#meta 2022-11-03

2022-11-03 UTC
This thread is one of the reasons the academics I've seen in the Domain of One's Own Space have so much more freedom and flexibility in online spaces. #DoOO #IndieWeb https://indieweb.org/A_Domain_of_One%27s_Own
I've been trying to do this for a while now, didn't realise it had a name til now: https://indieweb.org/POSSE
As for Mastodon, it's in my bio. Follow me, and I'll probably follow back. I'm on the indieweb instance now, but I'll likely wander around instances.
↩️ I think people there are interested in talking, bit like a forum. Here ppl seem to go quiet and disappear in the noise I'm in https://indieweb.social/, had 0 followers and many people reply to my qs. A bit confusing to use but prefer it overall
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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[New Event] david.shanske.com created "Nov 9, 2022 6:00pm Homebrew Website Club - Pacific" https://events.indieweb.org/Uo96NMJfdnlx
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+176) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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jeremycherfas joined the channel
[timothy_chambe] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
jacky joined the channel
edited /2018/Berlin/Organizers (+208) "/* Where */ add dinner location, aaronpk's post & photo"
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edited /timeline (+116) "/* 2018 */ 11-02 Organizers Meetup"
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edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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edited /timeline (+98) "/* 2019 */ 11-23…24 IWC Berlin2"
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edited /timeline (+61) "/* 2020 */ IWC London was virtual in GMT, noting a few other first"
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edited /timeline (+2) "/* 2022 */ Seventh IWC Berlin (sixth was Berlin2 in 2019)"
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↩️ many AP impls, e.g. #BridgyFed as noted. Also @microdotblog. You can setup http://notes.mnot.net served by https://micro.blog/, post w their apps or https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Clients, @-mention w #Webmention, & have Mastodon followers w/o using Mastodon. https://tantek.com/t5Md1
Countdown set by [tantek] on 2022-10-26 at 10:21pm PDT
created /events/2022-11-02-hwc-pacific (+1620) "Created page with " '''<dfn>Homebrew Website Club - Pacific</dfn>''' was an IndieWeb meetup on Zoom held on 2022-11-02. * https://events.indieweb.org/2022/11/homebrew-website-club-pacific-9Q6fI2CI6Kbl * When: 2022-11-02 * Archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/2022-11-02-hwc-pacific HWC Pacific 2022-11-02 == Participants == * {{gwg}} * {{angelo}} * {{slyduda}} * {{t}} == Notes == * https://ragt.ag/code/python-indieauth * https://developers.home-assistant.io...""
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Created https://indieweb.org/events/2022-11-02-hwc-pacific. Please review the page to ensure the document is correctly formatted and remove any unnecessary text.
CrowderSoup, [manton]2 and [manton] joined the channel
[tonz] joined the channel
[tonz]1, [tonz] and CrowderSoup4 joined the channel
试用了WordPress 2023的主题 虽然很轻量,但不是特别适合内容复杂的博客,区块主题不支持以前的帖子格式。因此,这样很难兼容IndieWeb协议。 和预想中的不一样,2022的缺点几乎全部继承过来了。 我真的很难去开发一个WordPress主题
barnaby joined the channel
试用了WordPress 2023的主题 虽然很轻量,但不是特别适合内容复杂的博客,区块主题不支持以前的帖子格式。因此,这样很难兼容IndieWeb协议。 和预想中的不一样,2022的缺点几乎全部继承过来了。 我真的很难去开发一个WordPress主题
[MiaCrow] joined the channel
↩️ they have this thing where you can see a local feed from the server you joined, and a ‘fedaverse’ feed showing different servers i think! then u can follow ppl from different servers. Confusing but the @indiewebcamp server is good, people who support indie open web
I'm still figuring it all out, but I am available at @nachtfunke@indieweb.social, as well as @nachtfunke@tech.lgbt - and on cohost, also with @ nachtfunke Obviously, I also have a website. http://helloyes.dev - which I'll be focusing more on, in light of recent events.
what is eleventy
Eleventy is a JavaScript based static site generator that allows the user to select their own preferred template engine and theme, which in practice can and does enable use of microformats2 https://indieweb.org/Eleventy
Eleventy << Useful article on getting started with 11ty with a long further reading list: https://helloyes.dev/blog/2021/make-eleventy-the-next-thing-you-learn/
ok, I added "Useful article on getting started with 11ty with a long further reading list: https://helloyes.dev/blog/2021/make-eleventy-the-next-thing-you-learn/" to the "See Also" section of /Eleventy https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84154&oldid=82760
what is responsive desgin
It looks like we don't have a page for "responsive desgin" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "responsive desgin is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is responsive design
It looks like we don't have a page for "responsive design" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "responsive design is ____", a sentence describing the term)
responsive design is /responsive
created /responsive_design (+23) "prompted by [Murray] and redirect added by [Murray]"
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what is responsive design
_sigh_ what...
