#meta 2020-06-21

2020-06-21 UTC
created /User:Georgenance.com (+233) "Created page with "{{Infobox person |name = George Nance |url = https://georgenance.com |photo_url = https://georgenance.com/images/avatar.jpeg |pronouns = he/him |summary = |elsewhere = [https...""
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justache, gRegorLove and [tantek] joined the channel
jacky, micro.blog is exactly that cutesy domain where you can "just sign-up" and go
is the problem that they want more of them?
aaronpk++ thanks for the registrants listing fix, and the first Indie RSVP! 😄
aaronpk has 63 karma in this channel over the last year (226 in all channels)
There are 53 Input Purposes for User Interface Components. @w3c_wai lists them here https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#input-purposes Are these semantic markup components related to #microformats? #indieweb #a11y
aaronpk++ for Adding a Live Icon next to the Join Meeting Link in meetable when live. Suggested during an HWC
aaronpk has 64 karma in this channel over the last year (227 in all channels)
↩️ Oh wow that’s coming up. I’ll be there!
↩️ Yes we are! https://2020.indieweb.org/west It'd be great to see you there!
@indiewebcamp @t @aaronpk Are you hosting a virtual Indie Web Camp summit this year? I had so much fun last year and would love to be a part of it.
GWG, justache and nickodd joined the channel
created /Webmention_implementations (+49) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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edited /Webmention-developer (+253) "/* Handling */ Add link to nginx-only receiving and webmentiond"
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↩️ I think though that if we want the IndieWeb to succeed, we will have to find some method of making directly mentioning people in posts simpler; it's really difficult to do @-mentions without middleman platforms right now.
[scottgruber] joined the channel
uh no @domainname. done
less typing than all Masto @-mentions
[jeremycherfas], [fluffy], Naptra, [jjdelc], [georgenancejr] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
so their points aren't wrong; AFAIK there isn't a Micropub client that'd do auto-complete for you in the way you'd find in other applications
granted, it's a bit unfair for people to just assume that the IndieWeb has all of these tools (more like products tbh) ready for people
I am contemplating rewriting #blogblaze for #Deno. Well, not rewriting, rather adapting it to Deno. It looks like a promising piece of software! #kittybox #indieweb
edited /Apple_News_Publisher (+30) "adds to ecosystem category"
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edited /Apple_News_Format (+30) "adds to ecosystem category"
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[jjdelc] joined the channel
edited /iTunes (+29) "adds to ecosystem category"
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edited /IndieWebKit (+30) "adds to ecosystem category"
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edited /Apple (+30) "adds to ecosystem category"
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[tantek] joined the channel
actually looking at https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Clients with relation to @Cambridgeport90's post, I couldn't tell you immediately the experience of these apps :(
we might want to consider some sort of guideline (a embedded video of just a quick SWAT0-y flow?) so people can make decisions
that'd put a (small) burden on the contributer tho
actually himm
what are clients
It looks like we don't have a page for "clients" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "clients is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I _think_ it'd be safe to consolidate these pages a bit (/Microsub/Clients and /Microsub/Clients) into one meta-page
but if we could some sort of in-page search / filtering
edited /User:Jacky.wtf (+376) "add test block for tables"
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actually! and this is probably way more work lol
wait lemme just write it down
edited /User:Jacky.wtf (+788) "/* Updating the Clients Page */ add info about using templates for the clients page"
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ooh doing clients is going to be hard tbh
tbh it'd be amazing if clients could self register and it created an index for us
↩️ Hm. I do think there's a way to this (similar to the signature approaches taken in the land of JSON-LD but with way less effort). This is topical because I'm looking into this for the IndieWeb to prevent bad actors from falsifying content
jacky, you're right about "do auto-complete for you in the way you'd find in other applications", and there's been some work done on that (though I'm not sure what current state of the art is) — there were some good demos at several IndieWebCamps though IDK if any of them got integrated into production publishing / writing systems
what is nicknames cache
A nicknames cache is a way indieweb sites store information about people to improve the user experience of the site owner referring, mention, and/or linking to those people https://indieweb.org/nicknames-cache
what is autosuggest
autosuggest (AKA auto-suggest) is a user-interface feature that provides a list of options while the user is typing, related to what the user has typed, possibly beyond mere (sub)string matches https://indieweb.org/autosuggest
jacky, that's exactly the page on current research / brainstorming / and past discussion sessions ^^^
for that problem
there's definitely an absence of that kind of desired UX in current IndieWeb systems, but a lot of the background research and some prototyping has been done!
edited /User:Jacky.wtf (+110) "/* Itches */ add link to my post on adding message integrity to the IndieWeb in a lossless way"
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the word 'signing' is used a lot
edited /On_Evolving_IndieAuth_Followup (+5) "fix links in the post"
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
“the word 'signing' is used a lot” - is that like a content warning, jacky? ;)
[Jacky Alciné] Something I think about a lot is how to prevent people from messing with the IndieWeb. It hasn’t been a huge concern as of yet because thankfully we can trust everyone in the community so far. But if we were to go 10x in size right now, how do we s...
