messages from her in IRC. Is it just the threaded ones that are missing?
wait, maybe I don't, now I can't find them
https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2020-03-15#t1584276365023900 after this one, there is a message from her in the Slack history
and it's not in the logs
edited /2020/London/Schedule (+0) "/* Sunday */"
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[[jgmac1106]] [Cheuk_/ Cherrie] [LewisCowles] I may one day try to install Morris, but I am also thinking about trying to use gSheets to store webmentions using webmention.io (went to dev from main)
edited /2020/London (+0) "/* Schedule */"
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and I think it's been going on for a while now, because I keep missing when things begin in London :P
Okay yeah it's nothing to do with threads
I think it's the slash
I think when slack changed how usernames work they also changed it to allow new characters in usernames, so before I had an easy mapping to IRC name but now it's gonna be trickier
yea they killed the IRC bridge so they could do all these things (threads, weird usernames)
but that makes this bridge harder
When I fix this I should also fix the problem with too long slack names
edited /chat-names (+129) "/* Nicknames */"
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chrisaldrich and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
#indieweb @ohhelloana: I've been converting my site from jekyll to eleventy - I have the posts but not styling yet. I originally converted from wordpress to jekyll, and now there are leftovers from both conversions
↩️ #indieweb @cheukting_ho: I added webmentions to my site - you can see them at the bottom of https://cheuk.dev/2020/03/15/indie-webmention/
↩️ #indieweb @JamieTanna: I added @aaronpk's script to show balloons on my birthday - which meant adding my birthday to my microformats
Sad that I missed https://2020.indieweb.org/london, but wasn't going to waste the hotel I'd booked. To make up for it I have managed to get posting photos to Twitter, as this hopefully proves...
↩️ #indieweb @JamieTanna: I am adding a public endpoint for the top hits on my site for a given day, after the analytics conversation
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
↩️ #indieweb Dan Q: I did manage to get bits of post kinds to fit in with gutenburg - I have a citation block that has microfomats in
↩️ #indieweb Neil Mather: I was inspired by the Own your RSVPs session - I used Jamies code to convert meetup events into h-feeds
↩️ #indieweb Neil Mather: I put these into my social reader in aperture
notrlive has 1 karma over the last year
↩️ #indieweb Neil Mather: I then can post RSVPs to my own site, and then can use http://brid.gy to send it to the external service too
↩️ #indieweb Neil Mather: I have wordpress set up so that when I create an RSVP post it can be syndicated to http://brid.gy as well, so I've sent a pull request to Syndication Links for this
↩️ #indieweb Neil Mather: by doing this https://doubleloop.net/kinds/rsvp has a list of all the places I have RSVP'd to, which you could follow to discover events
↩️ #indieweb Neil Mather: next I want to addd an iCal feed for all my events
↩️ #indieweb Neil Mather: it was very easy to add new things based on the building blocks and how @dshanske has structured the WP plugins
↩️ #indieweb @cheukting_ho: could I syndicate using Travis as well?
↩️ #indieweb @barryf: I've been updating http://microublish.net - my micropub client. I made it give clearer explanations about what went wrong looking for endpoints
[Dan_Q] joined the channel
↩️ #indieweb @barryf: there are now much clarifying error message fro people trying to set it up - missing scope or me parameters, or error messages
↩️ #indieweb @jgmac1106: I added subgrids to my cards, which only works in Firefox for now, but all my cards are now the same height
↩️ #indieweb @jgmac1106: I added webmention support and display to my static site using fluffy's webmention.js
↩️ #indieweb @jgmac1106: I added a feed of torrents of all my videos as I'm using a lot of bandwidth now schools have been sent home
↩️ #indieweb @calum_ryan: I've been looking at Kirby as an alternative to my handcrafted CMS, so I converted my posts into flat files to put into Kirby
↩️ #indieweb @calum_ryan: a lot of the problems have been with character encoding and getting the emojis through. I was looking at a static site generator before
↩️ #indieweb @calum_ryan: I started building a weather plugin for Kirby to add that to posts
↩️ #indieweb @CarolSaysThings: I refactored my RSVPs - I used to have to add them manually; now I list them in a json file and loop though to add them to the page
↩️ #indieweb @CarolSaysThings: that should make it easier to get micropub set up on my site
↩️ #indieweb @SuzeShardlow: my website is served through github pages based on jekyll and liquid - I thought I should use more indeweb principles, and it was like getting a new bookcase and then hoovering the whole hous
↩️ #indieweb @SuzeShardlow: so I ended up changing my layouts to make them more DRY and use includes more; now I want to implement webmentions instead of discus
↩️ #indieweb @SuzeShardlow: I also set up weblogin and managed to log into indieweb wiki - I need to change my canonical url to http://suze.dev from http://suzeshardlow.com
↩️ #indieweb @SuzeShardlow: I also added myself to the chat list on the wiki. I have staked the claim with rel=me on my site, and next is an h-card
↩️ #indieweb @SuzeShardlow: I found a lot more motivation to do this today with having other people doing ti too, and thank you to @ohhelloana, @cheukting_ho and @calum_ryan for organising this very well
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
↩️ #indieweb Lewis Coles: I have managed to get publishing from git to heroku now and started to look at sending webmentions from github, circleCI ran a script to send a post
[calumryan] joined the channel
↩️ #indieweb @ChrisAldrich: I made a new grid for people to compare blogging platforms and solutions at https://indieweb.org/Quick_Start
↩️ #indieweb @ChrisAldrich: I also added a colophon to my website to show how it has been built as people ask me that a lot
[chrisaldrich]: reminder to mute when you're not speaking
and [jgmac1106] too
kevinmarks: Demoing /Noter_Live
↩️ #indieweb @kevinmarks: demoing noterlive to indiewebcamp london
thx Aaron
↩️ #indieweb Sebastiaan Andeweg: I have been building an iOS app that will post to micropub - I now need to do indieauth and get a token too
[carolgilabert] and [suze_shardlow1] joined the channel
edited /FAQ (+17) "/* What are IndieWebCamp specifications */ +Microsub"
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[Anna_Dodson] joined the channel
edited /FAQ (+74) "/* What are the most important things about an indieweb site */ build for yourself"
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One of my favorite parts of IndieWebCamp is the infectious looks of happiness, joy, and glee people have when demoing what they’ve done on their own websites. A special thanks to everyone big and small who participated in the London camp this weekend. (https://boffosocko.com/?p=55769259)
[aaronpk] do we approve webmentions if there is something wrong with duplicate images?
