sknebel!tell gRegorLove: nevermind, it only talks about implied timezones on a different section of the page, so this really could use clarification (*not* implying timezones but implying dates (which php-mf2 already does) seems really odd)
ZegnatIsn’t this up to consumers though? Or do mf parsers return normalised timestamps? I was under the impression that parsers should only return what was actually on the page (e.g. "end" would get value "21:00" not "2017-05-31T21:00+02:00")
ZegnatOh, hmm, and it only does applied date when vcp is used. So if I do <abbr class="dt-end" title="21:00">9 o’clock</abbr> the mf2 parser must return only "21:00".
ZegnatNot so much a discussion of vcp (which is pretty clear) but on implied dates. Maybe implied dates should be removed from vcp and be moved to dt-* parsing?
ZegnatThey were asking how much support for v2 there is, compared to v1. So told them and W3 standards like Micropub are all v2, as well as parsers (with link). If they do find a specific usecase for v1 I asked them to get in touch
LoqigRegorLove: sknebel left you a message 4 hours, 1 minute ago: nevermind, it only talks about implied timezones on a different section of the page, so this really could use clarification (*not* implying timezones but implying dates (which php-mf2 already does) seems really odd)
Loqi[Zegnat] Oh, hmm, and it only does applied date when vcp is used. So if I do <abbr class="dt-end" title="21:00">9 o’clock</abbr> the mf2 parser must return only "21:00".
tantekgRegorLove: html-lang and html-id to avoid confusing them with a possible actual property p-lang or p-id (which we don't have but might / could, especially from a vocabulary agnostic parser perspective)
gRegorLovetantek: Looking at the lang parsing again, the "html-lang" key doesn't show up in properties, only within e-* objects and at the same level as "type" and "properties", so maybe the prefix isn't necessary?