looks like Loqi doesn’t follow multiple redirects when looking up definitions
what is responsive design
responsive design is /responsive_web_design
*design. guess it requires manual editing now anyway
yeah, just trying to work out how to do that 😅
edited /responsive_design (+11) "Changed redirect target from [[responsive]] to [[responsive web design]]"
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what is responsive design
Responsive web design is a method of adapting a website's display to a variety of screen sizes https://indieweb.org/responsive_design
there we go
barnaby has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (40 in all channels)
thanks 🙏
anyway, after all of that, I'm not sure how useful that wiki page is? I was expecting more detail there, but perhaps it's too far removed from things?
responsive design << A modern look at how CSS breakpoints can be used in fluid/responsive layouts: https://helloyes.dev/blog/2022/re:-css-breakpoints-every-developer-needs-to-know/
ok, I added "A modern look at how CSS breakpoints can be used in fluid/responsive layouts: https://helloyes.dev/blog/2022/re:-css-breakpoints-every-developer-needs-to-know/" to a brand new "See Also" section of /responsive_web_design https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84157&oldid=13261
edited /responsive_web_design (+179) "[Murray] added "A modern look at how CSS breakpoints can be used in fluid/responsive layouts: https://helloyes.dev/blog/2022/re:-css-breakpoints-every-developer-needs-to-know/" to "See Also""
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[tonz]2 joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-349) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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edited /Template:next-hwc (+0) "update next date from events.indieweb.org"
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neceve and jacky joined the channel
edited /authorship (-44) "/* Include authorship with h-feed markup */ fixed nested h-card markup (using all implied properties rather than a mixture of explicit and implied, which no longer works)"
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edited /authorship (-45) "/* Include authorship without h-feed markup */ fixed nested h-card markup (using all implied properties rather than a mixture of explicit and implied, which no longer works)"
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mro joined the channel
who runs https://sturdy-backbone.glitch.me/? I just get “CERT EXPIRED” errors when I try to use it
[schmarty]1 and [tantek]1 joined the channel
looks like there have been enough updates to the mf2 parsing spec since we wrote a lot of the examples to warrant going through the whole wiki and correcting where necessary
mro joined the channel
Out of interest: does the Wiki send webmentions? When a new link is added to a Read More or Examples section (or manually inserted somewhere into the text), is the original page alerted?
edited /h-feed (+9) "/* How to markup */ added href to nested implied author for URL property, as there would be no need for .p-author.h-card to be an <a> element otherwise"
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not as far as I know
trying out mastadon again. @deebloo@mastodon.social I also have an account on indieweb? still figuring this out
@dangillmor You wrote about Indieweb 8 yrs ago. Still using and satisfied with the tools? Do you think we can we ever put the silo genie back in the bottle, when most users don’t see themselves as creators? Has the movement evolved much since 2014? I can’t tell.
↩️ I'm still trying to find out as well. If I would send you a toot to "indieweb .social" you would not see it on "tech .lgbt" and "cohost .org". Is this correct? I think these are three separated inboxes?
Repensons les plateformes de promotion de vos contenus plutôt que de laisser des sites comme Medium se les accaparer https://pixenjoy.com/notes/creons-des-plateformes-de-promotion-de-contenu-indieweb-compatible
mro joined the channel
re: official indieweb mastodon account... does it make sense to set up bridgy fed so we can have @indieweb@indieweb.org do stuff?
Minor update available for #drupal8 #module indieweb (8.x-1.20). More info: https://www.drupal.org/project/indieweb
it’d make sense if there was a feed at indieweb.org? but there isn’t currently
I don’t think that’s discoverable from indieweb.org yet, but it’s a good candidate
oh huh it takes two clicks, i should add it to the main page
"follow news about the indieweb" -> /news -> /this-week
edited /Main_Page (+60) "/* More Information */"
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could also post when things are added to https://news.indieweb.org/en
i suppose step 1 of any of these is making an h-feed that bridgy fed could pull from
just as a nit, the bridgy fed name will be @indieweb.org@indieweb.org :}
oh there's no way to do custom usernamnes?
automatically posting stuff which lands on news.indieweb.org might be a spam vector
there's no way to do custom usernames.
