#meta 2025-02-06

2025-02-06 UTC
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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[Sophia_wood] and glacier joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+163) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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[morganm] and progrium joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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aciccarello++ yes that's a good way to organize the examples. Thanks for the gardening!
aciccarello has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (29 in all channels)
z428 joined the channel
created /BeReal (+198) "prompted by capjamesg[d] and dfn added by capjamesg[d]"
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Guest6 joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-349) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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edited /Template:next-hwc (+0) "update next date from events.indieweb.org"
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edited /Micro.blog (+832) "/* Criticism */"
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[Murray] joined the channel
^ just a note on this: I feel like the ongoing criticism of http://Micro.blog is worth documenting, especially as I imagine the current practice of recommending the service will remain controversial in certain communities for some time. I've tried to be as balanced and to-the-point in that summary, but very happy for people to edit it
I'll add that I was a little surprised not to see any of the discourse already documented, so apologies if this has already been done/undone before
oh, also, I tried not to name names, particularly given that much of the original discussion has now been wiped out by the C&D letters
From where I sit, the backlash against MB seems to be based on a bad faith interpretation of the cease and desist notice which has in any case now been deleted. But I'm neither involved nor affected.
Given that everything keeps getting deleted, it's pretty hard to track what is/isn't happening 😄 Again, very happy for people to amend/add/remove. But it feels like there should be _something_ on that page acknowledging this, as I'm already seeing pushback when people suggest the service
barnaby joined the channel
created /hat (+138) "prompted by capjamesg[d] and dfn added by capjamesg[d]"
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created /hats (+16) "prompted by capjamesg[d] and redirect added by capjamesg[d]"
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edited /hat (+111) "capjamesg[d] added "{{capjamesg}} has a collection of hats on his personal website at https://jamesg.blog/hats/" to "See Also""
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The last time that I dug into the MB complaints, it really seemed more like differences of opinions than any ill will, until it suffered from all too common social media amplification and brigading in an attempt to intimidate one individual who was not completely perfect in what they said
I didn't realize it had escalated to a C&D 😮
perfect enemy of the good, social media purity culture (wherein if you don't say exactly the "right" things (by whoever is the current online mob leader), you are harassed until you do. not ok, and frankly that behavior itself would be considered highly disrespectful and a violation of our code of conduct. also internet harassing someone for inaction? also not ok. lastly, equating inaction/silence with "therefore you obviously must support
the opposite!" is a complete logical fallacy
no one knows who sent what C&D! that's the problem. there's a lot of anger directed based on assumption of who it might have been. then that anger gets turned into "xyz is a *phobe or *phobic" then that label is used to broadcast "canceling" someone because of course once someone says such an accusation it's sufficient to be believed to be true for all time 🙄
meanwhile, a C&D is a legal threat and, apparently, a serious one. it may be easy to focus on the public behavior of folks complaining on social media. meanwhile a real person is being targeted with real legal action. also pretty bad!
at some point we're going to need to document the specific classes of these kinds of social media gang-up abuses and logical fallacies with specific examples as examples of what not to do
[pfefferle] joined the channel
do we need to introduce new terms like logicphobe and logicphobic?
as someone who believes "we shape [language] and thereafter [language] shapes us" i would prefer we not 😅
The situation is a fine reminder that sometimes there is no valid “centrist” position that makes any sense. Avoiding taking a stand is not accountability or integrity.
Huge bummer for the indieweb.
But a reminder that technology, particularly publishing technology, is inherently, incredibly political. It cannot be avoided.
[Murray]++ good additions, worthwhile documenting the criticisms.
