#meta 2025-02-05

2025-02-05 UTC
barnaby, progrium, parnikkapore_x and [schmarty]1 joined the channel
edited /User:Michaelkupietz.com (+471) "See in-code comments."
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[qubyte] joined the channel
what is it?
It was a dark and stormy night https://indieweb.org/It
[tantek] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford]++ for nailing the reasons why I avoid discords except for "entertainment" and testing things.
[Joe_Crawford] has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (130 in all channels)
also their notification UI is still crap (sorry, but it is) especially in terms of muting servers, channels, and ESPECIALLY @-all @-everyone mentions which are hardcoded treated the same as if someone @-mentions you personally. I have been on discords where people @-everyone in the "announcements" channel and that makes a red number show up despite me having muted that channel in particular.
it's mind-boggingly dumb
i.e "`Only @mentions`" is a lie
as gRegor said the default is "notifications were overwhelming" so I refuse to steer new people to a tool that frankly harms their mental health by default
if there were some way for admins of a discord to setup the default notifications settings FOR THAT DISCORD then maybe I'd reconsider.
speaking of admin settings, please set Verification Level back to "Must also be a member of this server for longer than 10 minutes", this is (was) blocking TONS of spam (which I've seen on other discords)
Medium / "Must also be registered on Discord for longer than 5 minutes" is insufficient to block the VERY common spambot practice of: create an account on a spammer discord, wait 5 minutes, go spam all the open channels on the list of discords you've been able to find. for crypto, onlycorn, whatever
basically, unless we have volunteers here (multiple, in order to cover 24/7 timezone adjusted, weekends, taking vacations) who are willing to (1) rapidly block clear spammers, and (2) rapid delete clear spam from IRC/chat archives, and the various clients (at least Slack and Discord), then we can't bear to have only "Medium" verification level on Discord
absent said volunteers, please set it back to "High"
I shared a screenshot above of the server specific setting of the default notifications not set to everyone
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
that's a good start
thanks capjamesg[d]++
capjamesg[d] has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (217 in all channels)
what is discuss
💬 Join #indieweb discussions via Discord, Slack, web chat, or IRC, (they are all bridged!) with focused channels for developers, WordPress, and meta topics! https://indieweb.org/discuss
edited /longevity (+67) "fix red link, move informal post to a new section"
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edited /longevity (-1) "fix redlink"
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edited /longevity (+108) "move Berlin 2024 session to IndieWeb Sessions"
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the /longevity page could use more gardening (especially of See Also section, but also link-checking/updating entries in the other sections)
Dryusdan joined the channel
edited /events/2025-02-04-writing (-199) "some reformatting cleanup"
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Dryusdan joined the channel
edited /User:Artlung.com (+111) "Added IndieWeb Carnival"
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edited /User:Artlung.com (+617) "/* Elsewise: adding Smorgasborg */"
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I suppose I should add that 10 minute Discord thing to the FAQ
yes please. it was not clear whether it was intentional or just a default discord setting we hadn't changed.
edited /discuss (+1146) "/* FAQ */ Why do I have to wait 10 minutes on Discord"
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aaronpk, capjamesg[d], please review and feel free to correct anything: https://indieweb.org/discuss#Why_do_I_have_to_wait_10_minutes_on_Discord
edited /discuss (+1) "/* Why do I have to wait 10 minutes on Discord */"
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slight rephrase to make it more friendly
[benatwork] joined the channel
tantek++ - coming to this late but I hate Discord with an undying passion for exactly these reasons
tantek has 37 karma in this channel over the last year (145 in all channels)
looool [benatwork] 🤝
[Joe_Crawford]++ to forward the karma from [benatwork]
[Joe_Crawford] has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (131 in all channels)
we need an "old man yells at Discord" custom emoji 😂
edited /IndieWeb_Carnival (+344) "/* List Of Past IndieWeb Carnivals & Hosts - tabularizing */"
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in my experience with several discords, it's the giant ones with poor moderation that are the problem. i'm in a bunch of small ones that are perfectly fine and not chaotic at all
progrium joined the channel
that said, i do not like the discord implementation of threads, slack's is much better
gtx joined the channel
^ 💯 this
Either do chat threads slack style or not at all (IRC style)
gRegor joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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edited /IndieWeb_Carnival (+0) "/* 2023 minor reformat */"
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aelaraji5, gRegorLove_, barnabywalters and ben joined the channel
There's also their forum-type sections, which are actually nice and I prefer over Discord threads, but it's just confusing having three different types of discussions like that.
A couple I'm in, people tend to pin several messages in channels because it's hard to find things you need later, even like a day later, haha
Oh and while I'm ranting, DST issues with recurring events :D Ok, done for now. I can take it to random if more, haha
sebbu and progrium joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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gRegor++ we love a good silo rant
gRegor has 48 karma in this channel over the last year (122 in all channels)
[aciccarello] joined the channel
I want to add some examples to the travel page but am wondering what the header should be.
We have for common sections we list "IndieWeb Examples" and "Silo Examples"
I do see some pages with "Other Independent Examples" or "Additional Examples"
edited /context (-3) "/* Other Examples */ rename to standard Silo Examples"
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I see quite a few "Other Examples" so I'll just go with that
edited /travel (+135) "Create "Other Independent Examples" section"
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edited /travel (+145) "Create "Why" section"
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edited /travel (+0) "Move "Session" heading so examples were together"
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Created https://indieweb.org/events/2025-02-05-hwc-europe. Please review the page to ensure the document is correctly formatted and remove any unnecessary text.
created /events/2025-02-05-hwc-europe (+8368) "Created event page using IndieWeb events / Etherpad archiver"
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edited /events/2025-02-05-hwc-europe (-215) "Clean up formatting"
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