#microformats 2018-07-19

2018-07-19 UTC
[jgmac1106], tantek, [Chris_Lott], [matpacker], [eddie], chimo and snarfed joined the channel
evening all. i'm trying to figure out h-media, eg https://github.com/snarfed/granary/blob/mf2py/granary/test/testdata/note_with_composite_photo.mf2.json . anyone know if it exists?
[eddie] joined the channel
!tell aaronpk looking at http://microformats.org/wiki/measure-brainstorming#microformats2 seems like h-measure is still a proposed property. I noticed you use it on your site. Anything important you’ve learned while implementing that? Looking at integrating energy burn and exercise time into my site
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
specifically, if i had an <img class="p-photo h-media">, that would parse to a photo property with a full fledged object with its own type and properties, as opposed to just string url or {value: ..., alt: ...}
I do use it to store all my exercise data
i currently evidently handle full h- objects in photo properties due to https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/296 , but i haven't found much anywhere else indicating that they (or h-media) exist
[snarfed] #296 parsed u-photo wrong while publishing to Twitter with picture
I still consider it experimental because I'm not consuming it from anywhere else yet (other than the micropub "client" that creates the posts)
I use h-measure as my internal storage format and a few of my cron jobs post data in that format converted from runkeeper/fitbit/etc
aaronpk: Makes sense, no “that was a mistake” feelings? :)
not yet! but I reserve judgment on that for when there is a real consuming use case ;-)
Makes sense! 👍
but i'm using it a bit more than just publishing the markup, since it is both created by a few of my scripts and also is my internal storage format, which gets rendered as HTML and re-published with the same mf2 properties
snarfed: according to the mf2 parsing rules, you're right that <img class="p-photo h-media"> results in an object for the "photo" property. I don't know of any actual instances of that being published tho
That makes sense. I think my first case of using it is I want to get the data from Apple Health to my site, so I’ll probably use it to do that transfer and storage, and then mark up mf2. Then maybe later on build some type of challenge against others interface or something to consume
tentatively starts removing h-media support
is it causing problems?
[eddie]: indiestep challenge! tho we'd need to define how to publish step counts, which is still one thing i'm missing from my site
overly complicated code, since photo (and maybe also video and audio) properties can be three different types
removing h- support would drop that to two
tantek joined the channel
aaronpk: step challenge would be fun! But definitely be challenging. I’m punting on step data right now for that exact reason. But we could do something like “minutes of exercise” too or something. It’d be fun to head down that way because right now all the health apps lock you in and if you don’t have friends using that app, no fun challenges can be had
Loqi, [kevinmarks], [wiobyrne], tantek, tantek__, bradenslen, barpthewire, [kim_landwehr], [eddie], [chrisaldrich], [ryan339] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
↩️ @aymerictwit Alors plutôt Json Ld ou microformats ?
[asuh], [chrisaldrich], [ryan339], [manton], tantek__, [colinwalker] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Step counts kind of are a measure with a timespan during which it counted... Sounds similar to the trip posts in some way, do you mark distance etc up on those?
barpthewire joined the channel
that's a good way of thinking of it
[eddie], [cleverdevil], bradenslen and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Weeeh, whitespace
made a small tweak and is watching the dominos fall
[snarfed] and [grantcodes] joined the channel