#meta 2023-12-19

2023-12-19 UTC
gRegor joined the channel
edited /typecast (+1058) "examples; What is the Typosphere article; Classic Typewriter Page; Online Typewriter Groups;"
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[Murray], [KevinMarks], AramZS, [tantek], marion, [aciccarello] and [Caleb_Hearth] joined the channel
[github] Successfully deployed w3c/webmention to https://webmention.net
^ aaronpk WDYT of adding a few more notifications from very specific GitHub repos to here, e.g. new issues and PRs, perhaps specifically on the repos for the specs listed in https://spec.indieweb.org/ ?
I don't think they're very noisy right now, and they could be useful to get things merged faster (like implementation reports! I see two other past implementation reports in the Webmention repo for example https://github.com/w3c/webmention/pulls 107 and 114 there)
Yeah for sure
Right now it's tied to the repos that are hosted on the server but I can probably open that up to some more
Should we pre-emptively ask in our contribution text (e.g. that says "don't copy from Wikipedia") to not use LLM generated text in contributions?
gRegor joined the channel
I liked this: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9518.html#appendix-A-4 "No large language models were used in the production of this document."
capjamesg ^
Loqi_ joined the channel
right now we have these two bold commands in the edit UI: "*Do not submit copyrighted work without permission!" / "Do not copy text from Wikipedia!"*
apparently "to short to trigger Loqi" is the answer ;)
Zegnat joined the channel
Is that a thing?
What is A?
It looks like we don't have a page for "A" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "A is ____", a sentence describing the term)
edited /definition (+238) "stub a Do not copy from LLM generated text section"
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What is AI?
Oh come on :D
[tantek] I do have one concern about this as currently worded.
"Please do not use tools like ChatGPT to write a complete definition for the IndieWeb wiki. Tools like ChatGPT should instead be used to guide you to a definition that you think clearly conveys the point you want to make."
I think ChatGPT, et al. could be used to help someone for whom {language} is not their first language get their point across.
It looks like we don't have a page for "AI" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "AI is ____", a sentence describing the term)
I don't have any attachment to those exact words, but I think we need a clause for this.
I think the behavior we want to discourage is copying verbatim.
Maybe this is a broader point around content for the wiki, not just for definitions.
(I need input from someone else :D)
edited /wikifying (+628) "/* What not to contribute to the IndieWeb wiki */ Wikipedia or LLM text (except maybe in a quote to demonstrate a problem)"
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[preview] The IndieWeb (according to ChatGPT)
capjamesg, I disagree about using ChatGPT to help someone "get their point across".
if someone wants to use ChatGPT to learn a language, that's their prerogative. I'd rather they learn then use their skills to write in their own words.
also, better to contribute to the IndieWeb wiki in languages you are comfortable in, as we have translations
"if someone wants to use ChatGPT to learn a language, that's their prerogative." -- that's not related.
it is, in that I'm saying the wiki is not the place to experiment with ChatGPT to get better at using a language.
I used to work with a Ukrainian software team who would sometimes switch to the Ukrainian language to discuss technical details. Precisely communicating technical concepts was easier in their native language.
I can see ChatGPT being used in this sort of arena, where you know _what_ you want to say, but you don't know _exactly how_ to say it.
probably shouldn't contribute automatically translated text either
I bet Wikipedia has guidance for this sort of thing we can look at as prior work
Maybe we're debating a hypothetical here, but I think we should exercise caution.
we're less likely to get such contributions since they're tied to people's domains (their logins on the wiki) but better to make a decision and block it up front than have to deal with it after the fact
it's a hypothetical for us (AFAIK) however it is not a hypothetical in that people are submitting papers etc. that are LLM generated
I'll support the current language but we should revisit it if anyone has concerns.
I don't think we should encourage AI-written text. This community has spent so much time making the wiki wonderful. Text that has been written without proper effort and regard to relevance of all kinds -- AI or otherwise -- is not appreciated.
I wonder if there is a broader rule about "Use your own words" that we could note.
We say don't copy from Wikipedia or ChatGPT. The pattern should be "Use your own words to express a relevant definition that will be helpful to readers of the wiki."
I think we can do more by empowering people that this is a place where sincere, personal contributions are greatly valued and awarded.
aaronpk, maybe an issue with github chat logs, last commit 5 days ago: https://github.com/indieweb/indieweb-chat-archive/commits/main/
created /chat_archive (+25) "prompted by gRegor and redirect added by gRegor"
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FYI, I'm seeing 2 loqis from Slack (Loqi and Loqi_). Not sure if that's important.
Loqi has finally figured out cloning.
gives Loqi a clone
enjoys the clone
One Loqi always tells the truth, the other always lies...
That sounds more like Gemini tho. Protocol vs LLM
[0x3b0b] and trwnh joined the channel