#meta 2022-11-01

2022-11-01 UTC
edited /Taproot () "(-4323) Removed no-longer relevant design notes, reorganised itches+roadmap"
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↩️ IndieWeb 維基裡推薦的 Twitter 替代方案並不是 Mastodon,而是 http://micro.blog ,或許因為想包容海量各種型態的內容,開放的網頁模式更加便利。 很推薦閱讀 Indie Microblogging 這個網站,幾乎是個小百科全書,對思考更加開放的 Twitter 類型有莫大啟發。 https://bit.ly/3fifz73
Seirdy and barnaby joined the channel
↩️ On my page I created some topic lists of accounts - and also boosted some posts about directories https://indieweb.social/web/@caffeneko
Welp, guess I'm on a Mastodon server at https://indieweb.social/@CircleReader (handle is like an email address: @CircleReader@indieweb.social) as well as here. Time to check https://fedifinder.glitch.me/ to see where in the #Fediverse my other Twitter folks might be! More: https://fediverse.info/
sebsel, Saphire and stevestreza joined the channel
↩️ I just signed up on http://mastodon.online. Curious for sure. I also got into the self-owner model after reading a bunch of stuff on http://indieweb.org. It’s why I started a blog with ghost. How is the serendipity with your own host?
mcint joined the channel
stevestreza, gRegorLove_, barnaby, [MiaCrow] and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
↩️ @abbott567 I’ve moved to Mastodon but will still keep coming to twitter. I’ve done it more for interest and because I like the idea of #indieweb and taking responsibility for my own stuff.
[Ana_Rodrigues]1 joined the channel
↩️ 对Micro blog的看法: Not Twitter Alternative, but better than Twitter. 采用的 IndieWeb 规范 https://indieweb.org/ 兼顾了开放性和用户体验 @aboutRSS 的转发让我高兴又很担忧: 尽管目前Micro blog需要付费使用,但也担心一些人污染这个氛围。国人争议性还是很大,社交的问题是技术无解的 3/n
barnaby joined the channel
Has anybody setup syndication of tweets with @eleven_ty? As in, host your own tweets and send them to Twitter, Mastodon or whatever? I'd love to see your implentation! Also known as POSSE - Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere https://indieweb.org/Twitter#POSSE_to_Twitter
what is eleventy
Eleventy is a JavaScript based static site generator that allows the user to select their own preferred template engine and theme, which in practice can and does enable use of microformats2 https://indieweb.org/Eleventy
barnaby joined the channel
The energy around Mastodon is reminding me of the days of BBSes. It feels fun and experimental. I'm at @doctorparadox@indieweb.social -- come join!
↩️ Great! The whole concept of http://indieweb.org is pretty amazing, and this really ties into it.
↩️ FF 外失禮。 Mastodon 的 activitypub 傳訊用 json 預設需要 http-signature(不確定是不是這個名稱),還要看 http://micro.blog 有沒有支援。#IndieWeb
edited /Bridgy_Fed (+317) "/* Tantek */ add starting profile view"
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mro joined the channel
↩️ on http://indieweb.social myself but seemingly no way of following you - advertised method goes nowhere...
I don't think that's true tho
[campegg] joined the channel
did it get blocked by mastodon.social??
This why I think #IndieWeb is so important as a solution to help fight #disinfo and why I encourage #nafo folks to get a website We need to root the web back in local powere and encourage the free flow of ideas. Do not let governments or oligarchs control how truth is shaped
could be experiencing some inter-instance lag or bug?
Mastodon.social has been struggling with load, so I bet it just returned an error to the lookup and they missed the error message which isnt surfaced very well
↩️ also got into http://indieweb.org a month ago after seeing @jackyalcine advocating for it! :)
Dear followers - Sorry, anything of import I will post to my Mastodon account https://indieweb.social/web/@caffeneko - I will be on here thru the election next week to help democracy. But I do not have a desire to boost Musk's profiting from disinfo & global instability.
strugee joined the channel
I’ve tried to be IndieWeb for a long time, but I’ve also been using Twitter for communication for 15 years. B.E. I was OK to pay $5 to not be the product, pay for a 3rd party client and not see ads. Continue using the filters I’ve cultivated over that time. This saves me $5/mo
I was sure I posted something about "day of the dead website" last year or previously and can't find it right now
barnaby and strugee_ joined the channel
↩️ If you select a Mastodon server from https://joinmastodon.org you are quite safe. They have at least 2 administrators, so will not disappear spontaneously. If they close you can easily move. You can make backups of the content. Also commercial sites die. https://indieweb.org/site-deaths
edited /ActivityPub (+230) "add software and services sections"
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mro and mro_ joined the channel
that image is funny given that i’m using Napster right now
sp1ff, barnaby and mro joined the channel
The shovel stuck in the Vine grave (unearthing it?) is oddly predictive since it looks like Vine may be resurrected: https://www.macrumors.com/2022/10/31/elon-musk-twitter-vine-reboot/
oh no
I mean it makes sense with Tik-Tok. I kinda wondered when that might happen ever since Tik-Tok became a "thing"
Wonder if it could get the momentum to compete again, though. Suppose the content "moderation" might get some people back from TikTok, but the whole moving audiences thing...
TikTok apparently moderates some topics pretty heavily and/or their reporting system is messed up, so there's a whole culture of euphemisms to talk about things without getting suspended
One artist I follow there can't even mention "bandcamp" or "link in bio", they say such videos get much much less views.
Three words: Winnie the Pooh
Don't follow. "Oh bother?"
Tik-Tok is owned by a Chinese company. Ever seen any Winnie the Pooh Tik-Toks?
Hah, interesting. Hadn't heard about that.
if I were relaunching Vine, I'd get some sort of license for various Winnie the Pooh templates / audio for the lulz
edited /Pocket_Casts (+687) "note open source, clean up some links and duplicate See Also section"
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edited /ActivityPub (+17) "/* Services */ +microblog"
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[benatwork] joined the channel
<capjamesg> What is coffee?
Man kann ja leider auch nicht viel Gutes über Twitter sagen. Vielleicht sollten wir uns dieses Indieweb-Dingens noch mal ansehen? The wheel has come full circle.
↩️ Oooh. Giving mastodon a try again at https://indieweb.social/@xenodium Moved from http://mastodon.technology (shutting down).
strugee, mro and sp1ff` joined the channel
edited /admin_tax (+383) "finish blockquote"
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edited /Halloween (+7) "/* Silo Examples */ GitHub image from 2017"
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