#microformats 2018-08-04

2018-08-04 UTC
[dougbeal], [jgmac1106], tantek, [kevinmarks], [tantek], [chrisaldrich], tantek__ and the_madman21 joined the channel
Zegnat: Updated the PR with your code. Thanks! https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2/pull/189
[gRegorLove] #189 Normalize ordinal dates
tantek, macker8, tantek__, eeeeeta, [eddie] and Maple__27 joined the channel
Just saw the template element discussion. What is wrong with just handling them the way specified by the HTML spec?
IIRC, per spec they have no contents when perusing the tree. So they are basically the same as a stray <div></div>. That wouldn’t result in anything in any mf2 output. Also per spec, they aren’t skipped during string serialisation. This is what e- uses, so they should not be dropped from e- ?
there's nothing "wrong" with that IMHO, it's something that's not clearly specified
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Isn’t it implied? I thought the spec said to follow the HTML5 spec?
Definitely for e- it is specified, as that specifies to use the HTML5 spec’s serialisation
question is if thats what consumers expect, the spec isn't very clear IMHO and I'm not sure what intent was if there was any for that case
specifically I wonder if sanitization code following e- is likely to handle it properly
Ah, alright, but that feels like a different question from what the spec says today. http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing#parsing_an_e-_property is pretty clear that the html member is the output of the HTML5 spec algorithm, and that specifically covers template elements already.
[Tantek Çelik] microformats2 parsing specification
and clearly others interpreted it differnetly before, removing it completely, reading "ignore" as "ignore in all steps"
I am going to blame HTML parsers for that, actually. A lot of the parsers will just add the contents of template elements as direct tree descendants. Which is wrong, but the only way their (often XML tree based) backend can handle it :(
So then you end up having to fix it yourself, even though you probably haven’t read through the HTML spec as you are using a third-party parser
blames HTML parsers for lots of things :P
[jgmac1106] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
I wonder how accurate a parser on top of a full browser engine would be, as a reference implementation. Would be crazy slow to spin up headless chromium for every parse though.
that's what the JS parser tries to do
if you don't use the node version
indy, jgmac1106_, bolt10 and chek joined the channel
ooh, the spam is new and annoying
Whiskey1 joined the channel
Uuh, Loqi, if you kick them, maybe not also say what they said?
Ckat0, sabre10410, t0ne3 and Menche21 joined the channel
the parsers thing is actually the one reason to not leak it through I see
: if the next state goesn't understand to completely remove it it might make template contents visible
Milos16, sabre10410, buriedalive12, [pfefferle], [jgmac1106], [chrisaldrich], rory13 and furiousDingo8 joined the channel
[metbril], [jgmac1106], hiya15, xous2, Pixelz4, [kevinmarks], PrettyKittie23, aOssed18, huhlig15, holodoc19, czart_ and mdoep26 joined the channel
↩️ I can't help but thinking that this may be a potential use case for microformats. I notice there's already some useful pages and research on music and even sheet music on their website. If nothing else, I'd recommend that you or others delving [more...] https://boffosocko.com/2018/08/04/a-million-dollars-and-a-nobel-prize-imani-mosley/
GWG, iwaim__, Melody\Concerto4, Dwarf8, [metbril], nolsen18, PaulCapestany18, WhitePhosphorus2, [kevinmarks], liste6, pixdamix, adamg, [pfefferle], wizonesolutions9, bads, grit2, dougbeal|mb1, mt28, [eddie], KartikPrabhu, gr33n7007h, salamanderrake and RoyK12 joined the channel; KartikPrabhu left the channel
↩️ There was already RDFa and microformats, but that wasn't enough, so Google put out microdata to go with http://schema.org... I fear open data and the web in general seems to be going downhill, these days. Just corporate silos, some of which have their proprietary APIs.
Freejack11, Captain_Beezay, Hijiri, dougbeal|mb1 and Fusl19 joined the channel