[tantek]There's not (really?)) any alcohol at IWC events in general anyway. This is more about communicating that up front and setting expectations, creating more safety for more people
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "indieweb rocks" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "indieweb rocks is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "indieweb.rocks" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "indieweb.rocks is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[chrisaldrich]You know it's a good camp when you have more tabs open at the end than when you started. Now we can spend the holidays reading, documenting, and closing all those tabs before the newww year. 📑
LoqiSlim is a lightweight PHP framework for developing web applications and is used by several IndieWeb services and projects https://indieweb.org/Slim
LoqiOCR or optical character recognition is the way in which technology can recognize individual characters and words that are written out or present in a physical document https://indieweb.org/OCR
LoqiGoogle Docs is a free and fairly user-friendly document creating, collaborative editing, and sharing silo from Google that sometimes fails inexplicably https://indieweb.org/Google_Docs
[Joe_Crawford]I was doing some playing with it, and the OCR in Google Docs involves opening an uploaded photo _as Google Doc._ And I started a bit last night with IFTTT with adding Google Drive and Google Docs permissions and a folder it can watch but I don't have all the steps.
[Joe_Crawford]I think in theory once created the whole thing can be turned into a recipe others can use too - and configure using a folder to watch and an endpoint to post a draft to. That may exist but I was more playing last night
[chrisaldrich]I think I'm using variations of that IFTTT set up to watch a dozen services now (many via RSS) to port data posted elsewhere back to my own website so that I own archived copies of all of it. It's been incredibly useful.
[tantek][chrisaldrich] I'm also curious if a fully mobile solution would work, since most mobile OSs have built-in OCR of photos and ability to select the text there!
[chrisaldrich]I've always thought that social silos micropub PESOS as a Service would be a great IndieWeb tool for someone to build. You could take RSS feeds from someone's social media sites, suck in the relevant data, massage it a bit and push back Micropub posts to their personal site (with authentication) to allow them to use almost any social posting service a s micropub client for their site.
[chrisaldrich]tantek, I haven't looked closely at some of the options on Android in a while, but many have mentioned that iOS has some really good OCR for photos that could be used to jump a few steps (and skip over Google, which I'd like to do myself).
LoqiGoogle Drive is a file storage service from Google that has also been used for its OCR support by some IndieWeb community members https://indieweb.org/Google_Drive
LoqiGoogle Docs is a free and fairly user-friendly document creating, collaborative editing, and sharing silo from Google that sometimes fails inexplicably https://indieweb.org/Google_Docs
LoqiGoogle Docs is a free and fairly user-friendly document creating, collaborative editing, and sharing silo from Google that has also been used for its OCR support by some IndieWeb community members https://indieweb.org/Google_Docs
LoqiTypecast is a method for syndicating/broadcasting content to the internet by posting to one's personal website by typing up a post using a typewriter https://indieweb.org/typecast
LoqiTypecast is a method for syndicating/broadcasting content to the internet by posting to one's personal website by typing up a post using a typewriter https://indieweb.org/typecasting
LoqiTypecast is a method for syndicating/broadcasting content to the internet by posting to one's personal website by typing up a post using a typewriter https://indieweb.org/typosphere
Loqidatetime refers to an expression of the date (year, month, day), time (hours, minutes, optionally seconds), and optionally timezone https://indieweb.org/datetime