#meta 2023-01-06

2023-01-06 UTC
created /Archive (+20) "Redirected page to [[archive]]"
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created /Archive.org (+29) "prompted by barnaby and redirect added by barnaby"
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edited /Internet_Archive (+305) "/* Trigger an Archive */ / save path working again (as I recall and verified), and noted rate limiting from memory too"
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starrwulfe joined the channel
edited /Internet_Archive (+92) "/* Trigger an Archive */ Removed JSON conneg headers which were preventing the simpler API from working, moved simpler API first in document"
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edited /Internet_Archive (+62) "/* Simple API */ Fixed grep, removed prompt, added extra context for people who aren’t familiar with the command line"
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[jacky] joined the channel
edited /Internet_Archive (+208) "Retrieve the oldest available version of a URL: merge from Wayback_Machine in preparation for redirect"
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edited /Internet_Archive (+180) "include Wayback dfn in intro in preparation for redirect of /Wayback_Machine"
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gRegor, would it be worth its own section so the redirect can go to the specific section?
Maybe. I guess we could move the how to trigger an archive sections under it too?
starrwulfe joined the channel
nah, Wayback Machine is more the "browsing UI"
of the archives, where as the "calls" to make the archive are kind of a separate thing
kinda, they're a shortcut for automating the "Save Now" form on the wayback's landing apge
I'm stepping away shortly so can't update /IA, but whatever subsection makes sense
oops, wrong link XD
[asuh] joined the channel
oops, zoom is now getting aggressive about cloud recording limits
i just deleted the berlin recordings since it looks like they were uploaded already
edited /User:Brandonrozek.com (+589) "Added info box and some comments about syndication"
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aaronpk: Sorry, was I the one who forgot to delete those?
do we have a documented procedure for IWC recordings? that ends with delete from Zoom?
I think that step is not there
It should be under /remote_participation
Just generated the first draft of this week's newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-01-06.html I'll generate a draft again tomorrow, so please add to it before then! https://indieweb.org/this-week#How_to
CrowderSoup, [zeina], jdzero and starrwulfe joined the channel
<b​lindnerd#6539> Hmm, not quite sure where to ask this, so if this is the wrong place, please direct me to the correct channel. I have an interesting problem... I wanted to create a perfectly sized photo for my sparkline and other locations on the wiki, but being blind, I can't use cropping tools and the like myself. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?
tiim, barnaby, petermolnar, nertzy[d], IWDiscordRelay, starrwulfe and [marksuth] joined the channel
edited /Instagram (-1) "typo"
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edited /Instagram (-3) "move TOC down"
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edited /authorship (+78) "link to spec up front for easier discoverability"
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edited /authorship (-5) "copyedit"
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starrwulfe joined the channel
edited /authorship-spec (+103) "add validator"
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<j​acky#7226> what is microfeed.org
jeremycherfas joined the channel
edited /Portland (+196) "[tantek] added "Brainstorming: consider Sugar Hill PDX as a bar/club for a future IWS pre/after-party https://instagram.com/sugarhillpdx, prev called Circa 33, see aaronpk site search for that" to "See Also""
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Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-01-06.html
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-01-06.html
IWSlackGateway, mro, [schmarty] and starrwulfe joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-01-06.html
gRegor, [tantek], [KevinMarks], [ricola] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
New year, new time to ask again what would it take to feel "comfortable" or better "safe" with organizing an IWS this year in June?
[jacky] and starrwulfe[m] joined the channel; starrwulfe[m] left the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-01-06.html
What is Elgg?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Elgg" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Elgg is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Elgg is a open source social networking engine that can be installed and customized. IndieWeb features can be added with the [https://github.com/RiverVanRain/indieweb indieweb plugin]. https://elgg.org/
created /Elgg (+230) "prompted by [aciccarello] and dfn added by [aciccarello]"
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[preview] [RiverVanRain] indieweb: IndieWeb integration for Elgg
I figured that should have a page if it is on /friendly
<s​tarrwulfe#4969> ⚠️Heads up: matrix is experiencing issues with database and federation at the moment. I get a 502 Bad Gateway error when trying to connect my Matrix client to #../meta right now…
Probably can move some of the notes from /friendly to that stub
edited /Elgg (+1) "link term"
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edited /Elgg (+49) "[tantek] added "[[content management system]]" to "See Also""
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edited /2013/osfw3c (+4) "/* Ben Werdmuller on idno */ linky"
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edited /Webmention (+8) "/* Elgg */ link to page"
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edited /Webmention (-5) "/* Elgg */ de-dupe"
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edited /Indieweb_for_Education (-15) "/* Elgg */ link to page which has more links"
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aciccarello, yes, go for it, perhaps in a new Elgg#Features section
edited /Elgg (+443) "Add plugin info"
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edited /friendly (-302) "/* Friendly Services */ Update Elgg description. Some content has moved to that page"
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I'm wondering if Elgg should even be on /friendly. I don't think the plugin is directly associated with the project is it?
