#tantekwait - did autocorrect type that "hCard" then?!?
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#tommorristantek: I’m not sure there are any use cases for using link elements as u- properties. but we should probably have a formalised discussion on the wiki about it.
#tantektommorris - the use-case so far is http://adactio.com/about/myself/ which only contains a logo for adactio in a link element, which could work with u-photo if we put class=h-card on <html>
#tommorrisbut in the case of parsing, if it makes sense within the semantics of HTML, I’m not too bothered about there not being strong use cases, so long as one could plausibly use it that way and not break things.
#tantek"makes sense within the semantics of HTML" is necessary but not sufficient
#tantekas we deliberately avoid encouraging invisible metadata
#tantekso for example, microformats2 parsing ignores <meta> elements
#tommorrisso, allow invisible metadata iff compelling use cases can be presented?
#tommorrisHTML LS says that you can use the link element in three context: “where metadata content is expected” (which is?), in a noscript element that is the child of a head element, or something involving microdata/itemprop
#tantektommorris - the other aspect that makes me want to fix this (as proposed in the !tell to you above) is that we are already parsing <link> elements for rel values
#tantekso it's odd to ignore them for properties inside h-* microformats
#tommorrisI think mf2py is just parsing for *[@rel] rather than any particular elements with rels
#tantekso basically there's the (weak) consistency argument (<link> is parsed for rel, so should also be parsed for u-* properties), and there's the *potential* (strong) real world use case argument (if adactio goes the <html class="h-card"> path and uses <link class=u-logo rel="shortcut icon …" href="…"/> )
#tantekKartikPrabhu: re: should the door be opened to hidden mf data? note that the door is *already* open to <link> via rel parsing, and the <link>s we're talking about are all semi-visible, not completely hidden
#tantekwhy should <link rel="in-reply-to"> work but not <link class="u-in-reply-to"> (presumably inside an <html class="h-entry"> on a post permalink page) ?
#KartikPrabhuit is true that if people want to put hidden data they can already do so
#tantekagain - can you provide a specific real world <link> hidden data example that you're concerned about?
#KartikPrabhutantek: it seems any example I can think of can use a rel instead of u-* so it won't be a valid example
#KartikPrabhuso now I agree that <link rel> and <link class=u-*> should be on the same footing
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#tantekok just waiting on barnabywalters' opinion then
#tantekKartikPrabhu: perhaps update your comment on the issue then
#KevinMarkshm. That is tricky as it is a tension between DRY and invisible metadata
#tantekKevinMarks: see detail about semi-visible rather than invisible
#tantek<link rel=icon> is not truly invisible - it's semi-visible
#KevinMarkshistorically we've eschewed link-rel form some things (tags) and not others. If you allow link-rel allowing u-* on a link makes sense, though there may be containment issues wiht parsers
#KevinMarksdo you put the h-* on the <head>? or the <html>?
#KartikPrabhuKevinMarks: that just decides the scope of the h-*
#tantekKevinMarks: we don't disallow h-* on <head> or <html> right now - it's just that no one is doing it. (as in current parsers support it on both)
#KartikPrabhutantek: i think barnabywalters uses h-* on html
#tantekI see <html class="h-*"> applying to currently published markup use-cases
#tantekI don't see <head class="h-*"> applying to any currently real world markup use-cases.