[Al_Abut]Ok, just edited the wiki on my phone and that reminds me of the mobile view stylesheet that [gRegorLove] was helping me with at the last homebrew. I should tackle that again at the next one tomorrow night.
[Al_Abut]I’ve been busy just trying to get my blog resuscitated with a proper RSS feed and everything. Parts of Astro are a bit ambitious for my rusty javascript neurons.
[tantek][Al_Abut] I'm always curious (more of a #indieweb-dev question) when folks talk about restoring "a proper RSS feed" do you literally mean "RSS" markup or do you mean e.g. an Atom 1.0 feed (easier to unambiguously publish IMO).
[Al_Abut]Oh good question Tantek, I didn’t realize that I probably use the terms interchangeably. I’m 99% sure in this case it is actually RSS but I’m not familiar enough with the format differences to say until I dig in some more with a validator.