@CaenCampVous avez de l'appétence pour les technologies décentralisées : ActivityPub, IndieWeb, Solid, ... Mais vous n'avez pas encore trouvé de champs d'expérimentation ? Venez le mercredi 9 à 19h, on aurait besoin de vous. https://cutt.ly/rhjBSJ2 (twitter.com/_/status/1334051125650079744)
[tantek]!tell GWG WDYT of [chrisaldrich]'s inspirational IndieWeb posters as placeholder material to have on the Zoom room in HWC when you've opened the room and are waiting for the official start time?
petermolnarjeremycherfas: the web is still weird, but encountering that weirdness is tricky. I follow a few people on tumblr and through them, I encounter "WTF :D" moments basically daily.
[chrisaldrich]thanks tantek... the knitting one inspired the reaping one, so obviously my mind was stuck in the earlier framing. I'll tweak it this morning...
[chrisaldrich]Some of the thrust of these "posters" was limited by the free presentation options that were provided by the tools. A lot of the photography available lends itself to that instagram mindfulness bit. Some of the fun was trying to come up with indieweb relevance for randomly presented photos... Maybe one day I'll share some of the snarkier failed attempts that weren't as fit for public consumption. 😉
[chrisaldrich]Remember I made these as tests.... One or two of the creation tools were incredibly simple and didn't offer much in the way of colors for contrast. I was also trying to stick to the red, orange, yellow colors for those parts.
[chrisaldrich]Most of these card creators are pretty slick--even the basic ones. Some are so clean and slick they make you seem more artistic than you ever could be. Others were more limiting even though they do a not too terrible job.
[chrisaldrich]I think I spent more time copying over the alt-text to post them on my site than I spent making them, so feel free to criticize.... I still have one or two other of these tools to play with, so I'll try to touch up a couple as I can.
[chrisaldrich]Thanks [jeremycherfas]. I've seen it and it's on my list. Some of the tools build into various repositories via API. Pixabay may have one of the easier APIs as there were a few using it. (or maybe they have a broader license on their photos?)