I see benwerd is associated with Elgg. But the plugin author RiverVanRain isn't a big contributor to core (though they do have 12 commits)
huh yeah if it's not built-in it probably doesn't belong there
or in a separate section, Friendly with plugins
which should also have Wordpress and Drupal then
projects is very different
CMS is for software, whereas /friendly is for services
what is friendly
IndieWeb friendly refers to online services interoperating by supporting open formats, protocols, and IndieWeb building-blocks as well as enabling users to transition to their own personal sites, and an implementation guide for social networks to interconnect with the IndieWeb https://indieweb.org/friendly
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-01-06.html
ah I see what happened, software without a service version started to creep into /friendly
edited /Elgg (+18) "Add CMS category"
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starrwulfe joined the channel
edited /content_management_system (+634) "/* Examples */ move a couple of software-only examples from /friendly to"
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aciccarello it did add it. see the list below that big table
Oh, it's there now. It must have been cached or something. I refreshed several times.
edited /friendly () "(-514) add top level heads-up about CMS page, move software without service equivalents to CMS"
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edited /Quick_Start (-15) "fix micro.blog logo link"
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mro joined the channel
edited /follow (+804) "following in readers vs follow posts"
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[snarfed] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I search for that page a couple of times a year and never find it on the IWC wiki... hopefully this will save some effort for me 6 months from now...
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-01-06.html
Gwern incidentally has a page on community design that broadly mirrors our chat + wiki pattern creating a ratchet effect for forward progress, though he uses Reddit functionality as his example: https://www.gwern.net/Backstop#internet-community-design
starrwulfe, mro and [zeina] joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-01-06.html
edited /Elgg (+375) "modify definition for immediate indieweb focus; note about founders, see also: education; pagelogo; blockquote; links;"
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edited /community (+110) "finish blockquote"
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edited /community (+28) "emojicon, TOC"
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created /❇️ (+23) "r"
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edited /community (+20) "/* Wiki Users */ 2021 and 2022 updates"
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edited /community (+0) "/* Wiki Users */"
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Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-01-06.html
Since a handful already had it, I went through all the wiki pages listed on /Micropub/Clients and added [[Category:Micropub Clients]] to those that didn't have it currently.
Didn't we make an omg.lol page?
[KevinMarks] you could ask Loqi 🙂
What is omg.lol?
omg.lol is a platform on which you can build a web presence, offering features like hosting a simple landing page, email forwarding, and URL redirection, and a community around the product https://indieweb.org/omg.lol
looks like it was made in October 22
Ah that's why it's not in This Week
you could nudge it up there with some edits... 😉
even if its just for the /lulz ...
what is 2023/Pop-ups/Sessions
If you're interested in hosting a 2023 IndieWeb Pop-up Session, use this page to brainstorm or flesh out your event(s), or ask for help in the IndieWeb chat https://indieweb.org/2023/Pop-ups/Sessions
That will look a bit better in the newsletter
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-01-06.html
mro and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-01-06.html
mro and [manton] joined the channel
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-01-06.html
edited /timeline (+65) "/* 2004 */ XFN 1.1 notable for rel=me"
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Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-01-06.html
Generated a new draft of the newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-01-06.html
edited /Internet_Archive (+84) "I'm using the PHP technique"
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[chrisaldrich] has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (23 in all channels)
There are enough that it may be worth curating a Directory of Micropub Clients
CrowderSoup, jeremycherfas and [TMichelleMoore] joined the channel
Just generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-01-06.html
tantek, what do you mean by a Directory? Is there an example of what you mean?
antranigv1 joined the channel
Generated the final version of the newsletter! This will be sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-01-06.html
<IWDiscordRelay> "<b​lindnerd#6539> Hmm, not quite..." <- The first thought that came to mind for me was Fiverr, second was I'd volunteer if I didn't sixth-guess everything visual I do, third was script a bunch of crops and resizes in GraphicsMagick and then ask someone to pick the best result - which I think is a good representation of how my brain is operating at the moment
[chrisaldrich] something more curated
and placed in explicit human-chosen categories by subheading
I believe I suggested this a few weeks ago, let me see if I can find that description
[preview] [[tantek]] there's also the question of should we keep one big flat client list for ALL Micropub clients, or should we cluster them into "general clients" and "specialty clients" e.g. indiebookclub & Kapowski, and "silo bridging clients" e.g. OwnYourSwarm, and ...
artisinal clients