I wouldn’t have the main account automatically post stuff from there without approval
ooh another question, does bridgy fed support deletes?
as in, can it send out a delete activity if you want to delete a post?
and the weekly newsletter includes things from news.indieweb already, right?
aaronpk: seems like yes https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/30
[swentel] #30 Allow posts to be deleted
huh why is that still open?
snarfed++ for making all the bridgy projects so legible! i guessed i'd find that either in the FAQ on the fed.brid.gy page or in the GH issues linked from the same and... i did!
snarfed has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (49 in all channels)
aww welcome!
aaronpk it's open because it's not implemented yet 😁
mro joined the channel
it looks like it could be implemented by checking for a 410 source response in https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/blob/main/webmention.py#L43 and short-circuiting to sending deletion activities rather than looking for a h-entry and converting it to AS, right?
Sounds right
After checking in the datastore to confirm that we did originally publish it
ah yeah that’s an important step!
I’m not really well equipped to work on this due to never having worked with AS2/AP or having a mastodon account to test it with, but I can at least drop these details in the issue in case someone else wants to pick it up
aaronpk out of curiosity re deletes, were you thinking for newsletter updates? It does support Update activities
i was thinking if it posts stuff from indienews as they're posted there, it also needs a way to delete things
tho before we go there i'd want to make indienews posts require moderation, which they should at this point anyway
we've already had a few instances of accidental spam
yeah and it’s definitely low-volume enough to manually moderate here, if we did something similar to Loqi’s current !rt command
Preparándome para la #DiásporaTuitera, algo. #TwitterTakeover. Aquítoy en #MastodonSocial https://indieweb.social/@malakatonche
jacky and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Mastodon << For potentially choosing an instance based on location, this map shows Mastodon servers that are are open for registration and serve specific regions or cities: https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/map/mastodon-near-me_828094#3/38.00/-88.95; To add your server, see repo at https://github.com/jazmichaelking/mastodon-near-me
ok, I added "For potentially choosing an instance based on location, this map shows Mastodon servers that are are open for registration and serve specific regions or cities: https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/map/mastodon-near-me_828094#3/38.00/-88.95; To add your server, see repo at https://github.com/jazmichaelking/mastodon-near-me" to the "See Also" section of /Mastodon https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84164&oldid=84083
My current profile is https://indieweb.social/@thom I'm shutting off crossposting to twitter. People are either going to migrate or not. I'm still going over there to follow some, but there's no reason for me to continue tweeting.
created /popup (+19) "prompted by [tantek]1 and redirect added by [tantek]1"
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created /indieweb_pop-up (+19) "prompted by [tantek]1 and redirect added by [tantek]1"
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edited /events/2022-11-02-hwc-pacific (-181) "a little cleanup"
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aaronpk, nah to indieweb@. let's stick with the domain@domain convention to pacify the @-@ parsers
wow from a /Linktree ad I just got: "You are what you grow, but also what you cook"
lol "You are what you link, and where you link it"
[jgarber] joined the channel
↩️ @sinandirlik@indieweb.social adresinde olduğun için mastodon aramalarında görünmüyorsun Tinan bey :))
↩️ Yes and I run this one, so know it is solid and well peered to all the others: https://indieweb.social/invite/NzA7HPR5
I joined #mastodon, an alternative social network. It has decentralised servers, so when you join you have to pick a server. I picked this one, making me @libby@indieweb.social. Anyone else using it? https://indieweb.social/invite/NzA7HPR5
strugee and gRegor joined the channel
barnaby, I'm confused about the /authorship updates to use only implied mf2? What wasn't parsing?
the previously implied URL wasn’t being parsed due to explicit property classnames on children
and the URL is vital for the authorship algo to work
Huh, I guess I haven't run across an a.h-card with nested properties, interesting. I wonder if we should be encouraging implied markup like that, vs. a wrapping .h-card instead.
implied properties are great for the minimal case where you want a name, URL and photo, which for many h-cards is sufficient
we just have to make the limitations and “upgrade path” to a full h-card clear and make sure out examples are up to date to avoid issues this
Makes sense
edited /authorship_testing_tool (+129) "sknebel added "written by {{sknebel}}, so poke him if its broken or you want to borrow the (janky) code to inspire a rewrite" to "See Also""
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jacky and [jgarber] joined the channel
If any of my followers here have moved to the Fediverse, find me at https://indieweb.social/@caesar If you don't understand the fediverse, learn more here: https://wordsmith.social/elilla/a-futuristic-mastodon-introduction-for-2021
bterry1 joined the channel
"I am exploring the #fediverse as part of my #indieweb journey and oh boy, it’s taking me down on memory lane. 90’s and even 2000’s were so different, I always had fond memories of its DIY aspect (self hosting FTW!) as at that time “big-tech”"… https://vdx.hu/s/Abnn
It’s been a while since I posted anything… well, I was busy with my #indieweb project: https://github.com/voidcontext/indieweb-tools. It’s far from complete, but it should syndicate this post to twitter and mastodon from by blog. … [http://vdx.hu s/d12g]
bterry2 joined the channel
edited /Template:Homebrew_Website_Club (+90) "+ 2022-11-02-hwc-pacific"
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edited /Special:Log/patrol () "marked revision 84161 of [[authorship]] patrolled"
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snarfed, I suppose there's a question of what would it take for indieweb.org to hook up to Bridgy Fed itself, or for that matter, backing up a step, send webmentions itself?