[Murray] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (10 in all channels)
[schmarty] noted. I'll workshop it some more with alternatives 😂
[Joe_Crawford] while I don't disagree with your general statements, I'll also add, it is not reasonable to expect (feel entitled to) every entity to make a statement on every thing, which is why I pushed back on the equating of inaction/silence with disagreement (which is pretty ironic because in other cultural circles, silence it taken to mean assent, which is also flawed)
it's what "reasonable" people might call "a stretch". as in if these kinds of arguments were made in person, people would roll their eyes and say yeah right, dismiss it, and it'd be over. but on social media all drama is amplified and people assume the worst of intentions by all sides
and frankly, this isn't about centrism, this is about not giving into anger-driven fallacies, especially when used to whip up mobs.
I was particularly mystified by one person who said that although they didn't know the details, it looked bad to them. If they don't know the details, why venture an opinion?
Your misread of my position is reasonable. I take your point with regard to pile-ons and pressure. I would say this, in politics, people will disagree with you, with who you call your friends, with your behavior. Politicians learn to navigate the competing needs of constituents who disagree. The fact that the criticisms have not died down? It's a failure to engage in politics.
jeremycherfas++ precisely. that's another "social media" effect. "I don't know the details but the vibes are bad so it must be bad" 🙄
jeremycherfas has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
[Joe_Crawford] agreed it is politics, and failure to engage in politics. I will cite this article again, the problem exactly the "it looks bad" vibes-based politics: https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2024/dec/14/how-vibes-came-to-rule-everything-from-pop-to-politics
We are in the meta-channel, so I suppose wishing everyone would do politics different makes a kind of sense. There are vibes everywhere in everything. Pretending only those who disagree with ones own position engage in vibes-based politics is a strategic blindspot.
It all makes me want to read about how public relations strategy is formed and executed.
I have been privy to *some* kind of messaging along those lines in some places I worked. "What do you do when people are talking about you bad on the internet"
stick to your principles, values, and reason. and don't give in to loud voices that violate principles & values & reason
call out fallacies when you observe them
on *any* side
tbh, this is pretty core to how Wikipedia (largely) survives
it's far from "perfect" but it has sustained LOTS of coordinated attacks from many different positions / parties
The commercial imperative to not offend or upset *anyone* is often at root of lingering problems. Commercial imperatives muddy principles. Mostly famously for the web? "Don't be evil."
And I think a lot about the idea of a "vote of no-confidence." Which is all vibes, and yet a formal part of parliamentary systems.
Also an astute observation
yeah the default of not offending or upsetting anyone is not helpeful. I view that as either not having principles (so you have nothing to oppose that may offend anyone), or in not sticking to your principles
[Joe_Crawford] it turned out even "Don't be evil" was not long term sustainable for an ever growing commercial interest.
when profit or shareholder is valued above all, eventually all other principles will be sacrificed
shareholder value* is
I wonder if I could put out a shingle as an "online conflict mediator." That could be my sort of fun.
[Joe_Crawford] I disagree that votes are all vibes. Rather votes are IMO the non-lethal alternative ("democracy") to bullets (rule by force).
Your disagreement was subtext. 🙂 Now it's text. All good.
[Joe_Crawford]++ as an "online conflict mediator."
[Joe_Crawford] has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (132 in all channels)
_For money, though._
[Joe_Crawford] there's also a (perhaps distant now?) history from the early days of IndieWeb events, organizing, publicizing of "you're not doing enough X" criticisms, which were sometimes true, sometimes not, most of the time made in bad faith by folks who were looking for easy social media gotcha targets, and more often than not had nothing to do with people's actual reasons for being upset.
despite that, some of that criticism was helpful, and gradually used to improve a lot in the community, especially for new folks. one strong and consistent pattern however, is that rarely (if ever?) an original complainant would admit that changes were made, and or jump in an participate. so yes it's helpful to listen to criticism, especially as a source of blindspots, unfortunately it appears that once someone has "committed" a public
critical position, rarely (if ever) do they come back and admit, hey look they made changes! much less, great! now I can join. which is maybe ok?
