GWGI'm still on the fence as to whether we need a full page on, I thought that was what was for, but I can if there is that much interest
aaronpkthe page is to have a nicer page than the wiki for the complete even info like the summary schedule and link to the code of conduct and such. normally this also includes a map, which obviously isn't relevant here
aaronpk2020 is debatable whether it's useful, we could possibly roll that into, but there's a lot of things left to talk about in that case
cj.w6k.cacreated / (+504) "Created page with "Hello. I'm '''Chris'''. I have a website at that runs a software I made called WebFoo. It doesn't do very much except let me login to the wiki at IndieWeb...."" (view diff)
[tantek]aaronpk, do you know who admins the domain / server for Open Source Bridge? Did it get decomissioned or shutdown instead of being kept read-only?
gRegorLove_, nekr0z[m], [chrisaldrich], Naptra, swentel, [KevinMarks], [chrisaldrich]1, [KevinMarks]1, [pfefferle], [tantek] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
LoqiKartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message on 2017-07-31 at 6:18pm UTC: (and anyone else interested!) possible dates added to IWC NYC 2017 planning, please add yourself and +1/0/-1 for each:
KartikPrabhufor everyone participating at the same time I have done 20-ish people which has worked out well; again having all browsers, pdfs and other stuff turned off on my laptop
petermolnarh.323 is an old room conference system protocol; it predates SIP if I understand it correctly. Older "enterprice" conf call systems, cisco, bluejeans, etc support it, and if I understand it correctly, it lack any modern features: it's not p2p, or encrypted - on the bright side it used to run on 10+ year old hardware without glitches.
[KevinMarks]It would make sense to do that as an audience. Part of it is that zoom has dreadful chat, so we need to encourage the chat to be in the usual place
[tantek]I feel like I predicted this at the time: "As good as the /now idea may seem, the fact that it needs to be regularly and manually updated makes it a failure out of the gate. I’ll bet that less than half the /now pages out there have been updated in the last 6 months. I know mine hasn’t."
[tantek]This is a very good succinct criticism of why directing people from your blog to social media for any "required" functionality is bad: "I might see a one click option for Twitter or Mastodon, but then I’m a mile away from your website and unlikely to see you again in the noise of my Twitter feed which has many other lurking problems."
[chrisaldrich]and the sad part is that even though social media allows you to follow people, it just doesn't always give you the content you want from those people in any of the ways you want....
jackyactually yeah unless microsub as a spec has some information about to do subscription to 'people' (how do you even define a person? what makes them different from an organization? do we just lean on h-cards?), adding it to the spec might be clutter
[tantek]Jacky, short answer to “ideal feed” is don’t try to be smart. Use what’s on the page. If there’s more than one h-feed, integrate them all into the “following” of that person, and then let them customize (i.e. mute) later
[chrisaldrich]In some sense, I may not really be following a particular person, I'm following one of their "personas" represented by one of their feeds. There are mathematicians and physicists I'm following, but I'm not following them so much as a subsection of them related to that topic of interest....
[chrisaldrich]I get what you're saying and starting at the simpler case is the better choice. Particularly if someone has a site that's the equivalent of a business card with nothing really to follow.
[tantek]You still follow the h-card of the person and show any updates to it. And if/when any entries or a feed show up on their home page you show those
KartikPrabhuisn't h-feed vs h-card more of plumbing? My ideal UX would be: enter URL of the person's website > reader says "this person posts 1) articles 2) notes 3) photos of cats" > I choose what I want to follow
[jgmac1106]I like the UX of the inoreader extension. Though I can assign to a feed. That is what I want. Click on a bookmarklet follow someone, decide what feed to stick them in. One click is enough. Two can organize
[jgmac1106]I rarely come across sites with multiple feeds and 90% are WP... Just that main feed.... But inoreader made a tool that makes up feeds for sites without feeds
boffosocko.comedited /webhook (+667) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ chrisaldrich example Using IFTTT to syndicate (PESOS) content from social services to WordPress using Micropub" (view diff)
[tantek]Kevinmarks, could you instead develop a Chrome Plugin that converted a fragmention URL into the ugly syntax they're supporting before it hits the browser?