e.g. indieweb.org wiki updates could send webmentions to all the off-site links therein
chat.indieweb.org could send webmentions to every link someone posts
I think if we answer that sending webmentions question, then we can consider setting up Bridgy Fed with @/indieweb.org/@indieweb.org
or do we turn every page on indieweb.org into its own "profile" that sends a post for each update?
like @/POSSE/@indieweb.org
right, we need to decide what we _want_ @indieweb.org@indieweb.org (or other accounts) to toot
GWG joined the channel
@/this-week/@indieweb.org then makes sense in that context
I don't know that there's an existing feed that we'd choose to mirror. eg https://twitter.com/indiewebcamp/ is manual
the dedicated accounts are interesting, but would take significantly more dev work
hah wiki edits as AP posts would be funny
eh i've already got that written
they either toot their whole page content when its updated (it's an h-entry after all), or if they have an h-feed, then they toot new entries when they show up
https://github.com/aaronpk/Nautilus might take a little work to update it for the latest PHP but it's pretty functional
[aaronpk] Nautilus: Turn your website into an ActivityPub profile
is there a comparison of bridgy fed vs nautilus somewhere?
a bit of MediaWiki + AP discussion on https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T198363 but not a ton
barnaby I doubt it
nautilus is basically micropub -> activitypub. bridgy fed is webmention+h-entry -> activitypub
aaronpk, I think having the wiki send webmentions upon page updates would still be interesting/useful. similarly for chat.indieweb
oh interesting! Bridgy is now micropub -> AP too, but realistically just Mastodon
i think we talked about doing that for the chat permalinks at some point and decided it would be too noisy?
"too noisy" is called testing/training and finding the UX challenges of open webmentions receiving *before* an actual spam storm hits
what's a fairly innocuous sort of "red teaming" like that called? pink teaming?
in both cases, (wiki & chat), the mentions would be "plain" mentions, and not replies or likes or whatever, so at least people could cluster them accordingly as a stopgap
yeah I've obviously struggled w/the balance of "anyone can send a POST, therefore it's totally fine if I go do it for hundreds of millions of links" vs "don't be a bad citizen" 🤷
[snarfed] right, and my point is, before we "do it" to someone else(s), let's do it to ourselves to see what happens / see what it feels like
seems more ethical
another circle out from this would be, combine Loqi's Twitter search with sending of webmentions for any/all tweets that say "indieweb" and have a link in them
we can do it for chat with little to no code. h-feed => granary => telegraph or webmention.app
sort of a backfeed that no one signed up for
that would sorta happen twice since the chat log of those tweets from Loqi would also send a webmention
which would also be an interesting de-duping challenge for the receiver
↩️ Todavía estoy viendo donde mi uno o si utilizo mastodon. Este server se ve culs: https://indieweb.social/about Tú tienes cuenta?
[snarfed] if granary follows redirects when retrieving, then we have this already with the h-feed at https://chat.indieweb.org/
we have *the pieces* already
the chat logs are already pretty well set up for it. in fact it already sends a websub ping and publishes the line to the realtime viewers so it'd take just one more POST to have it send a webmention through telegraph
the neat thing about the chat logs is that if someone gets a webmention from them and it shows up on their website and they're like what is this? they can click on it to see the chat message in context and even join right there to ask in the channel what is going on 🙂
↩️ Me uni a http://mastodon.social el 2018. Recien hoy me uni a http://pixelfed.social ese indieweb se ve nice
almost :)
which is a good point that maybe i need to spruce up the chat permalink view a bit
cause it's not entirely clear how to get from here https://chat.indieweb.org/meta/2022-11-03/1667515074322100 to the rest of the chat
(hint: it's the #)
[aaronpk] which is a good point that maybe i need to spruce up the chat permalink view a bit
↩️ Yeah, Indieweb feels like a great solution for a problem most people will never have until the Fediverse is large enough to spawn some new discovery engine for niche views and content. Or when governments get so odious, millions want to disperse across the web again.)