tbh I'm ok with folks who are "default angry" on the public internet deciding to not join the community. such folks typically require A LOT of emotional labor which either places an undue burden on volunteer folks here to keep things positive and constructive, or worse, exhaust everyone to the point of driving out folks who are here for contructive reasons
constructive* reasons
edited /Events (+60) "update dfn and description a bit, remove some duplication"
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edited /Special:Log/move () "moved [[Events]] to [[events]] over redirect: common noun"
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edited /Special:Log/delete () "Tantek.com deleted redirect [[events]] by overwriting: Deleted to make way for move from "[[Events]]""
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edited /events/ (+0) "r--"
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tantek++ it is really refreshing to read " 'therefore you obviously must support the opposite!' is a complete logical fallacy ". It is something I have said many a time and treated like the bad guy from both sides, even when my position was not actually neutral.
tantek has 38 karma in this channel over the last year (147 in all channels)
Actually there is a book series like that: something along the lines of bats got banished to the night because of their neutrality. 'Course the protagonist bat was attracted to the day.
edited /indiepay.me (+1) "Change language to past tense"
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edited /events (+106) "add FrESH template"
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edited /code-of-conduct (+27) "s/IRC channel/chat channels/ and link it to discuss to be specific. fairly sure this is an uncontroversial editorial change to convey intended intent, and within the prior clause of "all IndieWeb spaces both online and off". link "events". happy for anyone to speak up and make reasoned counterpoint if I missed something"
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^ review everyone
weird, gumroad is moving away from physical products, only allowing selling digital products. the good news is printful has since launched "quick stores" so i'm moving all the products over there
edited /swag (+41) "/* T-Shirts */"
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edited /swag (+22) "/* Others */"
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gRegor joined the channel
progrium joined the channel
edited /swag (+128) "/* T-Shirts */"
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there we go, all updated and mugs now available
turner.enemyterritory.org user carrvo index
edited /self_hosting (+290) "Added another example and some references"
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turner.enemyterritory.org user carrvo index
edited /home_server (+1929) "Give different options for routing solutions"
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There are a bunch of edits to the best that I can brainstorm at the moment, [tanktek]. Feel free to review (anyone).
FWIW, the microblog situation wasn’t just a mob expecting MB to make a statement on every little thing.
a dev contributor made a public statement complaining about pronouns, people were concerned about his position on trans folks considering there are trans folks on the MB platform, and the dev responded with a nothing-burger of an apology (expressing only an apology that people were offended), not clarifying his position, explicitly or vaguely, on trans folks. the response, then, was to ask the owner of MB about their position
trans folks, as they are currently under fire in many countries, deserve to know if they are safe on the platforms they’re investing their time and their money into.
the “harassment” came in form of blog posts and LGBTQ+ folks asking the owner for MB to publicly state their support of LGBTQ+ folks, which i think is reasonable considering a dev literally planted the seed of that not being the case. on their own. unprompted.
it’s upsetting because it is Very Easy to say “hey, yeah, wtf? of course we support trans folks. of course we support LGBTQ+ folks. how can we make our platform feel safe?”
instead, the owner made it all about himself instead of the marginalized groups that were asking, fueling the flames. this was an incredibly easy thing to avoid and it was doubled down, tripled down against.
i tend to stay out of banal internet drama specifically *because* the winds of change blow faster on the web. however, what was angering to me especially, is the use of C&Ds, which are not legally binding BTW, to scare people who don’t know better into doing what they want because the person said things about them they didn’t like.
i think in the indie web this is especially heinous because often, many website owners who have personal websites don’t know what is legally allowed/illegal to do with their sites. using a C&D to intimidate on this side of the web makes me very angry—regardless of who it was, regardless of who sent the C&D. i think it is a very bad precedent to set, especially between developers.
[edit] i think in the indie web this is especially heinous because often, many website owners who have personal websites don’t know what is legally allowed/illegal to do with their sites. using a C&D to intimidate on this side of the web makes me very angry—regardless of who it was, regardless of who sent the C&D. i think it is a very bad precedent to set, especially between developers if that’s what happened*.
