#microformats 2017-02-25

2017-02-25 UTC
davidmead, [chrisaldrich], MeanderingCode, bear, bret, twisted` and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
@Clement_SEO You're probably looking for rel=me ( http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-me ); no SEO "magic" with regards to "authority" involved though.
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
If I have an h-entry DOM object, and all I need is its URL, am I safe to just search for a u-url and get its href, or are there other ways the url might be indicated?
You're better off using a real mf2 parser. You might find a u-url on a nested object otherwise
I was going to use querySelector()
I found a node parser. Is there a client-side one?
oh, now I see what you're saying, yeah
I forgot that's part of Firefox now!
That looks perfect. Awesome
I might have a v1.0 of this extension by Monday
what is it going to do?
Micropub client chrome extension. Including ability to right-click reply to entries
Chrome only, or is it cross-browser compatible with Firefox?
Chrome only for now
Is there a cross-browser extension API yet?
Yes. WebExtensions is cross-browser.
not 100% match yet, but seems like if you write something new it's fairly easy to make it work in both
(huge drama otherwise, but that's another topic and not for an on-topic channel)
Great. I'll look into switching to that
KevinMarks joined the channel
Fancy! Love how the first h-recipe’s you find in the wild are for drinks
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
can Loqi make you drinks already?
so close
imagines aaronpk calling to his Alexa: “Loqi, make me a Jasmine”
I saw your progress pictures, that's why I asked
Zegnat: that is definitely the plan :D
pniedzielski[m], [jeremycherfas], KartikPrabhu and davidmead joined the channel