tantek.comedited /Falcon (+256) "/* Publishing UI */ additional steps that the publishing UI does to save info and distribute, Internet Archive" (view diff)
[tantek]Joschi can get us the venue, the Tollwerk offices, where we have held an IWC /Nuremberg before (see prior camps there for photos of the inside & outside of venue)
ZegnatI just bought my border:none ticket as well. Have been keeping an eye on it ever since I saw the announcement. I am planning to make the trip down my vacation, and would definitely stay for a weekend IWC!
LoqiZegnat: [tantek] left you a message 3 weeks, 3 days ago: I am confirmed for btconf DUS in April. LMK if you’re interested in a Sunday 2023-04-16 IndieWeb meetup / hacksession in the lobby of the NH and as long as I get at least one commitment I'll create an event for it. (No news on a venue for IWC so that's unlikely at this point but am still trying for that).
LoqiZegnat: [tantek] left you a message on 2023-03-09 at 8:16pm UTC: are you already planning to go to btconf Düsseldorf? I am now very likely to go and am working with Marc to get a venue for IndieWebCamp. If you’re going, I can definitely use your help with helping run the IndieWebCamp!
ZegnatYikes, [tantek], sorry, have not been getting notifications from IRC. I was never planning to attend btconf DUS, and as I did not see any movement on the IWC planning page of the wiki, it sort of disappeared from my radar.
tantek.comedited /Planning (-306) "Nuremberg venue & dates are a go! collapse pop-ups section to the one paragraph about it, since this page is motly for in-person planning, pop-ups has its pages for proposals & planning, copy edit more bits" (view diff)
[jeremycherfas]I’ve never been to a web conference, and that looks very tempting. Will have to see whether I can make it happen, and if I can I will definitely stay for an IWC.