#meta 2020-06-22

2020-06-22 UTC
created /events/2020-06-10-hwc-west-coast (+1799) "archive etherpad notes"
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j and nickodd joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Extremely interesting, the text fragment web API is really cool. https://indieweb.org/fragmention
Naptra joined the channel
Today in coding wins, got better tweets rendering in my #indieweb replies (using the API), and reading Reddit posts (discovering its .json format). Geez! Each site needs its own parser gasps, All I wan https://jj.isgeek.net/2020/06/22-063743/
[fluffy], swentel and jjuran joined the channel
I’m amazed that I can see keep conversations that happened on Twitter on my own blog thanks to #indieweb and #WordPress. The WordPress theme I’m using doesn’t look good though, I’m still looking for alternatives. I had to apply this patch to make it work… https://wp.me/s9e0hK-6387
Am Mittwoch 24.06. findet wieder ein Homebrew Website Club statt. Wir treffen uns noch nicht vor Ort, vernetzen uns aber über Jitsi. Sei dabei! – https://events.indieweb.org/2020/06/online-homebrew-website-club-karlsruhe-gGcoYsY7Pjiz #HWC #HWCKA #IndieWeb
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
created /User:Webhaus.tonywok.com (+209) "add person info box"
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jeremy-, [jgmac1106], [itsjustk] and Naptra joined the channel
... alternatively, we can start with getting good at BORING old phase I ... focus on users, focus on user needs, challenge assumptions, understand what is being considered, use appropriate methods etc etc etc https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbHSRQMWsAEHmYP.jpg
↩️ ohh @Threadreader added micorpub support: https://indieweb.org/ThreadReaderApp means you can quickly publish twitter threads to your personal site. I wonder if it works on your http://write.as blog if they have micropub...its fun (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/ZYhCk)
[grantcodes], [tantek] and douno joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+185) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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[KevinMarks], [LewisCowles], [snarfed], justache, nickodd and [georgenancejr] joined the channel
edited /Category:jargon (+19) "/* Keywords */"
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[fluffy] joined the channel
We are still looking for #OpenWeb and #Community sessions at @DrupalConEur, happening December 2020 in Barcelona. Deadline is June 30. https://events.drupal.org/barcelona2020/news/submit-your-talks-open-web-community-track-drupalcon-barcelona-2020 Submit your session now! #indieweb #OpenSource #FortheWeb #DiversityMatters
swentel, [grantcodes], gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, Naptra and [tantek] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Added HWC West for this week. I mean obv we need one before IWC West!
Put myself down to host but please feel free to take it over [chrisaldrich] or GWG since you’re our official organizers for IWC West!
I think Chris said he couldn't on last week's call
Also when creating it I noticed the markdown DRY violation fail on the link to the archived notes for the past two weeks at least
Markdownlinks has -1 karma over the last year
yeah i need to add a preparser for mediawiki link syntax, or just auto-link URLs (but that gets tricky)
[tantek]: Organizer meeting?
oops, the wrong date in the wiki link too
Yeah let’s stick to a href :)
GWG up to you and [chrisaldrich] however I strongly recommend it!
[tantek]: I always consider you an Organizer Emeritus.
moved /events/2020-06-10-hwc-west-coast to /events/2020-06-17-hwc-west-coast "I messed up the link on events.indieweb.org when cloning the previous event"
href has 1 karma over the last year
GWG: 2020-06-10 you hosted, correct? Were there any notes outside etherpad? https://etherpad.indieweb.org/2020-06-10-hwc-west-coast
douno joined the channel
GWG let’s do it. Primarily you & Chris should build an agenda of what you need for the camp, then we can go over other /Organizers issues as we have time
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+164) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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Lol barely updated the Mozilla Weekly meeting agenda in time to get everything announced this week!
We kind of dominated 😂😂
gRegorLove: Unexpectedly
gRegorLove: No one else showed up to, so I did it surprisingly. Happy birthday to me.
[Rose] joined the channel
GWG has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (135 in all channels)
GWG++ you were great!
gRegorLove_, yeet1, [schmarty] and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
[tantek]: Forgot to take notes....enjoyed quiet writing though
jjuran and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
Releasing a couple of new goodies this week, ahead of both #IndieWeb Camp West and #TPRCiC… First, a new page about Webmention, pulling together introductory information, live examples, and links to further resources: https://jmac.org/webmention/
The online Homebrew Website Club London is happening every week on Wednesdays! Regardless of your location, everyone is welcome to join. Create or update your personal web site with us! ✨ Check https://events.indieweb.org for the next meetup!
Whim (mentioned in the thread and linked below) is a fun Perl IndieWeb tool that I'd be playing with this split second if it wasn't for rent prioritization. https://jmac.org/whim/
gRegorLove_, [georgenancejr], [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
Organizers << What steps can we as Organizers take to actively dismantle white supremacy in our own community structures, technologies, and events, then provide tools and templates for dismantling white supremacy on the web and in society in general?
ok, I added "What steps can we as Organizers take to actively dismantle white supremacy in our own community structures, technologies, and events, then provide tools and templates for dismantling white supremacy on the web and in society in general?" to the "See Also" section of /Organizers https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=70471&oldid=67687
GWG, I am for an IWC West Organizers meetup and have added a suggested discussion item accordingly
Have to figure out a time.
[manton] and gRegorLove joined the channel
GWG, I suggest same time slot as last year! Maybe earlier to be more UK&EU (timezone) friendly
(Had to add the (timezone) to clarify I was not trying to make a sarcastic comment about Brexit, UK pals 😔)
We had the meeting from 9AM-1PM Pacific last year
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Feels long for Zoom time. Maybe with a big break in the middle?
I will adjust my lunch so I can make an Appearance.
justache joined the channel
Appearance? GWG as a co-organizer hope to see you help facilitate :)
Oof, 21 items here spanning years (and many probably complete?). Should review and update sometime: https://indieweb.org/Organizers#Issues
OTOH as long as Organizers keep picking & choosing items *they* want to prioritize and get done, then eventually we'll organically get through it, in roughly distributed priority order
I'm ok with some mess in the meantime if it means avoiding having to make anyone in particular a judge of the overall collection
I think the last several ones, most issues have been put directly on that meetup's page
Which I think has worked well
I vaguely remember that as a two-phase approach
collect by default on /Organizers
then we cherry pick and put the ones that we prioritize on the meetup's page as a way of preselection
edited /2020/Organizers (+228) "add COVID notice, link to tentative Organizers Meetup"
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depending on time, I can probably attend some of an Organizers Meetup Friday
[fluffy] joined the channel