Agree with all that^. I saw a lot of thoughtful commenters, people who appreciate mb, trying to get a response, very little "harassment". I think it was a poor decision for one of the outcomes to be "ok, we'll scrap the team page" (which the dev in question was listed on) instead of a clear response to the questions being posed.
oh gosh yeah i forgot about the team page deletion 🤦🏼‍♀️
that’s another thing. LOL
I appreciate your perspective very much xandra_cc[d] . I don't use the service in question and as such I have no particular stake in the -- situation.
And yikes, the C&D is a new angle. Catching up on that. smh
artlung[d]: tbf i don’t either. i really stayed out of it until the C&D came up
But I think it would be useful for "indieweb" (decentralized as we are) to highlight tools and resources for www publishers (which personal website owners *are* to understand their legal rights and responsibilities as they speak out. Free speech rights and such.
totally right! i think so too
i'm still confused about who sent the C&D to who 🤷‍♂️
It's opaque. We can't know unless the target accepts some legal risk.
Having received a C&D or two they are not fun to receive.
the dev who was blogging to raise awareness of people who weren’t getting answers was sent a C&D and blog posts were taken down that ultimately made 3 parties look bad. 2 of the parties said they didn’t send it.
that’s not a “stretch,” that’s a logical conclusion.
but there’s no proof of that, the recipient hasn’t said who it was, so
it’s just very unlikely that someone who wasn’t in the aforementioned posts sends a C&D and directs removal of posts that have nothing to do with them.
Checked Wayback and the original post was excluded from it (understandable with C&D). Wish I'd saved a snapshot.
You do realize that being a bystander is not the same as harrassment (not that it is better)? You also realize that a decentralized/IndieWeb means that hatesites cannot be taken down, and the most (currently) you can do is block their webmentions and discourage your followers from visiting?
Is that about some scrollback topic? Not sure I see the connection.
aelaraji2 joined the channel
I'm not sure I get it either, but criticism with a permalink does not necessarily constitute harassment. If I explicate my opinions about something in the world and publish it, people may disagree strongly and also publish that.
Sorting out boundaries in that context is something we all may encounter at some point.
agreed. though we don’t know who sent the C&D, the owner of MB was lamenting on his blog about those blog posts “attacking” him and how much it was “affecting” him. since he was the one who publicly called the posts “attacks,” that is one of the reasons why i thought for sure it had been either MB or the owner that sent the C&D, so i’m sure if others came to that same conclusion it was likely based on that
(especially since the dev who made the statements in the very first place seemed to be incredibly placid in comparison)
(I would totally attend an "ask a lawyer" type event about posting to my own website). The lawyers I know do not have that sort of expertise. But I do know a longtime blogger lawyer who might have opinions.
ooo! that’d be interesting
Conflict is not going away in relationships between and among people. And it's people writing and posting on the web, not the protocols. (rimshot)
xandra_cc[d]++ greatly appreciate your thoughtful chat here on this topic. lots to be concerned with
xandra_cc[d] has 1 karma over the last year
sure thing! i have only been observing so wanted to provide some context
we haven't seen it yet (AFAIK?) however IMO if someone in the indieweb community here was "complaining about pronouns", I would find that in very bad taste (at best) and would likely privately message them that that's not cool, and may be making quite a few community members here feel unwelcome. just my 2¢
my vague understanding was it was an offhand remark in a different forum (gaming?) unrelated to micro-blog, and then there was a connecting (not quite doxing?) of that individual to their job working for micro-blog and then escalating from there.
edited /Feedly (+138) "/* Features Bluesky / Feedly */"
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I think it is important for communities (and organizations that foster communities) to have a clear code of conduct that outlines what's ok in that community and what's not, in order to make it clear(er) where boundaries are
edited /Bluesky (+88) "/* Tools - Follow Bluesky on Feedly */"
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absent that, how does anyone know they are "safe"? in any particular "community"?
edited /Bluesky (+2) "/* Tools */"
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edited /Feedly (+3) "/* Features */"
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the C&D thing is very odd. I think we do have some country-specific info about various things like that
in our community, this is something that our members really value about us. clear lines drawn in the sand by admins, clear messaging in the code of conduct, AND visible enforcement when something happens that makes people *feel* unsafe. the response is very important.
what is DMCA?