I want to see if there's some way we can introduce (but not enforce!) the concepts of signing posts
without too much overhead (tbh the flow I'm thinking of is something on par with bridgy retroactively adding them)
leaning on prior art here (namely the jsonld-signatures but ONLY just the exposure of a signature to people, nothing more)
this is borderline dev-y tho
created /deleted_posts (+20) "prompted by jacky and redirect added by jacky"
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created /archived_post (+293) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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edited /deleted (+308) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ add how Koype does deletion"
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~~~ signs a mediawiki document...O really like how easy that is
edited /archived_post (+290) "add mention and example"
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[jgmac1106] lol I think jacky may mean the jargon meaning of "signing posts" usually crypto of some hash
swentel joined the channel
There is that thing that AMP wanted, so they could rehost your stuff on Google CDNs but still have proof in place that they didn’t change your content. Forgot what it was called
But yeah, dev-y
[Murray], eshnil, jjuran, swentel, nickodd and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
heh weird sorting issue on events.indieweb.org
Jun 26, 2020 8:00pm pre-party appears after Jun 27-28 IndieWebCamp
but that's because with no time or timezone info, June 27th might be before June 26th 8pm Pacific time
re 26th: I'll see if I can get up 4am to join the Friday evening call or not; I'm not so sure about my determination on that.
heh yeah that is not the best time in europe
[tantek] joined the channel
petermolnar: It may be a flop. Never tried an IWC online social event.
I have been wondering how it might go; I haven't used break out rooms on zoom, for example - when you are in a break out session, do you get disconnected from the main?
yeah breakout rooms are basically like hopping into an entirely new call
but then you're pulled back into the main call when the host decides
hmm. it'll be interesting for sure, but that 4am looks terrifying.
petermolnar: We can start planning IWC East, or IWC Europe after this, as it looks like 2020 is probably a no in person camp year
Same idea,. different timezone focus
Rewriting #blogblaze drafts on #Deno. I’m having progress! The ability to load ES6 modules by URLs instead of using npm to install them is nice. I kinda miss the dev-dependencies and the tools that are usually used with Node, like #eslint etc. #kittybox #indieweb #js
I wouldn't completely throw away the in-person IWC EU later in the year
most countries are opening up nicely
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
petermolnar, it’s more the inverse, if you want one to happen, help organize it! And listen to folks’s levels of (dis)comfort around in-person gatherings in addition to what the authorities claim / allow
petermolnar: For now, if this works... might try an East event
[tantek]: it would be nice if this was one of the "if you build it they'll come", but with 2 weeks of quarantines between countries and mass events still banned, it really is not that simple
Of course there is risk petermolnar, there is always risk. Good that you see and appreciate that
That’s the gulf between “wouldn’t completely throw away” and “help organize it”
douno joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
I must say the http://indieweb.org wiki and newsletter are a treasure trove of interesting information. The formats and protocols they promote? Meh. But to each their own. And their work is hugely important anyway. They're thinking about the web. Experimenting.
[LewisCowles], [fluffy] and [scottgruber] joined the channel
edited /Indieweb_for_Education (+85) "/* Others */ Dave Cormier Webmention support"
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swentel joined the channel
↩️ If you're free, next weekend we're having an online IndieWebCamp. Come join us for some web tinkering as it relates to the #EdTech space. Proposals are already open if you have ideas. https://boffosocko.com/2020/06/21/55772533/
edited /IndieWebCamps/Attending (+52) "links to session_facilitating"
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↩️ классная статья! А для коментов кстати ещё вот такая штука есть - https://indieweb.org/Webmention. + https://webmention.io/ которая заставит это всё работать так как сейчас у тебя, но уже будет частью h̶i̶p̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ indie web'а.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I wonder how on earth one finds the ISBN of a Kindle-only book? I’m wondering whether or not the IndieWeb book resources should begin going by ASIN instead of ISBN … seems that the ASIN is easy to find if on GoodReads.
there's no reason why all of them can't be done
but this is a good note
[JuJu] joined the channel
Does anyone know any good #indieweb podcasts ?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
↩️ It isn't IndieWeb-specific, but Hacker Public Radio has some good stuff. http://hackerpublicradio.org/
[georgenancejr], [Murray], tomasparks and [tantek] joined the channel