for events in meetable
oh crap i need to fix that still don't i
good, i was looking for a project this morning :)
...I am sure you are never at loss of projects
My live notes from #IndiewebCamp London (Online) today and yesterday http://www.kevinmarks.com/indiewebcamplondon2020.html #indieweb
[jgmac1106] So... when do we start HWC?
I have Navrongo on Tuesday, but I do not know how well remote will work, team asked to use hangouts so will try Google Meet...they should have just stuck with hangouts
Wednesday could work.
After that do we start with ET or PT and then alternate from there?
[chrisaldrich]: I am fine with alternating
Wonder if we want to go weekly for the duration
Being optipessimistic
[snarfed], Mikaela, cal, sknebel, GWG and [dem_cx] joined the channel
I hope this is the right chat for questions on the wiki processes.
Where is a policy for deprecating something on the wiki?
Can't find any clue both on https://indieweb.org/expand_a_page and on https://indieweb.org/wikifying .
E.g. https://indieweb.org/POSSE#Services says Bridgy supports Facebook. Meanwhile Bridgy says "R.I.P.": https://brid.gy/about#rip-facebook .
if the wiki is wrong, just edit it
I am okay with weekly. Human contact during social isolation is self care
okay figured it out, that was silly
it was only replacing the first non-IRC-safe character
so if you ever had two spaces in your display name, it would fail too
[fluffy], [LewisCowles] and IWSlackGateway joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
that should fix it!
sorry Cheuk!
now, in order to fix the file upload issue, i have to switch from the old web hook api to the new Events API
cal and [fluffy] joined the channel
aaronpk: if you point me to the relevant bridge code I could probably script that modification
i'm working on it, it's not trivial
as in, fixing chat-names if someone doesn't do ti
oh that is done already
and live
wait do you mean the wiki edit i just made?
now i get it
let me think...
i'm not really sure how that would work, because the chat logs have no knowledge of Slack
that /chat-names page is read by the chat logs website
the chat logs would have to do the slack-to-irc transformation in order to map backwards from an IRC name to something on that list
if someone adds a name that doesn't match IRC rules to chat-names Kaja could edit their entry to use the IRC form
this is how it takes a slack name and translates it to an IRC name https://github.com/aaronpk/Slack-IRC-Gateway/blob/master/gateway.js#L350
sebsel joined the channel
created /User:Suze.dev (+322) "Created page with "{{Infobox person |name = Suze Shardlow |url = https://suze.dev |photo_url = https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1160159491364704256/AVZpDOSg_400x400.jpg |pronouns = she/her/h...""
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[Cheuk_Cherrie] joined the channel
they really went to town on oauth scopes in the new api
hm should the logs hotlink the image from slack, or should it upload a saved copy of it somewhere?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
does the hotlink time out? or just a precaution?
no idea
there's a "pub_token" in the URL
hm... check old links from when it still worked?
but that's actually served from a web page that's returned by the API
they went through that extra hoop for some reason which makes me think the pub token might be short lived
huh found this one and it only has the slack web page URL not the image file https://chat.indieweb.org/meta/2019-02-21/1550717996622900
which is not how the integration used to work so...
created /User:Yahwho.org (+81) "Created page with " == Fumbling in the Dark == Please forgive my ignorance - this is all new to me.""
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ah i forgot the images are on a different domain i was searching the wrong thing
[dem_cx] joined the channel
ok confirmed that a URL from 2017 still works
which means this is good enough to ship as is
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
okay, gonna take down the slack bridge while i reconfigure it
IWSlackGateway and [aaronpk] joined the channel
we're back!
and image uploads work now!
[fluffy] joined the channel
hey how'd you break it
i don't understand what happened lol
IWSlackGateway and [aaronpk] joined the channel
figured it out, thanks 🙂
[github] Pull request merged by tantek: https://github.com/indieweb/2020.indieweb.org/pull/36
[github] Successfully deployed indieweb/2020.indieweb.org to https://2020.indieweb.org
[fluffy] joined the channel
I seem to have a natural ability to break stuff just by trying to use it normally
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
well that was a long overdue fix
gRegorLove and [snarfed] joined the channel