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a United States copyright law https://indieweb.org/DMCA
what is Impressum?
An Impressum is a disclosure of information about the person responsible for a website that appears to be required by laws in some countries https://indieweb.org/Impressum
^ a few resources with links to hopefully more authoritative content
what is SLAPP
It looks like we don't have a page for "SLAPP" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "SLAPP is ____", a sentence describing the term)
my understanding was that LGBTQ+ language wasn’t added to the code of conduct until after the blog writer and the MB owner were having it out. the MB owner was under the impression that they were “clear enough” despite members of the community (ones he said were obviously “safe” in his community) saying this wasn’t enough. it’s not enough to just say “we’re inclusive.”
better to be proactive about such things IMO
having specific rules saying “no transphobia, no homophobia” and being swift with moderation are the main things i think make people feel safe.
they were not. thus, this situation. more, it sure doesn't seem like they have a mechanism to adjust their codes of conduct that makes it feel like the people in it have a stake. some volunteer and support groups have a notion of a meeting about "group conscience"
in this case, such a thing would be useful, because rather than "show us your good policy" it would be "let's craft a policy that serves us all well"
and get participation.
the service is a software service, but it has the _shape_ of a human social group.
indeed. the combination of clear(er) (and frankly, shorter, more accessible) code of conduct, along with responsive moderation can make a big difference
we have had debates about how do we( or do we at all) apply this to people's behavior outside of indieweb community spaces, and I don't think we came to any conclusions.
and wrt how the comment about pronouns got connected to the dev: my understanding is he didn’t make it hard to put two & two together. by the time i saw what the dev had said, it was screenshotted and attached to his name and micro.blog already. which should’ve been the chance for the MB owner to react swiftly.
(an aside: I remember that at one time Facebook was small enough to be able to get people to voluntarily do their l18n and i18n work, why? because Facebook users thought of it as a community in a way similar to a Wikipedia)
if someone is a jerk outside their professional space(s), is it up to the professional space(s) to police that behavior?
vikanezrimaya joined the channel
i think it depends on the scale. did they just tell someone to fuck off or did they indicate a fundamental belief that goes against the inclusivity of the platform they work on?
if they were just rude, no. if they’re spouting off talking points from gamergate and female gamers but they work on an inclusive gaming social network, that would give many folks pause and i think require at least some kind of statement or response from the project.
the closer the association between spaces, the greater the cause for concern, or at least giving "pause" as you say
there's a sense in many cultures that people should be allowed to have personal and professional space(s) and not have random other folks (typically that don't even know them) involuntarily conflate the two
I was pretty sure the original pronouns comment by that dev was on m.b. itself. If it wasn't, it was on Twitter, which also uses their full name.
gRegor, I can't remember if it was on Twitter or if it was on a gaming forum (about the game they were playing), but yeah that sounds vaguely familiar.
obviously if you're spouting stuff on the professional service that you are hired to work on then you're self-conflating and there should be a clear escalation path for the service for violating it's code of conduct etc.
being a jerk in a non-work setting can be used to affect your work. ask any of several Marvel movie and Star Wars movie actors.
In a less flippant more, a respiratory therapist in California can have their license revoked for "The commission of any fraudulent, dishonest, or corrupt act that is substantially related to the qualifications, functions, or duties of a respiratory care practitioner."
artlung but is that good thing? and it's one thing to apply to megastars, it's another thing to apply it to random unknown people who are suddenly elevated into a spotlight in front of millions
indeed, and there are similar laws for other service professions like lawyers, psychologists etc.
