#meta 2023-09-11

2023-09-11 UTC
angelo, jan6, sebsel1, sknebel, gwg, omz13, benji, jjuran, IWSlackGateway, [tantek], [snarfed], Hhjj, AramZS, [Murray], mro, [pfefferle] and btrem joined the channel
Are chat archives available via search engines? I'm trying to find a comment from roughly a week ago about standardizing front matter. I
I!@#!@# keyboard
...I'm not even sure which channel it was in. Either #microformats or #dev, I'd think.
there is a search box on chat.indieweb.org
Ah yes. Right there, in the browser window where I've been scrolling different channels for the last half hour.
[aciccarello] joined the channel
The GitHub archive should have the history too. But the #indieweb-chat channel is intentionally not saved.
It definitely wasn't in -chat.
I still can't find it. Maybe I need to try the github archive. I assume that's in the indieweb account?
Sometimes the simplest seeming things turn out to be tediously hard. :/
Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I ran a test search for "manual POSSE". The results are sorted by date, and the most recent hit is from 2023-01-02. But that exact phrase appears in chat just a few days ago, specifically 2023-09-09 in #indieweb. So maybe recent chats are in the search data yet?
hmm, i don't know how to tell when the last update of the search index was
[preview] [indieweb] indieweb-chat-archive: Full archive of IndieWeb chat log data files
Hmm it appears that the github archives are separate files by day. But if I knew the day, I wouldn't need to search. ;-)
TIL that a search box in Firefox does not re-initialize when you change the page. Too bad, that would have been nice.
as a clue you can usually search/browse the wiki for when edits relevant to a chat conversation may have happened
for example you mentioned front matter
what is front matter
frontmatter is a common way to include metadata in plain text https://indieweb.org/front_matter
2023-08-31 was quite active, with the first edit a comment about "per discussion in chat"
looking for "front" on that day's archives quickly reveals https://chat.indieweb.org/2023-08-31#t1693490225930300
[preview] [[benatwork]] You _can_ have front matter in Obsidian md files, but it's not standard. https://help.obsidian.md/Editing+and+formatting/Properties
but discussion of standards would be more of a #indieweb-dev topic, so checking that archive: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2023-08-31 - reveals nothing, which means maybe it got delayed to the next day https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2023-09-01
[preview] [[tantek]] since frontmatter conventions are nearly completely inconsistent, is there an opportunity to perhaps specify a microformats-based vocabulary and (micro)syntax for frontmatter as a proposed standard for frontmatter?
Yep, that's it. It didn't occur to me to search via the wiki edits. I was only sort of aware of the connection. Thanks for the help.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
All that just so I can add a comment about my quasi standard front matter. Honestly, my comments are going to be anticlimactic after all the fuss to find it. :-D
btrem, if you've deployed it on your site, feel free to add a section like aaronpk's here: https://indieweb.org/frontmatter#IndieWeb_Examples
I don't have an account on indieweb.org. And yet, I was able to log in using my site. That sort of makes me dizzy, in a good way.
it questions the "have an account on X" assumption doesn't it?
accounts has -1 karma over the last year
edited /frontmatter (+347) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ Adds btrem.com example."
(view diff)
It really surprised me. I knew immediately how it worked (same way that I log into webmentions,io, indieauth). But still, I never (at least, to my recollection) created an account. So yes, it does question the "have an account on X" assumption.
[catgirlinspace] and gRegor joined the channel