#meta 2022-11-02

2022-11-02 UTC
Something of an omen that I got back into indieweb tech a couple weeks before the storms began brewing
sp1ff`` joined the channel
↩️ Mastodon is a federation between Twitter style sites and isn’t really suitable for hosting oneself. The @IndieWebCamp story and others like eg. @microdotblog are much more trying to innovate here.
AramZS_ and Gabe joined the channel
↩️ Watched the video. not much meat there, with the exception of Kevin’s comments. @kevinmarks if you haven’t seen it, many of the “not intended here” decisions are addressed in https://atproto.com/guides/faq Also awesome to hear you’d like to help increase interoperability with indieweb!
AramZS and petermolnar joined the channel
mro, lanodan, [marksuth], [marksuth]1, IWDiscordGateway and barnaby joined the channel
↩️ VERY much... but I'm thinking of a couple of hours in the evening, rather than a longer day. ...but thanks for the resurfacing this! ♥️
↩️ Oh it might be *very* close to that. I'll chat with some organisers to see.
created /cw (+49) "prompted by Saphire and dfn added by Saphire"
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mro and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I love it when I go to like or reply to something on the plain old semantic web from my own website and I see the little badge letting me know the site supports webmentions. Brick by brick. #indieweb (https://arush.io/?p=237690)
edited /cw (-21) "fixed redirect (loqi y u no redirect properly?)"
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Saphire: ^ btw it looks like Loqi might require a slash at the beginning of the redirect target when prompted in order to figure out that you’re trying to make a redirect rather than a definition
so “cs is /content_warning” might have worked? unsure exactly what happened there
*cw, rather
Yeah, thats how redirects work
With loqi
good to know, I suppose that’s required to differentiate a redirect destination from a very short definition
[KevinMarks]1 and mro_ joined the channel
↩️ publish on your own site, syndicate elsewhere (https://indieweb.org/POSSE)? That maybe means more places than you’ll want to monitor for feedback etc though
Thanks for the tip
↩️ Tout cela amène à réfléchir à la façon dont on utilise ces outils sur lesquels on n’a aucun contrôle. Ils ne devraient jamais être la source primaire de nos échanges. Et à redécouvrir le concept de POSSE : publier sur son propre site, relayer ailleurs https://indieweb.org/POSSE
What is Loqi?
Loqi is a friendly and useful bot/digital therapist present in the IndieWeb discussion channels https://indieweb.org/Loqi
^^^ has (most of?) the things it can do
mro joined the channel
↩️ Ou like a show and tell? Like someone giddily sharing their idk web browser game centred around cats or something?
↩️ This. Specifically this. Immediately specifically this.
saptaks and omz13 joined the channel
not posting much there yet but yes you can follow us on masto @notype@indieweb.social & who knows!
edited /h-feed (-10) "/* How to markup */ fixed author markup to correctly nest the author h-card"
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↩️ Very much! I'll look at how I can connect the dots here, while also having the format that I have in mind for an evening with a couple of show-and-tell presentations.
↩️ I am now @cellio@indieweb.social . Still learning my way around. Can Mastodon show me a list of all people I follow including ones from other servers? The list seems to be local-only, but looking up specific external profiles shows I'm following.
↩️ That sounds like Homebrew Website Club - we used to do it in person, now we do it online https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club
[campegg] joined the channel
↩️ as you know more about security than i: mastodon implemented a verification analogue that, iirc, was borrowed from indieweb – put an html element referencing the account on a website you control, put that site’s URL in the acc profile. match = verified. what’s your take on that?
↩️ centralized models. At least, not fast enough to corral this Muskpocalypse panic into some new platform that is safe for journalism, politics, and the general public interest. You, Amber and others have been working on Indieweb since 2010. It’s exactly the right 2/4
mro joined the channel
[manton] and [manton]1 joined the channel
↩️ He asked for more info about background barriers on Mastodon, I shared it, he thanked me ... https://indieweb.social/web/@jdp23/109268506955477904
jacky joined the channel
edited /Special:Log/patrol () "marked revision 84132 of [[h-feed]] patrolled"
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[Nicolas_Hoizey] has 1 karma over the last year
huh do edits to certain pages require approval now?
Or is that from our wiki?
nope that’s a revision to /h-feed I made earlier
that was just me giving a strong nod to your edit barnaby since it was a nested microformats code detail 🙂
ha ha okay, thanks xD
Mediawiki calls it "patrolling" though I think of it as a form of review/props
ah okay, so the edits happen as normal and patrolling is more of a method to indicate to other admins that it’s been approved, got it
↩️ Some context regarding "note" The term is from the web standard that Mastodon in built on, ActivityPub and ActivityStreams: https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-note It is also used and recommended by the IndieWeb community: https://indieweb.org/note
[Event Updated] jamesg.blog updated "Nov 2, 2022 7:00pm Homebrew Website Club Europe/London" changed description "Add Etherpad link" https://events.indieweb.org/event/418/history/1186/diff
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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↩️ Busca indieweb para algo parecido aplicado al contenido (todo el contenido) que generas para consumo público
Indeed I think "note" came from AS
note << Origin (or at least inspiration for this page) of the use of the term "note" for a brief text post without name or title, Activity Streams 1.0 Object Type Schema: https://activitystrea.ms/head/activity-schema.html#note
ok, I added "Origin (or at least inspiration for this page) of the use of the term "note" for a brief text post without name or title, Activity Streams 1.0 Object Type Schema: https://activitystrea.ms/head/activity-schema.html#note" to the "See Also" section of /note https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84137&oldid=82734
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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read through the thread that @jdp23 note is a descendant of and am not sure what to think https://twitter.com/timjacobwise/status/1587230127783649281
1/ As people flee Twitter, or threaten to, in response to Elon’s takeover and the harassment it has already spawned and likely will bc of less content moderation, there are some things I’ve noticed. Please follow this thread and share it. It’s sorta important…
seems like a pretty wild take to me (tl;dr: suggesting that white people leaving twitter due to Elon’s takeover are abandoning the black community there, and implying that it’s better to stay and “fight”, whatever that means?)
