#neuro`FlavioOliveira: do you have a real life example of that place / subplace hierarchy?
#mkowensneuro`: I've not seen a specific document, but I would suspect that there are a few reasonable examples: 1) Shopping Mall with a number of shops inside of it
#mkowens2) Food Court with a number of restaurants inside of it
#mkowens3) Airport with a number of Gates, Shops, and Restaurants inside it
#mkowens4) University with a number of buildings, offices, and areas within it
#mkowensand, 5) Office Building with individual businesses/offices inside of it.
#mkowensIn fact, one thing that seems weird to me is that every time I go to the SoMa StrEat Food Park here in SF that I can't check-in to that and a specific food truck in a single check-in
#mkowensI have to perform two separate check-ins to accomplish that even though one is a superset of the other.
#mkowensIt's the whole concept of Place Resolution.
#FlavioOliveirawhat do you feel about create a spec for this?
#mkowensFor Example, the Place Resolution Chain for the Bacon Bacon Food Truck here in SF would be: "World > North America > United States of America > California > San Francisco > SoMa > SoMa StrEat Food Park > Bacon Bacon"
#Loqimkowens meant to say: FlavioOliveira: I'm not sure there's necessarily a spec required to achieve this, but exploring it a an concept seems reaonable.
#tantekthen we can share both collections of research for further analysis (and attempts to "just" use nested hCards etc.)
#tantekalso I wonder how much this might overlap or relate to the effort to define a "breadcrumb" microformat
#tantekwhich is often used to convey nested page hierarchy in navigation
#tantekFlavioOliveira - are you able to create an account on the wiki? http://microformats.org/wiki - once you do that and log in, you can create/edit pages to list the examples you (and others have come up with)
#tantek(feel free to copy past them from IRC into a discrete list)
tantek and krijnh joined the channel
#tantekhuh I wonder what happened to have krijnh drop off the channel
#tantekedited /hcard-input-examples (+9536) "start shopping checkout section with Advance Auto Parts example, prune some leftover scripting/presentational markup" (view diff)