[chrisaldrich]aaronpk++ for writing 7 lines of text back in 2012 in a scant 9 minutes to outline Webmention which is now used by thousands of sites and which have been sent over 2 million times.
doosbooxthe latter link references irc.libera.chat, which I fail to connect to b/c of "Password mismatch." (not sure it's even possible to create a user yet)
barnabywaltersbased on the gist write-up, it looks like the best plan is to wait and see what happens, and discuss where we would move in the worse-case scenario
doosbooxThis popped up in the server messages 7 minutes ago: "14:05 -jess- [Global Notice] Hi all. It feels like my moral responsibility to inform all users that administrative control of freenode and its user data will soon change hands, and I will be resigning from freenode staff effective immediately. It's been an honour to help you all."
petermolnarthe links are ok, taking it to some sort of discussion - eg. reddit, mailing list, etc - is ok, but direct messaging people is not, especially because I only keep hearing one side of the story
petermolnarwatching the "BBS the Documentary" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO5vjmDFZaI - was such an eye-opener that these dramas happen a lot, everywhere, except maybe the tech had gone a full cycle in the meanwhile.
petermolnarI mean... would it be better if we move "our stuff" to slack, which is a for profit company from the start, like many projects did, eg wordpress?
doosbooxaaronpk: maybe not… But now that it’s run by a corporate entity with inherent interest in my data I feel like sending some GDPR difficulties their way 😉
petermolnaraaronpk, question regarding our comms setup: is the source of truth IRC, or are our chats (web, slack, irc, potentially matrix) are somehow interlinked, so if IRC falls out, we'd be able to continue?
petermolnarwould it make sense to have a sync/backup IRC somehow? (I never looked into IRC room clustering options, but I'm fairly sure this is a solved problem with bots)
barnabywaltersanyone know what the policy is for setting up rooms on the w3c IRC server? if we did decide to move, might that be an option, given that we spend a lot of time discussing W3C specs here?
aaronpkis still running his own private IRC server even if all it does is act as a notification channel now that the reader stuff is all moved to monocle
petermolnarname-drops XMPP, because /me likes XMPP, but it wouldn't really bring any benefits over IRC alone, and doesn't do federated rooms, like Matrix yet
aaronpkthe good news is if it does disappear overnight somehow, it will be very easy to move the bridge over to a new IRC server, and we can all continue chatting in slack during the downtime anyway
[tantek]I have yet to see an efficient (responsive and non-stalling, non-beachballing) UI to Matrix short of a "native" iOS app so I'm not a fan of using Matrix (from a user experience perspective)
[tantek]in general I'm kinda annoyed at how many internet/web based UIs for "just" entering and moving around text are abysmally slow and require megabytes of code. it's like really? y'all managed to take a 1970s era problem and screw it up this badly?
barnabywaltersI wonder if the performance cost is inherent to Matrix’s decentralisation (something IRC obviously doesn’t do), or if it’s due to unrelated software issues
[schmarty]there are definitely some lighter-weight Matrix clients, but i feel like they all suffer from feature drift as the main project and flagship clients move on.
petermolnarfederated rooms sync with eachother, every node to every node, the sync happens on the matrix servers. The clients are just painfully bloated electron apps.
[tantek]it was all downhill once programmers stopped bothering to count the bytes (of all their code, protocols, data storage, network packets, etc.) 😛
sknebelmh, maybe the wordlist could use some further pruning. because getting yanked by the bot for no obvious good reason is also not exactly "welcoming"
sknebel(I also note that the list seems to assume that any mention of a something is about implementing it... I see lots of potential for false positives)
barnabywaltersI think the point is that discussions which mention those terms are more likely to be plumbing-focused than user-focused, and therefore probably belong in -dev
Seirdyif there are any plans to migrate from freenode: libera has the same trusted OG fnode staff but they're too swamped now to discuss setting up e.g. a matrix bridge. you might want to try claiming the channels just in case. Tilde.Chat has great staff and seems pretty in line with indieweb ideals. Hackint and OFTC also have good staff.