#meta 2023-12-23

2023-12-23 UTC
[manton] joined the channel
!xkcd duty
!xkcd duty calls
Loqi Loqi Loqi!
gives Loqi a stern look
grabs the stern look
ok why did that not work when it used to in 2019? https://chat.indieweb.org/2019-10-17#t1571321739023200
[preview] [petermolnar] !xkcd duty calls
aaronpk ^ Loqi regression? lost his !xkcd handler?
Wow, amazing newsletter this week!
This is probably our best one in a while!
thanks capjamesg, that means a lot
that reminds me
edited /2023-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+38) "Today's present TWITIW"
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hmm maybe the api it uses is down
edited /2023-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+23) "copyedit a few entries to abbreviate to better fit calendar cells, more a post than an "event", drop extra 📄, expand IWC SD because it's too unobvious to casual readers, please keep descriptions to 3 lines or less"
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edited /2023-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (-30) "/* Emoji gift kinds */ put source on its own line for easier copy/paste"
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tantek, et al. I've got no symptoms and my rapid test last night was negative.
[chrisaldrich]: How is the fan club overall taking the latest news?
We're devastated and holding a late night vigil to root for you.
[chrisaldrich]: I guess we're postponing 2024's GWGcon?
Shannon and [tantek] joined the channel
edited /2023/SD (+505) "/* Adjacent Events */ add Covid Info section, GWG post with his permission, negative reports from all others as of Friday after"
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^ GWG, gRegor, [Joe_Crawford] please review, https://indieweb.org/2023/SD#Covid_Info. Similar info to IWC Nuremberg earlier this year: https://indieweb.org/2023/Nuremberg#Covid_Info
Solid transparency.
Seems accurate
[[Comparison_of_software_and_protocols_for_distributed_social_networking]] https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Comparison_of_software_and_protocols_for_distributed_social_networking&diff=1191400844&oldid=prev Citation bot: Add: title. | Use this bot. Report bugs. | Suggested by BOZ | Linked from User:BOZ/sandbox-temp | #UCB_webform_linked 15/32
[jamietanna] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
This was an interesting point on posting about covid https://mastodon.social/@augieray/111619581517706894
[preview] [Augie Ray] I've known three people who got COVID in the past two weeks. All of them posted photos of their events in the weeks leading up to their infection. Not one of them posted they had #COVID19. I get tired of people saying "everyone's back to normal" and ...
peterkaminski joined the channel
deleted /Template:muscadomestica "it's so long to write every time i'm just changing it to my name. ignore this"
created /Template:jo (+164) "creation"
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peterkaminski and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
edited /Lighthouse (+130) "add mention on idea for reporting spammy webmentions"
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[chrisaldrich], AramZS, AramZS_ and Al_Abut joined the channel
Hey gang! Thought I’d chime to say I’m fine, I tested negative yesterday and today. Thanks to Joe for the quick outreach and especially to David for being transparent, super appreciated.
Al_Abut: I am pleased that the hot zone is centered about me.
Haha, sorry, didn’t mean “whew it’s only you David”
Al_Abut glad you are feeling fine
Thanks! I really appreciate all the precautions we took, it made me feel comfortable participating in my first hackathon since the pandemic started.
And in case anyone’s wondering, here’s the cutie pie I had to leave early for and dog sit all week: https://share.icloud.com/photos/09ftnEpz-0StE5t0ZZd7lTcTw
I believe we have no confirmed that there was zero spread at IWC SD. Appreciate everyone's efforts
Don’t let his looks fool you, he was an energy ball and agent of chaos.
have now* confirmed
I'm in the midst of a create period in my isolation
Nice, what’re you creating David?
Let me live vicariously through you, since being creative is what I had planned for the holidays but the crazy dog sprained my shoulder and I’m just barely now recovering (boo hoo)
oh today is create day huh?
I completely forgot
ah it is _not_
Al_Abut joined the channel
thanks for the reminder though, I didn’t know there was one coming up on Monday. I really enjoyed the Black Friday one.
ha yeah the black friday one was fun
need to fiddle with the bingo board
well I have _part_ of what I could show for then at https://sele-test.jacky.wtf/ (here be lack of design lol)
edited /Sele (+365) "add purpose of sele"
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Al_Abut joined the channel
Fun! I didn’t know you could use email for web signin
not that I know much, I’m new to the scene
it's not _recommended_
from what I've gathered on the wiki, it's a bit of a last resort if someone doesn't have a controllable Web presence that they can advertise IndieAuth (provided that other verified links on one's site doesn't map to what one's provider could use for RelMeAuth)
but you also need an email address to get a domain name, so it can't be ruled out 🙂
Ah, got it.
I like your approach of making something in advance of the event day, so that way the day of can be for feedback or brainstorming. I’m going to try that this time around, instead of trying to do it all in one day like last time.
I did like one good thing in the morning and then was debugging all afternoon and into the weekend, lol
that debugging part is what I want to avoid lol
at least day of
Debugging other people’s stuff was fun, felt helpful. But debugging my own stuff just gave me a migraine, haha.