#tantekedited /Main_Page (+71) "update wiki home page for microformats2 since they've been stable for over a year, simplify some of the text before the specs, separate rel microformats to reduce confusion, classic microformats" (view diff)
#csarvenCan mf2 properties chain its values to its descendent elements e.g., <span class=p-author><span class=h-card/></span> ? Or do they look for the values from their text nodes?
#aaronpki believe in that case the h-card appears as a child element rather than as the "author" property
#csarvenre: multiple authors, I think I'm stuck with either using p-author incorrectly or drop its use. I'm getting data from an API which returns random text for the author field. Can't be bothered to clean/normalize that
#csarvenSo, if this wasn't already discussed, if mf2 (or mf3?) allowed chaining, there'd be an ever clear way to map mf<->RDFa. That's not a justification for it to exist in any way.
#csarven1. possibility to complete attribute-value declarations through child elements 2. and the possibility to describe a new entity through the value of its parent.
#csarvenboth appear to be possible, with the exception that every entity is sort of like a bnode
#KevinMarks_every entity can have a url - in that example they all do I think
#csarvenAs I don't think something like this makes sense: <s class="u-uid"><s class="hcard/></s>
#KevinMarks_yes, urls identify things in microfromats
#csarvenAnd if you don't have an url, the thing you've described can't be identified? (URI is to "identify", URL is to "locate". Aside: In Tantek's beautiful words that I'd like reuse: this is "architecture astronomy talk")
#gRegorLoveI was about to ask what the use-case is, to better grasp what you're referring to. :)
#KevinMarks_you're free to append a # to the URLs to satisfy your pedantry
#csarvenIrrelevant at this point. mf doesn't acknowledge URIs. In any case, the question remains re: "urls identify things in microfromats", in the absence of an url, can a thing be identified?
#csarvenrhiaro url/uid/xyz are all properties. KevinMarks_ 's statement sounds like if url's are present, that would be the way to identify that thing. I'm asking what do you call "that" which has no url. Same applies for uid or any other property.
#KevinMarks_no, you need to explain *why* you want to do that
#csarvengRegorLove "value": "http:\/\/gregorlove.com\/assets\/img\/profile.jpg\r\n\t\t\tby gRegor Morrill" is not clear to me.
#csarvenDude, I'm asking what mf2 is doing. I don't have to prove anything to you!
#ben_thatmustbemecsarven: the default in many of these groups is "real world example" otherwise its just doing theoretical exercises that may be pointless
KevinMarks joined the channel
#gRegorLovecsarven: I think the php-mf2 parser used in my example is not correct. It should be pulling the p-name from the h-card child, "gRegor Morrill" in this instance.
#gRegorLoveThe issue's been raised and hopefully php-mf2 will be patched soon for that example.
#KevinMarksare you trying to link to the mf2 object?
#csarvenI'm asking about how something works or is called. Do you or do you not have a name for something which has no url? (As it was stated that "yes, urls identify things in microfromats". I'm asking about the opposite.)
#KevinMarksare you trying to address part of the parsed data?
#csarvenben_thatmustbeme Okay, in that example, there is no way to identify that h-entry correct? Other than perhaps its location in the document?
#ben_thatmustbemeas far as I know there is no name for it in mf2 world, its just parsed data at that point.
#csarven!tell tantek I've dropped h-listings. Using h-cite now. Defaulting to "broken" way of using p-author in h-cite because I am lazy (as a developer) to clean/normalize its value where it is retrieved from an external resource, and it contains multiple authors along with some other random text.
#aaronpkI am writing a pretty lengthy email, which should probably live as a web page somewhere, and then realized that this email is like a web page with no URL
#ben_thatmustbemethough generally if you are pulling something within a feed i'd recommend against using nth-of-type as thats will change as soon as anything is added
#ben_thatmustbemewonders how much browsers respect the "only one of an ID" and if [id]:nth-of-type would work
#csarvenIn a way XPath is actually a lot more powerful to refer/address/name/point to things in a document as it can traverse or look for certain conditions.
#KevinMarksright, tantek uses files with long collections of posts queried with xpath as the backend to his site
#KevinMarkswe've defined that as a general property like name
#csarvenaaronpk Right. I was giving an example to KevinMarks' point. p-url will give you url, but going back to p-url or u-url is not clear. Actually this holds true for all properties.
#KevinMarkswell, it can matter - I got this when trying to make the indiecards
#csarvenThe preference/default for some properties may be that "okay, if you see url, go with u-url"
#aaronpkthe way we've been using it, we go from parsed result back to HTML when doing things like displaying reply context or comments
#aaronpkin which case we know abotu the specific vocabulary of h-entry, so we can make assumptions about how to use the properties
#ben_thatmustbemethe only difference between <span class="p-url">http://example.com</span> and <span class="u-url" href="http://example.com">example.com</span> will be the value of Name
#jgaytantek, any chance you could make rel-jslicense to the existing-rel-values list? More sites have started to use it in the past year and more sites and frameworsk ahve complained to us about it not passing w3c validation
#tantekjgay - is there a spec for it? even just a wiki page would be a good start
#Loqitantek: csarven left you a message 3 hours, 47 minutes ago: I've dropped h-listings. Using h-cite now. Defaulting to "broken" way of using p-author in h-cite because I am lazy (as a developer) to clean/normalize its value where it is retrieved from an external resource, and it contains multiple authors along with some other random text.
#tantekdrat - was just trying to help with rel-jslicense edits
#tantekedited /rel-jslicense (+1058) "note no current issues, verify EFF live example in wild, note research of previous examples / other techniques used for indicating js license, mv Consumers to Implementations" (view diff)
#tantek!tell jgay I tried to improve the rel-jslicense spec a bit, preserving all the intent/meaning I think you put in, with additional explicit prose / description for publishers / consuming code.
#tantekbased on there being a written spec, real world usage of rel=jslicense by someone other than the author, and presence of real world consuming code, I definitely think its worthy of being added to existing-rel-values for HTML5 additions
#tantekanyone object to rel-jslicense? if you could document your issues at http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-jslicense#Issues that would be appreciated. seeing no other input I'm going to add it to existing-rel-values HTML5 values - though jgay could have done that himself too!
#tantekedited /existing-rel-values (-102) "move js-license from brainstorming to HTML5 proposed additions, could have been here before, but certainly now with real world publishing examples and consuming code!" (view diff)