#meta 2024-01-01

2024-01-01 UTC
[snarfed] and gRegor joined the channel
community++ for filling up the gift calendar!
community has 1 karma over the last year
community has 2 karma over the last year
There's still hours left (timezones permitting as it were) for anyone who wants to contribute!
Time for commitments?
sp1ff joined the channel
edited /large_language_model (+138) "add hidde"
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Hidde has 1 karma over the last year
edited /large_language_model (+96) "date sort, blockquote Hidde's disclaimer, typo"
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edited /watch (+227) "/* Tantek */ add new streaming video example"
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[preview] [Dan Levenstein] The funny thing about LLMs is they’re not good for knowledge work because they sometimes make up stuff that doesn’t exist and they’re not good for creative work because they sometimes make up stuff that does exist.
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
barnaby, [kimberlyhirsh] and [schmarty] joined the channel
so I still have a box with some IWC shirts in it, and I would like to free up the space in my closet
i missed the perfect opportunity to send some shirts to IWC san diego, but I would be happy to mail them out if someone wanted to collect addresses from peopel who attended
aaronpk: Maybe you'll get a chance to deliver in person someday
ooh I can look into that aaronpk. there were definitely new folks at IWC SD that would have loved to have one!
edited /2023/SD (+179) "unlink Etherpad since no longer using, direct link where its contents were archived for easier discoverability"
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starts gardening to collect list of "people who attended"
i would very much like to send these out before the next time i am likely to attend an IWC in person
aaronpk: I accept that. It was more a statement I wouldn't mind seeing you again. I miss all the people I haven't seen from the community since the teens.
misses all the people I haven too
gives Loqi an invitation to the indieweb haven
grabs the invitation to the indieweb haven
descends into the rabbithole of fixing typos in Etherpad archives (and adding local wiki links)
[Al_Abut] joined the channel
this is literally how I end up with 1000+ tabs open. edit this one page, preview, oh edit this other page it links to, preview, repeat
wonders if anyone else has this "problem" 🙃
edited /2023/SD/intro-demos (+228) "expand dfn, fix typos, some expansions, linky"
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created /NY (+17) "r"
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created /typewriters (+24) "r until someone makes an IndieWeb-relevant monkeys joke"
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edited /2023/SD (+324) "add participants, and remote, from etherpad archives, sort fullnames"
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aaronpk, step 1, here are the list of participants as extracted from the archived Etherpad(s): https://indieweb.org/2023/SD#Participants
edited /2023/SD/Demos (+37) "expand dfn, caps, linky"
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!tell GWG do you have the video recording of the IWC SD Demos session? Can you upload to Internet Archive and link to it from the top of https://indieweb.org/2023/SD/Demos ? Thanks!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
GWG: [tantek] left you a message 1 minute ago: do you have the video recording of the IWC SD Demos session? Can you upload to Internet Archive and link to it from the top of https://indieweb.org/2023/SD/Demos ? Thanks!
hey [Al_Abut] Angelo [aciccarello] [Isaac_Hudson] [Joe_Crawford] peterkaminski, do you want an IndieWebCamp t-shirt for participating at IWC SD 2023? aaronpk has a bunch in a box and has offered to ship them out! if so, add your preferred t-shirt size after your name in this list: https://indieweb.org/2023/SD#Participants
one week until aaronpk check https://indieweb.org/2023/SD#Participants to see who has added their t-shirt size there and direct message them for a shipping address to mail an IndieWebCamp t-shirt to!
I added a countdown scheduled for 2024-01-08 8:46pm UTC (#7086)
for a shipping address to mail an IndieWebCamp t-shirt to!
to see who has added their t-shirt size there and direct message them
ugh Slack copy paste inserts line-breaks that were NOT typed by the author! Slack--
Slack has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (-4 in all channels)
!cancel #7086
Okay, I cancelled it!
1 week until aaronpk check https://indieweb.org/2023/SD#Participants to see who has added their t-shirt size there and direct message them for a shipping address to mail an IndieWebCamp t-shirt to!
I added a countdown scheduled for 2024-01-08 8:47pm UTC (#7087)
there we go
one week is enough time, if you're not active enough in chat to notice for a week, that's a good indicator that you probably don't want an IWC t-shirt
AramZS and [tantek] joined the channel
created /new_page (+25) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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edited /2023/SD (+9) "/* Participants */"
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edited /2023/SD (+181) "note t-shirt syntax convention and why"
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gRegor joined the channel