snarfedlooks like a recent mf2py change started doing that when there are inner tags, eg <div class="p-name">foo <span>bar</span></div> parses to name: ['foobar']
sknebelI'd guess with the whitespace changes the mf2-testsuite wasn't run (since it'll conflict with that all the time) and the tests outside it don't cover that?
aaronpkI realize this is something that's just assumed to have been done correctly, but I'm surprised that literally none of the tests happened to have that case in them
gRegorLovesnarfed, php-mf2 uses microformats/tests as a secondary test suite, still has local tests. Agreed, I think there should always be a lib-based test suite.
sknebelnever said there shouldn't be one, just wondering if we can't cover basics better if we collect them collectively instead of each lib on their own breaking something and adding a test for it
sknebelI think Zegnat implemented his algorithm "correctly" 2 times, but his writeup of it doesn't match, so if the writeup was followed trusting it'd do the same as the 2 implementations. gotta check that precisely though, since regex
KartikPrabhu3 criteria 1) don't break existing tests 2) don't use values that are all spacesi.e. <span>\t\n </span> should not count right? 3) fix this issue by snarfed ;)
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