#meta 2023-12-20

2023-12-20 UTC
Might be worth reaching out for HWC SD!
I don't think I know them
I do not know them, I have 2 recruiters as common linkedin contacts. And their linkedin bio is humorous. I’ll reply in Mastodon.
Nice! Thanks [Joe_Crawford]++
[Joe_Crawford] has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (9 in all channels)
CRISPR and trwnh joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford]++ continuing the chain of new contacts via social sites :)
[Joe_Crawford] has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (10 in all channels)
gRegor joined the channel
created /Monogram (+348) "finally, a start"
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what is monogram
Monogram is an idea for minimal Micropub client that allows you one of everything: one photo, one like, one follow, etc. Originally discussed at IndieWebCamp Austin 2017 and subsequently brought up in chat many times with comments that we should document it on the wiki https://indieweb.org/Monogram
double check the event. I was thinking it was 2019 or 2020 Austin, but it doesn't look like schmarty attended those and I remember him being at a dinner in Austin when we talked about it.
and he was at 2017
Fairly certain it was first discussed on a walk at IWS 2016 or 2017
And then likely we brought it up again in Austin after that
2016 IWS makes sense, then Austin 2017 was when I heard about it
edited /Monogram (+34) "IWS 2016"
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edited /Monogram (+365) "one post (beyond photo), Micropub client feature works normally, service keeps only one of each thing, subheadings, See Also"
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edited /2023-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+28) "Monogram today. Thanks gRegor!"
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wow memory is so fuzzy
I am pretty sure this photo is from when we were first brainstorming this
Feb 2020 in Austin
edited /December (+0) "sort examples ascending by date"
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[preview] [gRegor] https://minus.social/ "100 posts for life", reminded me of that one-photo app brainstormed at IWC Austin
time to upload this notes files
edited /Monogram (+565) "add notes from indiewebcamp austin"
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i like how i couldn't get through typing a complete sentence before we moved on to something else
edited /2023-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+263) "Tracy Durnell blog post about blog posts yesterday!"
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[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
created /2023/SD/intro-demos (+7719) "archive from etherpad"
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edited /2023-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+34) "gifts unwrapped this weekend, lots more pages created, collapse 📄📄📄 pages"
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created /2023/SD/session-scheduling (+4788) "archive from etherpad"
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edited /2023/SD/Schedule (+31) "/* Saturday December 16 2023 */ link session scheduling"
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edited /2023/SD/Schedule (+48) "/* Sunday December 17 2023 */ link project day goals"
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created /2023/SD/project-goals (+3772) "archive from etherpad"
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That's the main etherpad complete
edited /timeline (+501) "2023"
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gRegor, Guest6, [marksuth], barnaby, AramZS, ericzty, [jacky] and [manton] joined the channel
So I posted this to my blog this morning, and I think it’s relevant here… I feel like the wiki could benefit from an “IndieWeb guide to the fediverse” type of web page. Something that explains how you can participate in the fediverse and also follow IndieWeb principles with having your own site. https://www.manton.org/2023/12/20/as-the-year.html
[preview] [Manton Reece] As the year winds down, thinking about the fediverse, I want to do a better job in 2024 of making the case for independent blogs. Lots of platforms with thousands of users on each server talking via ActivityPub is great, but more blogs also helps wit...
Happy to help with that if it’s a good idea. Not totally sure where to start, of course. 🙂
Is there a way to phrase or describe it that doesn't depend on "Fediverse"? Or other jargon?
i think the point of it is to catch the eye of people who are hearing the term "fediverse" elsewhere
what is the fediverse?
federation in the context of the IndieWeb refers to services and features that work directly between IndieWeb sites peer-to-peer, without having to setup or create accounts in both places, without a centralized service or silo bottleneck, with perhaps the exceptions of both DNS and Bridgy Fed, the latter an open source ActivityPub proxy many use to federate with Mastodon https://indieweb.org/fediverse
aaronpk, [manton] I have mixed feelings on "catch the eye of people" who are into the term "fediverse". With a few positive exceptions (like folks we know, some tech press), much of the "fediverse fandom" is highly negative, reactive, ranty, and bordering on cultish. I'd like to find a way to help IndieWeb folks find positive connections, without getting buried in rando rant replies.
It’s a good question. I avoided the term “fediverse” for a long time and now I’m kind of going with it.
Do you think something like “IndieWeb guide to the open web and federation” sounds better?
Possibly this should just be a blog post, too.
federation is even more jargony than fediverse
I think fediverse has stuck a bit because of the use of it by two larger outlets
and there's already the parlance of 'mutliverse' from popular media (even outside of Disney's stuff)
at least "fediverse" almost describes a "place" now, whereas "federation" describes a process
federate sounds like interoperate which is a good thing
fediverse sounds like weird web dev nerd speak for something that wants to sound cool like multiverse
federation similarly sounds like weird web dev nerd speak for something that wants to sound cool like a Star Trek reference
at worst, could just stick to ActivityPub if the nerds can't be avoided
(seemingly so)
"fediverse" has now been used my major tech press so that elevates it beyond just nerd jargon now
notice that the tech press says "fediverse" and not "activitypub" in their headlines
One of my early hesitations with “fediverse” was because this stuff should just be “the web”, not some special layer that exists off on its own like email. In theory, fediverse should encompass Bluesky, Nostr, WebSub, etc. Any plumbing including IndieWeb specs. But for now it mostly means ActivityPub.
gRegor joined the channel
How about guide to "Mastodon and the wider fediverse". Lot of people are familiar with Mastodon and may think that's all the fediverse is. Catches both audiences and indicates it's not just Mastodon.
jacky, I tend to agree, I'd rather stick to the existing term which is a direct reference to the technology rather than making up a second term which doesn't mean much more if anything beyond it (though historically some have tried to include Diaspora)
aaronpk, and before that major tech press used blockchain, metaverse etc.
[manton] yeah, as long as fediverse basically means Mastodon-compatible ActivityPub, I'd rather use ActivityPub rather than pretend that fediverse is a user-friendly (or otherwise meaningful term)
[tw2113] joined the channel
[Event Updated] marksuth.dev updated "Dec 20, 2023 7:00pm Homebrew Website Club Europe/London - 2023 Rewind" changed meeting_url https://events.indieweb.org/event/555/history/1531/diff
[Event Updated] marksuth.dev updated "Dec 20, 2023 7:00pm Homebrew Website Club Europe/London - 2023 Rewind" changed description https://events.indieweb.org/event/555/history/1532/diff
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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GWG, I can start/host HWC tonight if you need to rest. Just let me know.
[snarfed] joined the channel
gRegor: Happy to let you do it, but I should be on...I'm not deathly ill.
created /heat_map (+30) "r"
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What is a metroll?
It looks like we don't have a page for "metroll" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "metroll is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is a met roll?
It looks like we don't have a page for "met roll" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "met roll is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is me troll?
It looks like we don't have a page for "me troll" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "me troll is ____", a sentence describing the term)
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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me troll is when you set up many misleading rel=me links on your homepage
created /me_troll (+101) "prompted by [0x3b0b] and dfn added by sknebel"
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oh, I thought that was past the timeout ...
Created https://indieweb.org/events/2023-12-20-hwc-europe. Please review the page to ensure the document is correctly formatted and remove any unnecessary text.
created /events/2023-12-20-hwc-europe (+1740) "Created event page using IndieWeb events / Etherpad archiver"
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edited /Bluesky (+169) "/* How to POSSE */ +colinwalker's post"
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tbbrown joined the channel
yay time to add those to the gift calendar