Loqiwhy post is a question that can help you post things more intentionally, perhaps less or more often, and provide motivation to post on your own site instead of social media silos or in addition for more distribution per the POSSE method https://indieweb.org/why_post
tantek.comedited /Template:Infobox_person (+21) "let's see if inline CDATA commenting out works to exclude the style element contents from mf2 parsing that ends up in the newsletter" (view diff)
Loqiwhy post is a question that can help you post things more intentionally, perhaps less or more often, and provide motivation to post on your own site instead of social media silos or in addition for more distribution per the POSSE method https://indieweb.org/why_post
[tantek][contact898] feel free to edit, copy all content, delete, and recreate with pasted full content the /what_to_post & /why_post pages - that way they'll also show up in the newsletter as being created by you!
[dominik], gRegor and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[tantek]!tell [contact898] to be clear, obv as a Wikipedia editor you very likely know how to do / about the del redirect / recreate page trick (re: https://chat.indieweb.org/meta/2024-03-15#t1710524694423800), was stating explicit steps here in chat for the benefit of others. I'll handle it ~14:00 PDT (21:00 UTC) if you don't get to it first 🙂
loqi.meedited /bridge (+249) "[tantek] added "Software Example: https://hatsu.cli.rs/ Hatsu is a blog to ActivityPub bridge that you can self-host. If anyone here starts using it, feel free to create a new [[Hatsu]] page for it with that definition and your IndieWeb Example!" to "See Also"" (view diff)
[aciccarello]My first impression was that it'd be on the ActivityPub page but I guess it makes sense on the bridge page since AP is only one side of the bridge
[contact898]ah alright, I see lots of non-bot posts in stream that actually are of more interest to me than the bot commands for definitions etc so that's what confused me I think
[tantek][bjoern] will miss the newsletter then! Are you able to email it to someone to upload perhaps? Happy to do it myself if you like. tantek@ (my usual domain) should work
[Fran]Heya 👋 Went back to work this week, and I let the IndieWebCamp ideas simmer a bit. Still interested in testing a forum, and I'll have some time to look into that this weekend.
[tantek][bjoern] haven't received it which makes me wonder if it bounced or got spam-trapped upstream (I checked my spam folder). feel free to retry sending to my gmail which is "tantek"
[Paul_Robert_Ll]☝ Made a start. The list in Before was a growing mix of things needed and the order in which activities should be taken before an event. Going for some lunch, but going to continue editing later, adding in some lessons from IWC Brighton.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "indieforum" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "indieforum is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIndieForums is an IndieWeb friendly forum that allows users to post content or replies on their own site and cross post to the forum automatically using Webmention notifications both to the forum itself and to the original posts on other authors' websites https://indieweb.org/IndieForums
[tantek]alright, I'm going to attempt a summary / overview page for IWS that describes what Summits are / have been, distinctly from Camps and lists the ones we have had both explicitly and implicitly
tantek.comcreated /IndieWeb_Summit (+823) "stub a general page about summits, dfn summary of how they are different, link to past summits, next summit planning" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /IndieWebCamp_Organizing (+383) "participants instead of attendees. Camps try to avoid having spectator-only folks. Exception to number of participants, Summits have more" (view diff)
tantek.comdeleted /what_to_post "content was redirect then stubbed today by extracting from [[post]] by alexsirac.com (thank you!); recreating so it shows up as a new page in the newsletter"
tantek.comcreated /what_to_post (+923) "recreating so it shows up as a new page in the newsletter; was stubbed earlier today by extracting from [[post]] by alexsirac.com (thank you!)" (view diff)
tantek.comdeleted /why_post "content was redirect then stubbed today by extracting from [[post]] by alexsirac.com (thank you!); recreating so it shows up as a new page in the newsletter"
tantek.comcreated /why_post (+2621) "recreating so it shows up as a new page in the newsletter; stubbed today by extracting from [[post]] by alexsirac.com (thank you!)" (view diff)
LoqiGitHub Actions are automation tools for Github that can be used to publish changes for flat-file content management and static websites, or for testing IndieWeb software https://indieweb.org/Github_Actions
[tantek][Paul_Robert_Ll] that and when the wiki page for the camp itself is setup, then it makes sense to create the /Planning subpage under the camp's wiki page and move the /Planning content there
[tantek]goal is to capture/archive the thinking / discussions that went into the initial planning like options for venues that were explored (why some didn't work out, or one venue was preferred over another), options for dates that were discussed and how many folks expressed a preference for which date options, how many folks expressed interested in participating (vs how many and who showed up)
[tantek]this kind of background helps prospective planners see some of the background of how past camps came into existence, step by step, involving the community and hopefully provide a kind of implicit set of steps they can take as well as demystifying some of the initial ideating -> announcing steps
[tantek]I have a sneaking suspicion that in less than a minute we'll see another update of the Newsletter but it won't be sent out because Loqi's newsletter generation still doesn't understand DST 😂