[tantek]And Event obv. Then I can give those to Joschi to setup tickets perhaps adjacent to border:none so folks can easily register for both (though obv bn is not required to attend IWC)
[KevinMarks], IWDiscordRelay, mouse[d] and petermolnar joined the channel
tantek.comedited /unmung (+64) "unmung doesn't send webmentions, mention-tech does. not sure how I confused them so leaving a forward pointer here for the next person" (view diff)
petermolnar, mouse[d], IWDiscordRelay and mro joined the channel
[tantek]if you want raw code, you can combine it: <code><nowiki>You can <em>emphasize</em> something semantically, or just style it with MediaWiki ''italics''</nowiki></code>
[tantek]code-of-conduct-brainstorming << Consider adopting some or all of https://publichealthpledge.com/ and either individually signing as organizers or collectively as IndieWebCamp.