↩️ Meanwhile, on an unrelated thread on “the worse microblogging platform” I was pointed to this https://withknown.com/ I have to look better at its features, but it advertises “#decentralized #indieweb” features, which already m… https://sociale.network/@oblomov/109276026659880695
↩️ OK so the idea of the fully static site flies out of the window if I want to support some kind of #indieweb publishing stream mechanism because subscription (to know who deliver updates to) needs to be handled somehow. In the m… https://sociale.network/@oblomov/109276101099036835
^ that needs a reply with the static site indieweb examples
↩️ Even more important: Do not use the same code base. That was what killed StatusNet / Identica – the precursors to Mastodon which defined the OStatus protocol which Mastodon started out on. Compare itto eg Webmention which has heaps of implementations: https://indieweb.org/Webmention
↩️ The web scales to millions of servers at least so you can always build upon that, as eg @t and others in @indiewebcamp are doing. + the IndieWeb build on top of many smaller standards, like WebSub/PubSubHubbub which @bradfitz once helped create, making it easier to iterate on
↩️ And with eg https://fed.brid.gy/ one can even interact across ecosystems: https://tantek.com/2022/301/t1/twittermigration-bridgyfed-mastodon-indieweb Personally I don’t want to host some WordPress:esque service. I want it to be my generated static site so that I don’t have to worry about hosting that much.
created /events/2022-11-02-homebrew-website-club-europe-london (+1264) "Created page with " '''<dfn>Homebrew Website Club Europe/London</dfn>''' was an IndieWeb meetup on Zoom held on 2022-11-02. * https://events.indieweb.org/2022/11/homebrew-website-club-europe-london-dnczovO1K7Z0 * When: 2022-11-02 * Archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/HWC_London_Europe_2022-11-02 ------------ HWC London / Europe - 2022-11-02 ------------ == Participants == * {{capjamesg}} * {{omz13}} == Notes == * a brutal and minimal status page: https://...""
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Created https://indieweb.org/events/2022-11-02-homebrew-website-club-europe-london. Please review the page to ensure the document is correctly formatted and remove any unnecessary text.
↩️ The best post right now is probably that one I linked above by @t There’s also lots of recourses in the @indiewebcamp wiki, eg: https://indieweb.org/static_site And great helpful active chat channels: https://chat.indieweb.org/ + events like https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club
[snarfed] joined the channel
↩️ In SF there usually are both Homebrew Website Clubs and IndieWebCamps with @t etc. And in eg. Portland which eg Wired covered and where eg @bradfitz attended: https://www.wired.com/2013/08/indie-web/ @bradfitz Speaking of IndieWeb things: Is Perkeep / Camlistore still being worked on?
voxpelli++ thanks for the kind words
voxpelli has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
↩️ Either which way we kinda win tbh: either we get a platform that reaches full potential (WeChat) or everyone fucks off back to POSSE. The default status quo for twitter has been crap for years. https://indieweb.org/POSSE
[timothy_chambe] joined the channel
Agree with everything he’s saying, except the idea that #Subtack is anything but marginally better than #Twitter at helping you “own your own platform.” #Indieweb https://twitter.com/hamishmckenzie/status/1587849734181425152
what is Subtack
It looks like we don't have a page for "Subtack" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Subtack is ____", a sentence describing the term)
created /Subtack (+21) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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↩️ Now that you mention it, I just assumed it was open source. But it doesn’t appear to be. I believe many indieweb resources are.
[timothy_chambe] are you able to edit your tweets?
movingthegoalposts has -1 karma over the last year
edited /Substack (+347) "/* Quits */ citation template, note appears to still be posting"
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if you are on the fence about elon owning twitter, I can't recommend enough finding a mastodon instance. I am on http://indieweb.social. no promoted posts, no engagement threads, and no trackers whatsoever.
edited /Substack (+337) "/* Quits */ fixing my mistake: they did move away from substack"
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[manton] joined the channel
↩️ - Also, I’ve always loved the open indieweb, blogs, RSS. They’re not for everyone. But the tinkering is fun. So… - In really want to tinker with my blog. Revive my maker log. Integrate microblogging. Bookmarking. See what else I can do with my public presence and activity.
Look, I get that Hamish and company are running a business here and Twitter’s audience is now in play, but let’s be careful about #indieweb ideals here. You sacrifice a lot of trust when you let someone else manage your audience. That’s the part that’s scary for creators here.
“Imperfectly #indieweb - How the collapse of Twitter and a trip to the Wayback Machine inspired me to go all in on the Indieweb.” https://rossabaker.com/blog/imperfectly-indieweb/
"I am exploring the #fediverse as part of my #indieweb journey and oh boy, it’s taking me down on memory lane. 90’s and even 2000’s were so different, I always had fond memories of its DIY aspect (self hosting FTW!) as at that time “big-tech”"… https://vdx.hu/s/Gjwg