I think if you claim your business is "making spaces for people on the internet to be themselves" and with one of your guises say "pronouns are a stupid to care about" those things are in conflict.
I did notice recently that I couldn't find the m-b team page any more when I was trying to demo it. I figured they had done some site redesign and chosen to omit it. I had not connected it to this incident.
Personally I don't think the avenue of the post matters much in this case. It raises concerns among people and they wanted clarification from the service that the dev is working for, since the sentiment seemed to go against what the platform aims for.
artlung, indeed
Joe said it better, haha
( I had to start with the professional rules for RTs though. I'll always be artLUNG).
I think the forum of the post can matter quite a bit. There are plenty of folks that belong to various groups, whether religious, or political or whatever that hold particular beliefs & customs (that many folks and hiring/renting laws would consider discriminatory) that nonetheless do not express or practice those beliefs & customs at their place of work. That's not meant as a criticism, it's a lived reality for any company in the hundreds
or at least thousands of employees that has any kind of diversity.
if all those employees were "held accountable" to the discriminatory nature of their beliefs or customs, in the context of their work, then you'd have A LOT less diverse work places, and frankly that itself might be illegal in many cases at least in the US (discriminating against someone for their religion)
my point is, it's not so cut & dry that to say something of the form: person A says bad thing X in location Y disconnected from their work, therefore person A's workplace B must either say something public against X or be presumed to agree with bad thing X. (the worst case of this is of course the pressure on B to fire person A)
I just double-checked btw, and AFAIK we have the pronouns fields enabled on our Slack and Discord chat profiles.
too bad we can't do that for IRC too 😂
as someone with a non-western non-gender-obvious name, I personally appreciate that we have pronouns fields to more clearly express this kind of thing
barnaby joined the channel
as an aside, over the last year the 32bc was targeted by a couple of well-known harassment forums for people on our forum/in our discord having some controversial (not immoral, hateful, or illegal - just opinionated) views on their blog. staff was barraged with emails and anonymous guestbook messages of "well if you're such a SAFE SPACE why haven't you kicked these people out???" (in bad faith, obviously, they hate the idea of
we had to draw the line in the sand, publicly and with our community, that we as a community are not held responsible for someone being in our community for having opinions you disagree with. if those opinions aren't hateful, against the existence of a certain type of person (e.g. transphobia, xenophobia, antisemitic), or illegal, we're not going to remove folks from our community for things said off-platform (outside of disco
and our community completely understood and were cool with that!
this is a good way to put it: "we as a community are not held responsible for someone being in our community for having opinions you disagree with"
also appreciate sharing: "if those opinions aren't hateful, against the existence of a certain type of person (e.g. transphobia, xenophobia, antisemitic), or illegal, we're not going to remove folks from our community for things said off-platform (outside of discord/forums)."
also sorry to hear that 32bc was targeted in that way 😔
ah it's okay! thank you for saying that. if we just ignore them they tend to go away. our members get nervous about it but having a group around them tends to help from what i've seen
part of that was actually happening during XOXO and partially why i missed the indieweb meetup.
ugh, extra sorry about that then 😞
next time!!! <3
next indieweb meetup that is, not xoxo
also, i was sooo upset when i saw y'all started meeting at the pork store! i lived at haight st & central ave, i would've been a block away if i was still in SF!
we haven't scheduled our next indieweb SF brunch yet — if you happen to still visit SF, maybe we can plan accordingly?
aw! that would be kind! i'll let y'all know when my next trip is :)
sebbu joined the channel
xandra_cc[d]++ thanks for all the additional details and nuance, and please do feel free to amend what I wrote to make it clearer/add context 🙂
xandra_cc[d] has 2 karma over the last year
created /two-way_link (+19) "prompted by gRegor and redirect added by gRegor"
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[murray] no worries! i think you summarized it well considering the level of detail required to really dive in 😵‍💫
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
edited /rel-me (+859) "/* Threads */ two-way rel=me!"
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