#meta 2020-12-01

2020-12-01 UTC
[jgmac1106], [fluffy] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
↩️ Do it! I've had stories on my personal website since 2017 and desperately need more people to have decentralized story interop with! https://indieweb.org/story#IndieWeb_Examples
ethanyoo, [tantek], GWG, nickodd, [chrisaldrich] and jacky joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
I've realised how much I've missed Home Brew Website Club. Are there any similar online meet-ups happening at the moment? #indieweb
swentel and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Currently writing and testing a new Drupal project/theme which adds a reader on your site and install as a PWA on your tablet or phone. It integrates with #activitypub and #indieweb so no need anymore for an external client. Just host it all yourself!
[jgmac1106] and swentel joined the channel
[Raphael_Luckom] and [tantek] joined the channel
swentel++ yesssss! Integrated personal reader! That’s totally a goal!
swentel has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (43 in all channels)
[tantek], and, it's 'simple' technology, just html :)
the output at least
but internally, the api speaks microsub
so I'm not inventing too many things
A big point about building blocks, so that none of us individually has to invent too many things :)
[eddie] joined the channel
edited /outreach (+902) "Add brainstorming best practices"
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tantek: 👆 feel free to make any tweaks that come to mind there
[KevinMarks] and [Murray] joined the channel
deleted /File:IMG_7610.jpg "Duplicated file"
edited /story (+551) "/* Silo Examples */ Split into sections and add some Twitter differentiators"
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edited /story (+225) "/* YouTube */"
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
uploaded /File:Ampie_discovery.PNG "Screenshot of Ampie introduction showing its footer bar tab with a pop up description of what the &, Twitter, and Hacker News icons indicate as well as the number of potentially interesting pages on the same domain. https://indieweb.org/File:Ampie_discovery.PNG"
edited /discovery (+837) "/* Silo Examples */ Ampie browser extension"
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[schmarty], ethanyoo and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Now swentel makes me think I should just give drupal a spin, I use it every day at work
ethanyoo and [tantek] joined the channel
[eddie]++ THANK YOU for that excellent addition to /outreach. Very clear explanations of when to not do what and why. I almost feel like this is the kind of topic that’s worth covering in closing sessions at IWCs.
[eddie] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
Maybe even worth a regular mention at HWCs. WDYT GWG, topic for this week’s HWC Americas?
[tantek]: I am fine with it. Perhaps [eddie] would like to join?
Always trying to recruit
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
[eddie] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (9 in all channels)
GWG has 42 karma in this channel over the last year (155 in all channels)
GWG++ doing outreach to discuss outreach, I like the meta
maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
edited /2020-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+2) "move a paragraph from intro to Considerations so the calendar shows up a bit higher in the page"
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Happy December 1st! Who will be the first to add something to this year’s IndieWeb Gift Calendar? https://indieweb.org/2020-12-indieweb-gift-calendar
GWG lahacker tantek thanksf
GWG lahacker tantek thanks for doing hwc last week and this week after i went awol from hosting
maxwelljoslyn++ it's all good! great that we can all rotate in/out as we are available and have the bandwidth to do so!
maxwelljoslyn has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
my hand pain has gotten so bad that i can onl y use computer ~1 hour/day so havent been able to be on chat, etc to communicate w/ yall
OK cool :) i really like taking active role in indieweb so happy to conintue hosting in future
maxwelljoslyn: You never committed, so you didn't go AWOL
edited /outreach (+2113) "/* Best Practices */ suggest search to prevent context collapse; link to brigade; focus on smaller concrete pieces; see also link: welcoming"
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Nice expansion
Whoa, nice!
Hey it's easier when you've screwed it up as many times as I have. 🙂
Thanks GWG. I'll try 🙂
hehe, experience is always the best learning tool, chrisaldrich
Why am I suddenly reminded of the slogan used by the sponsor of the Abbott and Costello radio show
gRegorLove and swentel joined the channel
oh snap how'd it get to be december?
[Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
yes but also 2020 being almost over 🎉
It's March 276, 2020 (UTC)
glad to have that UTC specifier in there :)
what is the story behind that? It's wonderful
haha, what is the starting date?
!calc 276 days ago
gRegorLove: [tantek] left you a message 2 weeks, 1 day ago: I carried over your 2019 IndieWeb Gift Calendar inspirations to 2020, can you take a look and verify that they're still things you want to try to do for the calendar (or haven't otherwise already been completed)? https://indieweb.org/2020-12-indieweb-gift-calendar#Inspiration
Saturday, February 29, 2020
March 2020 obviously started on March 1st :P
[tantek] haven't completed them. they'd still be nice to do, but I can't commit to anything
Not sure if anything is obvious about time in 2020 XD
Only 31 days until the end of March.
our local group called out a virtual meetup that happened March 256, luckily everything made it through the byte limit fine :P
(this is getting very -chat)
given it's still March, eventually indieweb will all be -chat
stuffs the philosophy back to where it came from
[tantek] joined the channel
IG stories *do* have "perma"(for their existence)links (someone asserted otherwise above)
lol wrong channel sorry
ethanyoo and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /story (+37) "update dfn details and subsequent paragraphs a bit, and stories are totally filtered now"
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edited /environmental_impact (+1638) "Add Environmental impact of IndieWebCamp to Brainstorming section"
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what is sustainability
sustainability is a principle and set of practices usually about making sure that something is environmentally low or non-impactful, from technology (like green computing), to corporate and personal practices (choice of energy provider, minimizing flights) https://indieweb.org/sustainability
[calumryan] ^ that would be a better page for that addition. The "environmental impact" page is more about specific *pages* people have on their site(s) that document their own or their web site's environmental impact.
[schmarty] joined the channel
edited /environmental_impact () "(-1638) /* Brainstorming */"
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we may need better disambiguation among /green /sustainable /environmental_impact
edited /sustainability (+1659) "Add Brainstorming - Environmental impact of IndieWebCamp section"
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[KevinMarks], [Raphael_Luckom] and [snarfed] joined the channel
edited /story (+367) "expand more details, remove some fluff"
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edited /story (+111) "/* YouTube */"
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goes back to refreshing https://indieweb.org/2020-12-indieweb-gift-calendar eager watching that first square
eagerly* even